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fiona basil
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
The heart is the body's pump, whose function is to maintain the constant and permanent flow of blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the human body and carries waste products and CO 2 to the lungs, kidneys, liver and colon, for elimination. For the heart to function, it requires a stage of muscle relaxation, in which its chambers fill with blood and then a stage of muscle contraction, which is what allows the expulsion or mobilization of blood and extracellular fluid throughout the body. Multiple diseases affect the length and frequency of this cycle. For what is known as diseases that cause cardiac arrhythmia. What is a cardiac arrhythmia A cardiac arrhythmia is the alteration in the speed of conduction of electrical impulses generated in the heart. This can be increased, slowed or generated in a disorderly way in more than one place. The contraction and relaxation of the heart occurs at preset time intervals, which is known as the heart rate. Roughly to simplify the electrophysiology of the heart, the cardiac cycle has two phases diastole (relaxation) and systole (contraction), one precedes the other and must have concluded before the next cycle begins, this is called heart rhythm. 10 diseases that cause cardiac arrhythmia A cardiac arrhythmia is when the relaxation and contraction cycle is interrupted or one begins before the other ends and they lose synchrony. 1. Coronary heart disease and coronary heart attacks When the heart suffers a heart attack, the affected cells die and are replaced by fibrous or scar tissue, this tissue does not allow the transmission or passage of electrical impulses, creating areas susceptible to rhythm disturbances or foci of cardiac arrhythmia. During the episode of a heart attack, the heart muscle moves abnormally, considerably increasing the chances of developing arrhythmias. 2. Coronary atherosclerosis The obstruction of the arteries of the heart by atherosclerosis cholesterol plaques causes a decrease in blood flow. What can generate irregular contraction of the wall of the heart muscle that triggers cardiac arrhythmia. 3. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome This is a congenital disease (one is born with it), in which the patient is born with an accessory pathway, or an additional pathway of conduction of electrical impulses, which generates cardiac arrhythmia. 4. High blood pressure The increase in blood pressure or hypertension causes the heart to work more, therefore its muscular walls thicken and this thickening slows down the conduction time, favoring the appearance of cardiac arrhythmia. 5. Atrial fibrillation The heartbeat must originate in an area called the synodal node and from there travel in an orderly fashion throughout the heart. In atrial fibrillation, other tissues of the atrium or areas of the heart take control of the conduction and generation of the heartbeat, producing asynchronous, disorganized contractions, which trigger a cardiac arrhythmia. 6. Hyperthyroidism The thyroid gland when it is working excessively or secreting an increased amount of thyroxine hormone, it is called hyperthyroidism. This hormone accelerates all the metabolic functions of the body, generating an increase in the frequency of contraction of the heart or tachycardia, which can trigger cardiac arrhythmias that can be fatal. 7. Hypothyroidism When the thyroid gland works less than normal, it secretes less tyrosine, producing a slowdown in metabolism, a decrease in heart rate and a slight decrease in cardiac contractility, which leads to cardiac arrhythmia. 8. Lyme disease The Lyme disease is caused by the bite of an infected tick with Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, or any of the three subtypes. When this bacterium infects the heart, it produces Carditis or inflammation of the heart muscle, causing a blockage in the conduction of electrical impulses in the heart. The cardiac arrhythmia of Lyme disease occurs in only 1% of patients with Lyme and usually recovers after 21 days when properly treated. 9. Chagas disease Disease Chagas disease is transmitted by the bite of an insect called chipo or bug (reduviid or triatomine) infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite enters the bloodstream and, once in contact with the cells of the heart grows and multiplies until cells dilate and cause them to lose their conduction functions, causing cardiac arrhythmia and heart dilation, 10. Dehydration and hypokalemia The loss of electrolytes that accompany dehydration, particularly the decrease in the potassium level in cardiac cells and in the blood, produces the appearance of cardiac arrhythmia. Also its increase as well as variations in the concentration of sodium or calcium. Joint discomfort is common and usually felt in the hands, feet, hips, knees, or spine. Pain may be constant or it can come and go. Sometimes the joint can feel stiff, achy, or sore. Some patients complain of a burning, throbbing, or “grating” sensation. In addition, the joint may feel stiff in the morning but loosen up and feel better with movement and activity. However, too much activity could make the pain worse. Joint Guard 360 Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
The burning or pain when urinating, also known as dysuria, is generally produced by inflammation derived from an infection, although not necessarily, that mainly affects the urethral orifice and the bladder, the latter affected less frequently. This pathology affects both men and women, children and adults. In the case of women, it is usually caused by urinary tract infections, in the case of men, urethritis and certain conditions of the prostate are the frequent cause of pain when urinating. It is affirmed that it is an evil that commonly affects women but in which there are no exceptions when it comes to choosing sex and age. Among the most frequent causes are cystitis (infection of the bladder) and urethritis (infection of the urethra) caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Symptoms and Causes of burning when urinating Among people who suffer from painful urination, there are certain symptoms that can become a cause for concern if they are not treated. Among them are the following: · Fever. · Pain in the lumbar or flanks. · Immune system disorders. · Having been exposed to the introduction of an instrument into the bladder. · Repetitive episodes of infections during childhood. · Having suffered an abnormality in the urinary tract. The causes can vary depending on the sex, this due to the difference that occurs in the physiology of both genders: In the man · In man, it can be caused by bladder infections, prostate diseases such as prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer, kidney stones (stones) in both the kidneys and bladder, and urethritis. In women · In women it can be caused by infections in the bladder, kidney and vaginal area. Vulvovaginitis, kidney and bladder stones, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia, genital herpes, and gonorrhea. Also, the use of intimate hygiene products, lubricants and condoms that contain spermicides are the cause of this recurrent condition in women. Natural Treatments The treatment to be received by a doctor for this type of condition is to give the patient antibiotics, achieving relief in a couple of days, but if the discomfort persists and becomes more intense, the patient will be medicated with phenazopyridine for only a few days so that the antibiotic take effect. There are cases in which you can treat yourself with a series of measures and natural remedies that will fulfill the function of eliminating the microorganisms that are present in the bladder. These measures follow a logical order and of personal care that will help to relieve the burning in a natural way. · It is best to drink plenty of water that contributes to the flow of urine and thus go to the bathroom more frequently to expel as many bacteria as possible. · The ingestion of tea infusions helps fight urinary infections since some are diuretic, possess anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Two rates a day is sufficient. · Sodium bicarbonate diluted in a glass of water helps to lower the acidity of the urine and therefore reduce the burning when urinating. · The grooming greatly influences the proliferation of bacteria in the urine is therefore to be cleaned with hands previously washed from front to back after evacuating not spread bacteria from the anal area, also, use clean underwear preferably cotton or some natural fabric is effective. · Not holding the urge to urinate and it is recommended after intercourse to urinate to expel possible bacteria. · The woman should avoid intimate cleaning products that can irritate her. These products are creams, deodorants, showers, powders that can irritate the urethra in the genital area. · The use of some contraceptives such as diaphragms, and other methods that have spermicides contribute to the growth of bacteria. It is recommended that during sexual intercourse use a lubricant. The use of these measures will help significantly to reduce burning when urinating, it must be taken into account that part of these measures are for daily and everyday use in which no specialized treatment is required and in case of not getting the Expected results you should contact a specialist to undergo analyzes that result in an effective treatment. When to see a doctor? It is recommended to contact the doctor at the sign of the following cases: · Secretions in the penis / vagina. · Urine has a bad odor, is cloudy, or is bloody. · High fever. · Back pains. · Expel kidney or bladder calculus. · If you are pregnant and have pain when urinating. Diabetes is usually treated with insulin pills or even injections when required as well as other medications, but if blood glucose levels can be controlled naturally, medication can be avoided. Diet and lifestyle modifications are the best way to control blood sugar and can lead to a healthy and productive life. Glucose1 Pills Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 04, 2021
