The burning or pain when urinating, also known as dysuria, is generally produced by inflammation derived from an infection, although not necessarily, that mainly affects the urethral orifice and the bladder, the latter affected less frequently.
This pathology affects both men and women, children and adults. In the case of women, it is usually caused by urinary tract infections, in the case of men, urethritis and certain conditions of the prostate are the frequent cause of pain when urinating.
It is affirmed that it is an evil that commonly affects women but in which there are no exceptions when it comes to choosing sex and age. Among the most frequent causes are cystitis (infection of the bladder) and urethritis (infection of the urethra) caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Symptoms and Causes of burning when urinating
Among people who suffer from painful urination, there are certain symptoms that can become a cause for concern if they are not treated. Among them are the following:
· Fever.
· Pain in the lumbar or flanks.
· Immune system disorders.
· Having been exposed to the introduction of an instrument into the bladder.
· Repetitive episodes of infections during childhood.
· Having suffered an abnormality in the urinary tract.
The causes can vary depending on the sex, this due to the difference that occurs in the physiology of both genders:
In the man
· In man, it can be caused by bladder infections, prostate diseases such as prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer, kidney stones (stones) in both the kidneys and bladder, and urethritis.
In women
· In women it can be caused by infections in the bladder, kidney and vaginal area. Vulvovaginitis, kidney and bladder stones, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia, genital herpes, and gonorrhea. Also, the use of intimate hygiene products, lubricants and condoms that contain spermicides are the cause of this recurrent condition in women.
Natural Treatments
The treatment to be received by a doctor for this type of condition is to give the patient antibiotics, achieving relief in a couple of days, but if the discomfort persists and becomes more intense, the patient will be medicated with phenazopyridine for only a few days so that the antibiotic take effect.
There are cases in which you can treat yourself with a series of measures and natural remedies that will fulfill the function of eliminating the microorganisms that are present in the bladder. These measures follow a logical order and of personal care that will help to relieve the burning in a natural way.
· It is best to drink plenty of water that contributes to the flow of urine and thus go to the bathroom more frequently to expel as many bacteria as possible.
· The ingestion of tea infusions helps fight urinary infections since some are diuretic, possess anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Two rates a day is sufficient.
· Sodium bicarbonate diluted in a glass of water helps to lower the acidity of the urine and therefore reduce the burning when urinating.
· The grooming greatly influences the proliferation of bacteria in the urine is therefore to be cleaned with hands previously washed from front to back after evacuating not spread bacteria from the anal area, also, use clean underwear preferably cotton or some natural fabric is effective.
· Not holding the urge to urinate and it is recommended after intercourse to urinate to expel possible bacteria.
· The woman should avoid intimate cleaning products that can irritate her. These products are creams, deodorants, showers, powders that can irritate the urethra in the genital area.
· The use of some contraceptives such as diaphragms, and other methods that have spermicides contribute to the growth of bacteria. It is recommended that during sexual intercourse use a lubricant.
The use of these measures will help significantly to reduce burning when urinating, it must be taken into account that part of these measures are for daily and everyday use in which no specialized treatment is required and in case of not getting the Expected results you should contact a specialist to undergo analyzes that result in an effective treatment.
When to see a doctor?
It is recommended to contact the doctor at the sign of the following cases:
· Secretions in the penis / vagina.
· Urine has a bad odor, is cloudy, or is bloody.
· High fever.
· Back pains.
· Expel kidney or bladder calculus.
· If you are pregnant and have pain when urinating.
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