In General Discussions
The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the front region of your neck. Despite being located in a strange place, this gland is essential for producing hormones, many of which will affect your overall metabolic rate and your performance in the gym. If it doesn't work well, you'll soon start to notice the signs of thyroid problems. 5 reasons why you have thyroid problems and how to avoid them Thyroid problems are surprisingly common, affecting more than 20 million people in the United States alone. But what do you need to know about it? 1. Stress The thyroid glands do not work alone: ​​they work in conjunction with the adrenal glands to produce hormones. The adrenal glands are responsible for releasing cortisol, which is a stress management hormone. Excess stress can strain the adrenal glands and cause them to produce excess cortisol to which you will become increasingly resistant. This imbalance will cause your metabolism to slow down, leading to weight gain, more stress, insulin resistance, blood sugar problems, and slowed or stopped thyroid function. Here are some ways to manage stress: · Eat well · Have a good sleep schedule · Follow a daily to-do list · Meditate and manage your breath · Taking time for self-care or relaxation · Hang out with trusted friends or family · Consume all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals 2. Diseases Autoimmune conditions are possibly the most common cause of thyroid problems. Autoimmune diseases are disorders in which your immune system becomes confused and begins to attack your own body. Common conditions (and medical circumstances) that lead to thyroid problems are: · Graves disease · Hashimoto's disease · Tumors · Medication · Nodules · Thyroid surgery · Genetic conditions · Radiation therapy To avoid late detection that can cause complications, make sure you are aware of your blood tests. Go to scheduled checkups, ask questions if you have doubts, and don't hide your symptoms. Early diagnosis can do wonders. 3. Inflammation Chronic inflammation is the beginning of many, many diseases, and thyroid problems are one of them. Natural pain is healthy and only happens when you are injured, that's why cuts burn or muscles feel sore after a workout. They are inflamed and therefore healing. But when the gland starts to constantly produce inflammation, it can end up becoming chronic inflammation. This condition can trigger cortisol production in the body, and it also leads to increased production of certain hormones in your body. Here are some ways to reduce chronic inflammation: • Eat anti-inflammatory foods and avoid inflammatory ones • Learn to better manage stress (see tips above) • Make sure you exercise for a minimum of 150 minutes per week • Maintain a healthy and balanced weight • Monitor your blood sugar level 4. Toxins There are toxins everywhere, and they all cause hormonal functions to suffer, leading to the thyroid gland to suffer. The most common toxins that affect people in this way are polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs, polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, and many, many more. It is best to stay away from any product unless you know its ingredients for sure. 5. Overdose or underdose of vitamins In many cases, lack of nutrition is what leads to illness. In the case of thyroid problems, overdoses are also a common factor to consider. Here are some common vitamin overdoses and underdoses that lead to thyroid problems: Iodine Yes, you need iodine for hormone production, and a lack of iodine can also cause thyroid problems. But did you know that consuming an excess of 400 mcg of iodine per day can cause many complications, including that of the thyroid? Iron In order for the thyroid to produce peroxidase in a healthy and positive way, it needs iron. Without it, thyroid hormones cannot be synthesized, and iron deficiency anemia also opens the door to a variety of diseases. Vitamin A Vitamin A is able to bind to hormone receptors in the thyroid, increasing a certain type of hormone that is very necessary. You can lose up to two-thirds of your thyroid hormones if you don't pay attention to vitamin A. Selenium The thyroid needs selenium to convert certain types of hormones to others. This nutrient helps protect against autoimmune diseases and also works to promote healthy thyroid function. A deficiency of this can lead to hypothyroidism. Chrome The more selenium you take, the more chromium you will excrete. That is why it is a good idea to pay attention to your daily intake of this little-known vitamin. How to avoid thyroid problems 1. Avoid toxins Many chemicals can be toxic to the thyroid gland, and these are chemicals that you will want to avoid. These chemicals are often called endocrine disruptors, and they seriously affect your hormonal system, as that term suggests. The chemicals to avoid are: 1. Perfluorinated chemicals. Known simply as PFCs, these chemicals are used to protect against water, fire, and stains. 2. These are commonly found in toothpaste, soaps, and other antibacterial products. Also, in soft plastics and scented materials. 3. Non-stick coatings. Mainly used in pans and kitchen equipment. These can cause a hormonal imbalance. 4. Bisphenol A. The notorious BPA is found in the linings of food cans, as well as cheap plastics. Of course, it is unlikely that you can completely avoid these chemicals, so you have to try to reduce your exposure to them. You can do it in the following way: 1. Using essential oils as fragrances. 2. Use glass, porcelain, or ceramic containers instead of plastic. 3. Use ordinary soap and water to wash your hands. 4. Buy more fresh or frozen produce instead of canned food 5. Make sure your home has enough ventilation 2. Don't go on starvation diets Fad diets are popular for their rapid effectiveness, but they are objectively terrible for your body in many ways. Not only are you likely to gain all the weight again by the time you stop the diet, but you are also lowering your metabolic rate and exposing yourself to thyroid problems. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, poorly done fasting causes your primary thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism to decrease its efficiency by 53%. Many other thyroid hormones also suffer a decrease in their levels. Also, cortisol levels rise when you starve, causing you stress because your body thinks it is in danger. As a result, you can start to retain a lot of fat. 3. Eat well A healthy diet is one of the most crucial parts of keeping your thyroid in good working order. This is because 71% of the body's autoimmune system lives in the intestine. This is called intestinal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, or GALT, and research has linked its inflammation to thyroid disease. Many doctors recommend a Mediterranean diet to control inflammation. It is not strictly necessary, but your meals should include: · Lean protein · Fatty fish; examples include herring, mackerel, and salmon · Three or four servings of fruit a day · Four to five servings of vegetables a day · Healthy fats; examples include walnuts, olive oil, and avocados However, there are also foods you should avoid, some of which may surprise you! You should stay away from: Processed foods These foods are full of sugars, colors, added preservatives, trans fats, and all kinds of dangerous ingredients. They are also harmful to the entire body, not just the thyroid. Soy To be fair, soy has many positive benefits for general health. Unfortunately, more and more research has shown that soy affects the body's ability to absorb levothyroxine, which can interfere with hormone-related medication. Cruciferous vegetables, raw Yes, you should even take care of these super healthy veggies. Or rather, you should be careful not to eat them raw. Raw cruciferous vegetables contain goitrogens, which are natural chemicals that can cause problems with the thyroid system. Examples of these vegetables are Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, watercress, and cabbage. 4. Reduce resistance exercise Resistance exercises, such as spinning classes, long-distance runs, and other similar forms of activity, can be harmful to your thyroid if you do them excessively. This is for the same reason starvation diets are bad for you: your cortisol levels skyrocket, fewer hormones are produced, and you start storing fat and getting hungry quickly. So what kinds of workouts can you do? High intensity workouts, especially circuit training, are good options. Short exercises of up to 40 minutes can work very well, allowing maximum fat burning without the excessive cardio that increases cortisol. 5. Stop smoking Cigarette smoke is full of toxins, including thiocyanate, which disrupts iodine processes, preventing the thyroid from producing your natural hormones. Smoking can also change the way you produce hormones, and research indicates that smokers are at increased risk for Graves' disease, which is one of the leading causes of hyperthyroidism worldwide. Of course, quitting a tobacco addiction is easier said than done. Don't be afraid to seek help from a doctor. With medical understanding, positive thinking, and a genuine desire to quit smoking, you can put your smoking days behind you. 6. Be careful with X-rays The thyroid gland is susceptible to radiation, and is among the organs most sensitive to radiation. Remember that there are many types of X-rays that are just what you see in the movies. Types of X-rays include: · Mammograms · Dental x-rays · MRI scans Research by the US National Cancer Institute found that people who receive dental X-rays are much more likely to develop thyroid cancer - up to five times more likely, in fact! But if you can't avoid X-rays, then what can you do? Whenever you need to undergo a procedure that involves radiation, ask for a thyroid shield! It's basically an apron made of lead that covers the neck while the technician takes the picture. Cholesterol is a natural substance made by the body. Most of the cholesterol in our bloodstream (75%) is produced by the liver, and the remaining 25% comes from the foods we eat. We all know that elevated blood cholesterol levels are not good for your health, but the right levels of cholesterol actually play a vital role in maintaining cell membranes and synthesizing hormones. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy
fiona basil
Sep 03, 2021
In General Discussions
Headaches can be alarming because people often think it could be a sign of something serious. A person with headaches should always discuss this with their doctor. In turn, the doctor can make a correct diagnosis of the type of headaches the patient is suffering from, and whether or not to see a headache specialist. While headaches can be caused by something quite simple, like dehydration or fatigue, it could also be a sign of a more serious illness. Most common types of headaches Before taking a couple of pills when you feel a headache or migraine, take the time to notice your symptoms to make sure there isn't something more serious going on. There are four main types of headaches and each one reveals something about our health. Each one can tell you something about your body, and basically, they are the headaches that usually accompany us most often: we can suffer from tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches and sinus headaches. What headaches reveal about your health Knowing what type of headache, you are experiencing can help you treat it correctly. While pain relievers can work for temporary relief, there are more natural options to help ease your pain as well. 1. Tension headache or tension headache A tension headache is the most common type of headache. It feels like constant pain or pressure around your head, especially in the temples or the back of the head and neck. It can feel like a pain radiating above and below the eyes. A tension headache is not as serious as a migraine, so it does not usually cause nausea or vomiting. Experts believe that this type of headache can be caused by contraction of the muscles of the neck and scalp, and may be a response to stress. How to treat it: Ginger tea can help reduce inflammation, and putting peppermint oil on your hairline can create a cooling sensation to relax your head and neck muscles. The combination of these two natural remedies will help eliminate the pain of a tension headache. 2. Migraine Migraines affect 38 million men, women and children in the US alone. They are most common between the ages of 25 and 55, but no matter what age, anyone could experience one too. A migraine is more than just a bad headache. It is an extremely debilitating collection of neurological symptoms. Includes severe recurring and severe throbbing pain on one side of the head (in about a third of attacks both parts are affected), accompanied by other symptoms which may include visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, extreme sensitivity to sound, light, touch and smell, and tingling or numbness in the face. This type of headache tends to radiate from the top of the face downward. How to treat it: Vitamin B12 (riboflavin) has been shown to help those who suffer from migraines, as have omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. Make sure you are getting enough of these in your diet on a daily basis to help prevent migraine attacks. A 2011 study also found that aerobic exercise was as effective in preventing migraines as topiramate, a migraine preventive drug, concluding that daily exercise can be used as a substitute for medication. 3. Cluster headaches Cluster headaches generally occur in one eye, and affect more men than women. A cluster headache is recurrent, and it can occur in a group or a cycle. A cluster headache can come on suddenly and cause severe, debilitating pain on one side of the head. When you experience a cluster headache, you may also experience a watery eye and nasal congestion or a runny nose. The cause is unknown, but this type of headache occurs when a nerve pathway at the base of the brain is activated. How to treat it: The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. Applying a small amount of capsaicin cream to the nostril where pain is being experienced can help block pain signals from the nerve. 4. Sinus headache A sinus headache occurs when a sinus becomes inflamed, and can lead to headaches. These headaches are caused by an infection, and are usually accompanied by a fever, and pressure around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead. How to treat it: Drink plenty of fluids to hydrate your body. Hot water can help open your sinuses and reduce inflammation. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants and can help the body fight infection, so eat a couple of oranges or other foods rich in vitamin C, or enjoy some green tea with lemon. You may also want to try a hot and cold compress, hot soup, and some fresh ginger, which contains anti-inflammatory properties and relieves pain. A keto diet could be a terribly high-fat low-carbohydrate diet that's designed to induce metabolism. Once the body is depleted of glucose stores, it shifts to metabolizing fat and fatty acids that produces compounds referred to as ketones. Ketones cross through the barrier and enter the brain, wherever they’re used as an alternate energy supply. Athlete Pharm Keto
fiona basil
Sep 01, 2021
In General Discussions
The pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (International Association for the Study of Pain) as a sensory experience and emotional unpleasant, associated with a tissue, actual or potential damage, or described in terms of such damage. We can classify pain taking into account its duration, origin, location, how it evolves, according to its intensity, prognostic factors or risk factors, and according to pharmacology, that is, according to the drugs that relieve a certain pain. But today we will only talk about the classification according to the duration of the pain, according to this, the pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain or chronic pain Acute pain is one that is limited in time, that is, it has a specific duration or is transitory, this type of pain does not usually have psychological consequences in the individual who suffers it. On the other hand we have chronic pain, this type of pain is different since it is not limited, it can last for weeks, months or even years. As in all chronic or persistent diseases, this entity can cause many more disorders, which go beyond the simple presence of pain, especially psychological disorders, such as new or aggravated depression, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. In addition to this, there are also changes in the work, social and economic environment, since for people who suffer from chronic pain, going to work, doing housework, going to parties and meetings is much more complicated than for someone who does not suffer from said manifestation. All these modifications in the person's life will be directly proportional to the intensity and characteristics of the pain, since the greater the pain, the greater the deterioration. There are different factors that can be considered the cause of this condition. As, for example, that the individual has experienced some traumatic injury, aging, obesity, poor posture and bad habits. But in many cases, chronic pain is a symptom that indicates the possible presence of another disease, as evidenced in arthritis, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, alterations in the discs of the spine, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, in fibromyalgia, migraines, etc. Treatment or management of chronic pain For everything that involves suffering from chronic pain, finding a treatment or management is essential for the person to maintain a relatively normal lifestyle. This treatment must be personalized, since as we were able to observe the causes of this type of pain are not always the same. There is a method that has had very good results and is easy to use, designed by the World Health Organization (WHO), considering pain as a public health problem. This method is known as the Analgesic Ladder and consists of using analgesics according to the intensity of the pain and as it increases, the potency of the analgesic is also increased until it reaches opioids. 1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called NSAIDs for their acronym, are indicated in chronic pain whose intensity ranges from mild to moderate and where swelling may also be evidenced. 2. Paracetamol Acetaminophen or Paracetamol, is indicated in mild to moderate pain and its function is to block the generation of the painful impulse at the peripheral level. 3. Inhibitors Selective inhibitors of Cyclooxygenase 2 or COX-2 inhibitors, their mechanism of action and effects are very similar to those of NSAIDs but they have fewer side effects. 4. Antidepressants and anticonvulsants They are atypical drugs since their daily use in medicine is not aimed at relieving pain, but they decrease the neural signals of it. It is generally used in people who have sharp or severe pain caused by nerve injury. For example fibromyalgia and neuralgic pain that diabetic patients present. 5. Opioids They are drugs that relieve intense pain such as morphine, they reduce the strength or intensity of the pain signals that reach the brain, reducing the effects of the painful stimulus. These drugs are of delicate use since they can cause addiction or dependence. 6. Topical pain relievers We also get topical painkillers, which are nothing more than the aforementioned drugs in the form of patches, ointments and creams, which can be applied directly to the skin. 7. Psychological therapy In addition to drugs, the patient should receive psychological help, since the presence of this entity and all the changes that it entails in the person's daily life, will cause changes at this level, such as depression, which can be a great obstacle for these patients. The drugs described above should always be indicated by a specialist and administered under medical supervision, the patient should avoid self-medication as much as possible. Hair fall is a very common condition and affects most people at some point of time in their lives. It is normal for an average individual to lose 50-100 hair a day. Those with bald patches or thinning means they are losing hair, somewhat more than when compared others. TressAnew
fiona basil
Aug 30, 2021
In General Discussions
Neuropathy is a condition caused by damage to the nerves on the outside of the brain and spinal cord, which can cause pain and weakness in the hands, feet, and other parts of the body. This condition, also known as peripheral neuropathy, is characterized by affecting the normal function of the nerves, causing them to send pain signals at inappropriate times. Therefore, thanks to neuropathy, you could feel pain when you are not really experiencing it, and not feel pain when something or someone hurts you. The peripheral nervous system connects the nerves in your spinal cord and brain to the rest of your body, including your: · arms · Hands · Feet · Legs · Internal organs · Mouth · Expensive Your nervous system sends signals to your brain, telling you when danger or pain is imminent. Usually, a disturbance of the nervous system occurs due to: · A wound · Infection · An inherited disorder · Systemic disease While the damage to the nervous system causes discomfort, the good news is that it is very treatable. Your doctor will ask you questions about your health, such as previous injuries or infections, to determine the best course of treatment. If you have a serious underlying condition, this is definitely something you should tell your doctor as it could explain the cause of the nerve damage. The different types of neuropathy First of all, you need to know that you have three different types of peripheral nerves in your body: sensory nerves, which send signals to your skin, motor nerves, which connect to muscles, and autonomic nerves, which send messages to your internal organs. Neuropathy can affect just one group of nerves or all three, and each type will have different symptoms and treatment schedules. In all, science identifies more than 100 different types of peripheral neuropathy. These are classified by the type of nerve damage involved; Mononeuropathy occurs when there is damage to a single nerve, and polyneuropathies occur when multiple nerves are affected. Common symptoms of neuropathy · Tingling sensation most commonly felt in the hands or feet · A feeling of compression around the hands or feet · Sharp, stabbing pains · Numbness in the limbs · Feeling of weakness or heaviness in the hands or feet · You feel like your arms or legs get locked · Dropping things often · Thinning of the skin · Low blood pressure · Erectile dysfunction in men · Constipation · Digestive problems · Diarrhea · Excessive sweating Having these symptoms doesn't necessarily indicate nerve damage, but be sure to tell your doctor about them so they can make an accurate evaluation. These are the top 5 causes of neuropathy: While having a family history of nerve damage disorders increases the likelihood of developing them, there are other factors that can contribute to this condition as well. Next, we will go over some of the main causes of neuropathy. 1. Generalized diseases Diseases like diabetes are known to increase the likelihood of developing nerve damage, as high blood glucose levels and high triglycerides can upset the nervous system. The development of neuropathy increases dramatically in people who: · Have diabetes · Are overweight or obese · Have high blood pressure · Are over 40 years old According to statistics provided by the University of Chicago Center for Peripheral Neuropathy (UCCPN), about 60% of people with diabetes suffer from some type of nerve damage. This damage occurs most often from high blood sugar levels, although having high levels of fat in the blood can also contribute. Nerve damage can also occur as a result of the following chronic diseases: · Kidney disorders that cause toxins to build up in the body · Hypothyroidism, which can lead to fluid retention and pressure around the nerves · Chronic inflammation can spread to the nerves and cause damage to connective tissues. · Vitamin B and E deficiencies specifically, which help with proper nerve function 2. Injuries Commonly, nerve damage occurs due to some type of physical damage. This can include car accidents, bone fractures, concussions, or falls. Sedentary lifestyles can also cause nerve damage from sitting in one position for a long time. Working for long hours at the computer can also lead to nerve damage due to leaving your wrist in one place most of the time. This condition, called carpal tunnel syndrome, affects more than 3 million Americans each year and is a common type of neuropathy. 3. Alcohol and other toxins Over time, alcohol can damage the nerves due to high levels of toxicity in the body. Other toxins that can cause nerve problems include glue, pesticides, and solvents with high levels of exposure. Working in heavy metal environments without taking proper precautions can also cause nerve problems. 4. Infections and autoimmune disorders Some viruses and bacteria specifically target the nervous system, such as herpes simplex, the varicella-zoster virus, responsible for chickenpox and shingles, and the Epstein-Barr virus, which damages sensory nerves and causes pain. stinging. Bacterial infections like Lyme disease can also cause nerve damage and discomfort if left untreated. People who have HIV or AIDS can also experience peripheral neuropathy. Also, autoimmune disorders like arthritis and lupus can affect the nerves due to chronic inflammation and tissue damage throughout the body. Pressure from swelling can also cause nerve pain in the legs and arms. 5. Medications Certain medications, such as the ones listed below, can also cause nerve damage in some cases: · Anticonvulsants that are taken to treat seizures · Medicines to fight bacterial infections · Some blood pressure medications · Anticancer drugs Diagnose nervous disorders To diagnose these types of conditions, your doctor will first do a physical exam and learn your medical history. If this does not help them determine the problem, they will perform other tests such as: · Blood tests that show your blood sugar levels and help them determine if you may have a thyroid disorder. · Your doctor may also want to do a CT scan or MRI to see if something is pressing on your nerves, such as a tumor. · A nerve biopsy, in which you will have minor surgery so the doctor can remove a small portion of your nerves for inspection under a microscope. · An electromyogram, which involves the doctor inserting a small needle into the muscle and asking you to move it gently, which may show problems with the way nerve signals move to the muscles. The needle will confirm the amount of electricity that runs through your fabric. While it may seem painful, this procedure only causes mild pain for a few days. · Lastly, your doctor may also want to perform a nerve conduction study, which involves placing electrodes on the skin, which pulse small amounts of electricity through the nerves. This will show if your nerves are transmitting signals correctly. Natural ways to treat neuropathy The cause of the neuropathy will determine your course of treatment. For example, if diabetes is the cause in this case, you will probably need medication or lifestyle changes to control spikes in blood sugar. If it is a vitamin deficiency, then you will need to supplement with vitamins or start eating more vitamin-rich foods. Sometimes a combination of medications and lifestyle changes is necessary. However, since we will be discussing natural treatments in this article, we will skip the recommended medications that are often prescribed for neuropathy. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may not work for everyone, but this method does not involve the use of medication and is relatively painless. In TENS treatment, your doctor will place electrodes on your skin, which will send small amounts of electricity to the body. The goal of this therapy is to prevent the nerves from sending pain signals to the brain. Ergonomic casts or splints Your doctor may recommend this type of cast or splint if your nerve problem occurs in your feet, legs, arms, or hands. These casts provide support for the area of ​​the body where you experience pain or discomfort, for example in the wrists if you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Many people who work at the computer for long hours wear a brace while they sleep, which keeps their wrists in the correct position. Home treatments Natural remedies such as the following can significantly help alleviate pain associated with nerve problems: · Chiropractic care · Acupuncture · Massages · Meditation · Yoga · Regular exercise · Refrain from consuming alcohol and smoking Prevent and reduce the risks of developing this condition While family predisposition can increase your risk of developing neuropathy, you can still take precautions by: · Avoid alcohol or drink it only in moderation · Stop smoking if you've already started · Have a balanced diet · Exercise regularly · Manage stress Living a diabetic life is a challenge. You need to constantly monitor your diet and ensure that your blood sugar level is well under control. One of the major diseases affecting millions and millions of people in the country today, diabetes is life-long and deadly. It is a condition when the hormone called insulin that is produced by the pancreas is unable to break down glucose into energy, and as such, the blood sugar level increases in the body. What one eats plays a crucial role for diabetics, and monitoring it constantly along with following regular meal schedule ca help tremendously. Physical activity is a must too to ensure that insulin is utilized by the body. Nucentix GS-85
fiona basil
Aug 21, 2021
In General Discussions
One of the bad habits that many people have is smoking tobacco or cigarettes, some do it considering that it is not so harmful to health, but the consequences are really serious. Therefore, eliminate the urge to smoke by doing the 3 things that will be described in this post below. 1. Set the date to quit smoking There are many things and resources that can significantly help you quit smoking, such as friends, family, and other colleagues. But in order to be truly successful in fighting this bad habit, the most important thing is to have the desire and the willpower to do so. In view of the above, it is essential to set the date as the first step. Once the date has been set, you can start reducing your cigarette use. Next, you should make a list of the top reasons you want to quit, including the health benefits. It would also be very useful to identify those times when you tend to smoke more frequently. It is important to evaluate the following factors and observe if the desire to smoke increases in order to avoid or minimize these moments. Namely, Al: · Being depressed, stressed, or bored. · Night fall. · Share with friends · Drink alcohol or coffee. · Rest from work. · Any other time when you are more likely to fall into the bad habit. You can also tell family, friends and co-workers about the plan to quit smoking that has been programmed and from what date the change process will begin. By doing it this way, these family friends will understand why you may find yourself in a negative mood at certain times. From the date you set to quit smoking, it is very important to get rid of all cigarettes and clean anything that might smell like smoke, such as clothing, furniture, and other things. 2. Make a plan Another thing that turns out to be very helpful is planning what to do at times when you are often tempted to smoke a cigarette. For example, if you previously used to smoke while drinking a cup of coffee, now substitute coffee for a cup of tea as this will not stimulate the urge to smoke. On the other hand, if you are stressed, you can go for a walk in the park instead of giving in to the temptation to light a cigarette. Doing activities that keep your mind and hands busy, but not strenuous or physically detrimental will help you meet your goal. A good suggestion would be to install some games to keep busy on your computer or mobile device, such as solitaire, crossword puzzles, learning to sew, knitting, or other activities that clear your mind. Making lifestyle changes also eliminates the urge to smoke. Some changes that can be made are to modify the daily habits and the schedule in which it used to be done; eat at different times, consume small amounts of food at repeated times, instead of three large batches. Eat celery or any other snack that is low in calories, chew gum that does not contain sugar, taste a cinnamon stick, or simply pretend to be smoking by using a straw in your mouth. 3. Set realistic goals Setting goals that are realistic in the short term and rewarding yourself when you achieve them is an incentive to avoid smoking altogether. For example, you can store all the money that you would normally spend buying cigarettes in a glass jar and later spend it on something that is really nice to those who have reached the goal. It should be tried as much as possible not to think every day that it is necessary to smoke, rather, you should go little by little. If you only smoke one cigarette, the desire to smoke another will be much stronger and this is a mistake that is sometimes made. For sure, following these tips eliminates the urge to smoke completely and it is something that does not cost a lot of money, it only requires willpower. It is necessary that we reinforce our idea of ​​abandoning this bad habit, therefore, the most effective thing can be to find information about the different conditions that smoking can cause, with this we ensure extra motivation to reinforce our willpower. Regular physical activities help in improving your sensitivity to insulin, i.e. it will help in improving its working in the body. As a result, the blood sugar level becomes more stable. Moreover exercise also helps in easing your stress level and regulating diabetes sugar levels. If you were not active till now, start now. Start slowly and gradually increase your exercising time. Keep a target of exercising for four to seven days in a week for at least 30 minutes. Vivo Tonic Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
Aug 21, 2021
In General Discussions
Every woman has undoubtedly suffered from vaginal yeast infection throughout her life, even once, burning, thick vaginal discharge and pain or stinging when urinating or having sex. If you suffer from these symptoms, it is most likely that you have a vaginal yeast infection and it is recommended that you consult your family doctor. This can affect all women in the world, regardless of their age, and even some women get yeast infections all the time. Candidiasis In general, yeast infections are uncomfortable and obvious, especially when they're not being treated, and symptoms keep getting worse. However, it is common for some people to not realize that they are having a vaginal yeast infection or think it is another problem, such as a urinary tract infection, which can be the side effects of birth control pills or even which is the cause of irregular periods, or sexually transmitted diseases. When the fungus multiplies, it can spread to different parts of the body and cause all kinds of problems. Just as you may experience a vaginal yeast infection caused by Candida albicans overgrowth on the genitals, so can this yeast control your digestive system. This is like a form of internal digestive candida infection causing symptoms such as digestive upset, fatigue, digestive upset and food cravings as well as changes in appetite. Thus, then, vaginal yeast infections are produced by Candidiasis, this is a fungal infection, of any of the candida species, of which candidaalbicans is the most common. The yeast produces various infections such as oral thrush and vaginitis, these infections are common in the human population. For a woman to acquire a vaginal infection, she does not necessarily have to have had sexual intercourse, these types of infections can be produced by several causes. Causes of vaginal yeast Vaginal fungi can be produced by different causes, the lifestyle that different women can lead, is one of the main responsible. These types of infections occur when there are alterations in the organism of the vagina, and the yeast grows excessively, which later causes an infection. Antibiotics can kill normal bacteria in the vagina, allowing yeast to grow. Antibiotics used for acne, throat and ear infections, and even vaginal infections. Excess weight, various contraceptives, diabetes, pregnancy, HIV infection, steroids, and very tight underwear, especially nylon or lycra. These materials prevent the vagina from breathing, and trap moisture and heat are the main reasons why you can get a vaginal infection. How to avoid vaginal infections? If you want to avoid vaginal yeast infections, you just have to follow the following instructions: · Avoid douching. · He wears cotton underwear and baggy pants. · Remove wet bathing suits and exercise clothes as soon as possible. · Avoid bathtubs with whirlpools · Avoid antibiotics unless you need it. Correct treatment The vaginal fungal infections are treated with vaginal creams, pills or vaginal suppositories are ingested, your doctor will tell you which option is best for you. For some women it is really uncomfortable to introduce cream into the vagina, for them, the best are the pills which you can easily ingest with a drink of water. Some vaginal creams are sold without prescription in pharmacies or drugstores. If you use vaginal creams, it is recommended that you do not use tampons at all costs, as they absorb all the medication and you will not get improvements. It is very important that before buying any of these medications you have an accurate diagnosis about your infection, the doctor is the one who will recommend which medication is the most appropriate for you and at once you can take advantage of it to clarify all the doubts you have. I get vaginal yeast infections all the time. What do I do? Some women get vaginal infections all the time, especially around every month, just before their menstrual period. This has a simple explanation, and it is because at those times of the month, the PH of your vagina changes. Your doctor can give you instructions to follow every month before your menstrual period so that symptoms do not develop, your doctor can prescribe you to buy vaginal creams without a prescription every month or use creams and pills for a long time. Having vaginal infections every month can also be attributed to a serious health problem, such as diabetes, therefore, it is important that you have the opinion of your specialist. Do vaginal yeast infections cause serious health problems? So far, these types of infections have not caused serious health problems, but the problem itself is the unpleasant sensation of the infection, so it is extremely convenient that it be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. A diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates (sugars) that causes the body to break down fat into molecules called ketones. Ketones circulate in the blood and become the main source of energy for many cells in the body. A ketogenic diet is used to treat some types of epilepsy and is being studied in the treatment of some types of cancer. Keto Lite supplement
fiona basil
Aug 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Avoid some harmful habits that may be damaging your joints without you being aware of it. Healthy joints mean greater mobility and less pain after exercise, however, when these joints are not taken care of properly, the typical joint pain often occurs. There are three factors that may be affecting our joint system, and we must pay attention to these habits, which, if possible, we must avoid in order to lead a more pleasant life and have better joints for more years. Why are the joints damaged? There are three main things that keep your joints stable: · The quality of your bones. · The joint capsule and ligaments, which are like a strong elastic and hold bones together. · The muscles and tendons that make your joint move. If you have arthritis, various parts of the joint can be damaged. Your bones and cartilage can be damaged and your muscles can weaken, causing the joint to become unstable. This means that the joint can gradually change shape and deformities can develop. 1. Excessive activity Striving to complete a task can cause more joint pain the next day. Arthritis can reduce muscular endurance so you can tire faster. Arthritis can also cause ligaments to loosen, putting more pressure on muscles and joints. But not only in the case of arthritis, excessive exercise can be harmful, for people who do not suffer from joint problems, overload or inconsiderate effort can also affect the joints. The joints are susceptible to insufficient or excessive activities, leading to joint degeneration. Lack of exercise is known to induce joint contracture seen clinically as a consequence of disuse changes, and excess mechanical stress induces joint destruction, such as osteoarthritis. 2. Errors when exercising This section includes several mistakes that we make when doing physical exercise. Whether enrolled in a gym, on our own or with a group of friends, you must always keep the following in mind: · Do not get warm. We all know it, but we often take it as optional or don't take the time to do it. A good warm-up before exercise is necessary so that the joints do not suffer during the effort to which we are going to submit them. · A suitable charge. Exceeding both the duration of the exercise and the loads will be fatal to our joints. There does not have to be an immediate obvious injury for there to be damage, but wear with improper loads over time will also lead to pathologies. · Rest. We must respect rest times, since this is when the joints recover; it is a necessary period to return to face an effort in conditions. · Choose the right exercise. We must be sure to perform a correct sporting gesture, in any favorite discipline. The most common example is squats: if we let our knees go beyond the vertical line drawn from our feet, we add a damaging load element to the knee joint. 3. Carry backpacks or heavy bags Carrying a heavy load on your back, be it a backpack or a heavy bag (loaded with many unnecessary things) can put a lot of stress and strain on the neck, shoulders and back. When you carry a heavy load, it affects your balance and even the way you walk. This is especially true if you like to carry your backpack or purse on only one side. The result is that you strain the muscles and joints on that side of the body and overwork them so that they experience more wear and tear. You may experience muscle pain, joint pain, and other symptoms. Lighten your load! Avoid carrying unnecessary objects. Take just what you need. Wear a backpack on both shoulders to distribute the weight you are carrying more evenly. If you're carrying a purse or messenger bag with a strap, switch it sideways to avoid excessive strain on only one side of the body. 4. Inadequate nutrition Improper feeding will cause the joints to wear out more quickly. Like rest, the body's structures need certain nutrients to keep working at peak performance. Thus, a balanced diet will be our best ally. Excess fat will be harmful, and fruits such as cherries or pineapple are the best to avoid these types of problems. We must also include elements such as calcium to protect the bones, and it should be remembered that you have to sunbathe so that the body produces vitamin D and thus can absorb the calcium we take. Likewise, we must take care of the alcohol intake, which will not only make us prone to suffering from many diseases, but also to gain weight. This is precisely the last reason why we should avoid a bad diet. If we are overweight, the joints will suffer more than those of a person with a healthy weight. Therefore, every kilo we manage to lose will be a relief for the joints. 5. Wear high heels High heels put the feet in an awkward position that stresses the joints, tightens the muscles, and can throw the back out of alignment. Wearing heels makes your thigh muscles work harder to keep your knees straight. It also places dangerous twisting forces on the knees. Women who wear heels on a daily basis can increase their risk of developing osteoarthritis and foot pain. High heels and sandals are considered poor shoes because they provide inadequate support for the feet. Swap high heels and other poor shoe styles for supportive shoes or sneakers to keep foot, knee, and back pain at bay and take care of your joints. If you find that you aren’t losing weight on the keto diet, it’s important to evaluate your carb intake carefully. Even eating just a few extra grams of carbs here and there adds up quickly and may prevent you from entering ketosis. On a standard keto diet, you should only consume 20–50 grams of carbs per day. Consider using an app or food tracker to get an accurate idea of your daily carb intake, and be sure to account for hidden carbs found in foods like processed meats, condiments, seasonings, and starchy vegetables. Keto Genx
fiona basil
Jul 27, 2021
In General Discussions
Memory loss and disorientation are two of the most challenging symptoms of fibromyalgia. Suddenly not knowing where you are can lead to embarrassment or even panic. Here are 6 tips recommended by experts to prevent and defeat brain fog caused by fibromyalgia. Sometimes we forget grocery store items or loved one's birthdays, but for people with fibromyalgia, memory lapses happen more often and can be more serious. This chronic pain disorder triggers a sudden forgetfulness known as "fibro fog" or "brain fog ". It changes cognitive functioning and leads to memory loss or other thought-processing problems. The cause of brain fog is unknown, but it is linked to imbalances in the central nervous system, according to the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association, and also to certain hormones. Fibromyalgia symptoms can also cause episodic disorientation - 30 to 90 seconds of not knowing where you are or where you are going. That happens in a third of women with fibromyalgia, often when they are heading off a highway or shopping at the grocery store. Such cognitive problems can make fibromyalgia patients fear that they are developing Alzheimer's disease, but the two are not related. "Brain fog can cause you to lose your keys. "Alzheimer's makes you forget how to use a key." But you can ease the symptoms of brain fog. Here are 7 ways. 7 ways to beat fibromyalgia brain fog 1. Get enough sleep Fibromyalgia patients often start the day exhausted. They struggle not to fall and stay asleep and often suffer from a variety of sleep disorders. Daily fatigue triggers cognitive problems, So the more sleep deprived you are, the more fibromyalgia brain fog symptoms you'll suffer. Maintaining healthy sleep habits can also help you rest better. · Place the bedroom clock out of arm's reach and facing away from you so you can't see it. · Take a hot bath before bed. · Don't drink alcohol close to bedtime. · Skip caffeine after 4 p.m. 2. Take ribose supplements Ribose, a natural simple sugar, plays a key role in metabolism. "Anything that improves energy production in cells helps brain cells. Specifically, ribose is a component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), considered the body's energy molecule. ATP helps the body use key nutrients, like vitamin B1, that are necessary for proper brain function. Ribose improved mental clarity by an average of 30% in 203 patients after three weeks of use, according to a study published in The Open Pain Journal. It also increased energy an average of 61%, one of the study's principal investigators. Participants also reported a 37% increase in general well-being, a 29% improvement in sleep, and a 15% decrease in pain. Try it: Take 5 grams (g) of ribose three times a day (15 grams total) for three weeks. Then do it at 5g twice a day, "although you may find that 3g twice a day is enough to prevent mental clouding. In addition to ribose, other supplements can help with mental health and relieve fibromyalgia symptoms. 3. Exercise Exercising can physically grow your brain. Exercise increases the left and right sides of the hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in memory, according to a study from the University of Illinois. "The increased blood flow that occurs when our heart pumps faster improves concentration, learning, and memory. Start out slow, the Mayo Clinic suggests: maybe just 15 minutes of walking a day, gradually working up to 30 or 60 minutes. Also try low-impact aerobic activities: swimming, cycling, or water aerobics. It can be helpful to work with a physical therapist who is experienced in training fibromyalgia patients. Stay active throughout the day too. “Increasing your heart rate by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking faster, or standing up during phone calls improves mental clarity. And it cuts down on TV time. It takes away your energy and makes you even more tired and brain foggy, "Excessive television or screen watching is associated with depression, poor cognitive function, and a decline in overall physical health." 4. Change your routine A new daily routine challenges your mind and body. "When we are stuck in a rut, we are constantly stepping on the same brain pathways. "Participating in a new activity literally wakes up our brains." That's because the brain has to establish new neural pathways to process new information. Swap out the treadmill for a stationary bike, shop at a different store, take an alternate route home, or try a new recipe. And get out of your social comfort zone. The next time you're in the supermarket checkout line, start chatting with a trustworthy stranger. Meeting new people and participating in conversations forces your brain to pay attention. 5. Communicate with nature Our modern lives - with computers, television, text messages, tweets, emails, and cell phone calls all at once - can overstimulate the brain and increase stress levels. "Our brains can only hold one thought at a time. Constant interruptions disrupt our ability to focus, concentrate, and retain information. Nature has a calming effect. So walk in the park, take the scenic drive to watch the sunset, or just look at the stars at night. Spending time in green spaces decreases brain fog. Researchers compared the brain wave patterns of participants who took a 25-minute walk through urban areas, versus another group who walked through a lush park. They found that walkers in the city showed signs of frustration, while those walking in the park were more mentally calm and brooding. "The beauty of nature will give your prefrontal cortex, the area of ​​your brain that helps you focus, a chance to recharge. 6. Practice yoga, tai chi, or mindfulness meditation Relaxing activities like yoga, tai chi, qigong, and meditation can improve sleep problems, fatigue, poor memory, and anxiety, all of which are linked to brain fog, according to many studies. For example, 20 volunteers with fibromyalgia saw improvements in sleep, pain, and physical and mental functioning after practicing Qigong for eight weeks, And those who practiced the most had the best results, the researchers said. Sign up for classes at your local gym or purchase an instructional DVD. "Combining exercise with sunlight and fresh air can help reduce brain fog." How much do you know about fibromyalgia? Described by Hippocrates in ancient Greece, fibromyalgia is one of the oldest medical mysteries in the world. The disease, a complex disease characterized by chronic muscle, tendon and ligament pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points in the body, affects approximately 2% of the population in the US alone, most of them women. How much do you know about fibromyalgia? CBD can offer an alternative for people who have chronic pain and rely on medications, such as opioids, that can be habit-forming and cause more side effects. However, more research is needed to verify the pain-relieving benefits of CBD oil and other products. Epidiolex, a drug prescribed for epilepsy, is the only CBD product on the market that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved. There aren’t any FDA-approved, non prescription CBD products. Keoni CBD Gummies
fiona basil
Jun 29, 2021
In General Discussions
Of all the medical procedures, colonoscopy is perhaps the one that makes people doubt the most. While testing can be an uncomfortable concept, it could save your life. Colon cancer is a relatively treatable disease when you and your doctor find it early, and this procedure is the best way to find colorectal cancer early. People whose colon cancer was diagnosed by colonoscopy have better results and a much lower death rate. Taking the time to understand this important procedure and its possible role in extending your life really pays off. What is a colonoscopy This outpatient procedure is an examination of the inside of the large intestine. A long, flexible camera called a colonoscope is inserted into the rectum, allowing doctors to see inside and check the health of the intestine. The entire procedure generally takes between 30 and 60 minutes. The procedure will usually be performed by a gastroenterologist who has received special training in colonoscopy. Before the procedure begins, you are usually given medications to relieve pain and make you sleepy. This sedation makes the procedure easier to endure for many patients. For those who want it, it may be possible to undergo deeper sedation or even anesthesia. If the procedure makes you extremely anxious and sedation medications aren't enough, it's worth considering this and talking to your doctor. Medications given before the procedure can keep you from feeling great, but some people may experience mild cramps. A great way to combat this discomfort is to practice some deep breathing exercises. If the test reveals anything abnormal, the doctor may perform a biopsy. This is where the doctor removes small amounts of tissue so it can be analyzed. When abnormal growths or polyps are found, the doctor can remove them. This will save you from having a second procedure at a later date. Preparing for a colonoscopy As with any medical procedure, it is always important to inform your doctor of any health conditions you have. Your doctor should be especially aware of the following things: · You are pregnant · Do you have diabetes · If you have a heart or lung condition · You are allergic to any medications · Have a blood clotting disorder · What medications are you currently taking In some cases, your doctor may want you to take antibiotics before the procedure. It's also important to communicate with your doctor about how you feel about the procedure, especially if you have anxiety. Talking about your concerns with your doctor can help you minimize your fear and discomfort. It may be necessary to restrict the intake of certain foods and liquids before the procedure. You may be asked to limit or eliminate solid foods altogether a few days before. A key point of preparation for this test is cleansing the intestine. In order for doctors to clearly see the inside of your colon for abnormalities, it must be empty. To accomplish this, you may be asked to take laxatives or take a special preparation to help you empty it. You may have heard that this process is quite uncomfortable, but it's actually not as bad as many think it is. It is a smart decision to have a colon cleanse prior to this procedure. You will also receive enemas before to further cleanse the inside of the intestine. Mental preparations Physically preparing for the procedure is only one part of successful preparation. You also need to prepare yourself mentally. Taking time to calm your anxiety about the procedure may result in a better experience. You can try some breathing techniques, aromatherapy with essential oils, meditation, or other techniques to reduce stress. Going into the procedure with less stress and anxiety will go a long way. Being tense can make it more difficult, so try to relax as much as possible. What happens after a colonoscopy? After the procedure, you shouldn't feel pain, but you may experience a sensation of gas or cramps. Due to the sedatives, you will have to arrange for someone to drive you home later. You may feel a bit drained for much of the day and it will not be safe for you to drive a motor vehicle. If your doctor removed polyps or took biopsies, there may be a temporary adjustment to your medications. Generally, you will be able to resume your typical diet immediately after the procedure. Complications Complications are rare, but as with any procedure, they are possible. Possible complications include bleeding and even puncture of the colon. It is very important to contact your doctor if you experience: · Prolonged or excessive bleeding from the rectum · Severe stomach pain · Fever or chills Why is colonoscopy important? Early detection of colon cancer is extremely important. Early-stage colorectal cancer has a much lower mortality rate and a better overall prognosis. There are several symptoms of colon cancer, especially in later stages, but the best way to detect it early is a colonoscopy. If you notice any symptoms of this cancer, it is always good to mention them to your doctor. This could lead to you having the procedure earlier than planned to see if symptoms are caused by colorectal cancer or another condition. A study of 25,000 patients found that colonoscopies were associated with a 61 percent reduction in mortality from colorectal cancer. That statistic is too significant to ignore. Colonoscopy saves lives. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), the overall 5-year survival rate for colorectal cancer is 64 percent. That said, the survival rate when cancer is found early is 90 percent. Colonoscopies are the best way to find cancer early, ultimately making it more likely that you will survive this form of cancer. Colorectal cancer is quite common and can run in several members of a family. When you have a family history of this type of cancer, your risk doubles. Family history also affects when you should get tested. When a first-degree relative experiences colorectal cancer, you should begin annual colonoscopies once you are 10 years younger than your relative was at the time of diagnosis. For most, the recommended age to get this test for the first time is 50, but people with a family history will often need to be tested at a younger age. Other things to consider at a colonoscopy Colonoscopies can save your life by helping to detect colorectal cancer at an early stage. The procedure can also alert you to precancerous growths or signs or other non-cancer intestinal problems. The procedure can show evidence of other health conditions such as inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, or parasites. Prevent colorectal cancer Early detection of colorectal cancer results in a better prognosis. But there are also steps you can take to help prevent cancer in the first place. If you have a family history or other risk factors, taking positive steps toward prevention can be especially important. There is significant evidence that diet plays an important role in cancer. Studies show that about 5% of cancer cases arise directly from unhealthy diets. This number is small enough to take into account that eating a healthy diet does not mean complete immunity to cancer either. However, it suggests that eating right will definitely help you. In addition to making sure you're eating right, make sure you're consuming a full variety of vegetables and whole grains. Also try to get enough exercise and take care of your mental health. All of these positive steps can help you prevent cancer. This, along with undergoing regular screening tests, including yearly colonoscopies, will lead to a better prognosis and probably a longer life. If you have been told you have prediabetes, or you are newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, by decreasing your weight by about 10% which is no more than 10-15 lbs for many people you may be able to reverse your diabetes, putting it into remission, or putting off developing it at all. X-Factor Diet System
fiona basil
Jun 29, 2021
In General Discussions
New research emerges every day that reveals the connections between the gut and overall health. You may have already read about how your gut microbiome affects all aspects of your health. However, intestinal inflammation is also a crucial determinant of intestinal and whole body health. Read on to learn what diet and lifestyle factors can cause intestinal inflammation, the health consequences of having a chronically inflamed intestine, and practical strategies to alleviate inflammation and restore intestinal health. Gut health influenced by the barrier and the gut microbiota Gut health is influenced by two related variables: the gut barrier and the gut microbiota. Disturbances in any of these factors can induce intestinal inflammation, prompting a damaging chain reaction that begins locally and can spread systemically throughout the body. The intestinal barrier The intestinal barrier is a multilayered system made up of intestinal epithelial cells, proteins, protective mucus, and immune cells. Enterocytes are absorbent cells that make up most of the gut's epithelial cell layer. Goblet cells intercalate between enterocytes and secrete protective mucus that serves as a habitat for commensal bacteria (or normal gut inhabitants) and inhibits infection by pathogens. Together, the enterocytes and goblet cells function as “gatekeepers” of the intestine, regulating the interactions that intestinal bacteria have with the host's immune system. M cells and Paneth cells have functions in the immune system by presenting intestinal luminal contents (from within the intestinal tract) to the immune system and releasing antimicrobial molecules such as lysozyme. Altogether, the intestinal barrier prevents the passage of non-nutritive substances and pathogens from the intestinal lumen into the systemic circulation, promotes digestion and regulates immunity. Intestinal epithelial cells are bound together by tightly bound proteins, including zonula-occludens-1, claudin-1, and occludin, forming a semipermeable seal between the intestinal lumen and the systemic circulation. This seal is delicate and can be easily disturbed by a variety of dietary and lifestyle factors. When the integrity of the intestinal barrier is compromised, tiny gaps open between epithelial cells, allowing molecules to escape through the intestinal lumen into the systemic circulation. This condition is known as "leaky gut." Leaky gut, in turn, causes the body to initiate both inflammatory responses outside of itself in the gut and systemically in other distant tissues and organs. Gut microbiota The human intestine is home to 100 trillion microorganisms and their entire set of genes, which is at least 150 times larger than ours. Known collectively as the "gut microbiota," these microbes and their genetic material evolved in tandem with the human species and influence nearly every aspect of our health. The gut microbiota is a crucial promoter of immune system development and balances levels of inflammation both locally in the gut and systemically in other tissues and organs. Dysbiosis is a disturbance of the intestinal microbial community due to various stressors, such as having an unhealthy diet and the use of antibiotics. Dysbiosis promotes intestinal inflammation and, if left unchecked, contributes to the development of chronic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colon cancer, obesity, and asthma. 12 diet and lifestyle factors that can cause intestinal inflammation 1. Gluten Gluten proteins are the main energy storage proteins in wheat, barley and rye. Located in the endosperm of these grains, the gluten family encompasses a wide variety of proteins, including gliadins and glutenins. Gluten causes inflammation in people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is an autoimmune response to gluten characterized by alteration of the healthy structure of intestinal tissue, gastrointestinal discomfort, and extra-intestinal symptoms, such as skin rashes and anemia. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is characterized by gluten-triggered intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms in the absence of celiac disease and wheat allergy. Gluten triggers intestinal inflammation in sensitive individuals when it binds to intestinal CXCR3 receptors, causing the release of zonulin. Zonulin is a protein that facilitates the breakdown of tight junction proteins found between intestinal epithelial cells, increasing intestinal permeability and inflammation. Gluten also activates intestinal mast cells, which release pro-inflammatory molecules like histamine and tryptase. It is important to note that gluten does not cause inflammation in everyone. People without celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity can tolerate gluten in their diet. 2. Industrial seed oils Industrial seed oils, the highly processed oils extracted from soybeans, corn, rapeseed (the source of canola oil), cottonseed, and safflower seeds, make up a large portion of the standard Western diet. Introduced to the human diet less than two centuries ago, these oils represent an evolutionary mismatch and promote intestinal inflammation. The high omega-6 fatty acid content of industrial seed oils makes them susceptible to damage from heat and light. Processing and cooking with industrial seed oils create oxidized and inflammatory by-products that, when consumed, induce intestinal inflammation. In fact, a diet rich in industrial seed oils has been found to cause intestinal inflammation and at the same time promote the growth of intestinal pathogens. 3. Acellular carbohydrates Acellular carbohydrates are foods that contain carbohydrates that lack cell walls, such as flour and sugar, and therefore have a high carbohydrate density. Acellular carbohydrates are abundant in the standard Western diet and promote a highly inflammatory gut microbiota. On the other hand, cellular carbohydrates, on the other hand, are carbohydrate-containing foods with intact cells, such as sweet potatoes and whole fruit. Unlike acellular carbohydrates, cellular carbohydrates promote gut health by stimulating the growth of anti-inflammatory gut bacteria. 4. Food additives Ultra-processed foods comprise nearly 60 percent of the energy intake in the United States and are saturated with food additives. Most food additives have not undergone long-term safety studies, a concerning fact given the accumulating evidence of their harmful effects on intestinal inflammation. Maltodextrin, a synthetic carbohydrate used as a thickener and preservative in processed foods, promotes the adhesion of harmful bacteria to intestinal cells and promotes the formation of biofilms. The artificial sweetener "Splenda" stimulates the growth of inflammatory intestinal bacteria. Carrageenan, a seaweed-based polysaccharide used for its thickening and emulsifying properties, can make IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) worse. Carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80, two most ubiquitous food emulsifiers, increase intestinal permeability. 5. Cesarean delivery and formula feeding Cesarean delivery profoundly alters the developing infant gut, filling the microbiome with microbial species derived from the surrounding environment, rather than beneficial microbes from the mother's vaginal canal. Babies delivered by cesarean section are also exposed, through the placental circulation, to antibiotics given to their mothers to prevent postoperative infection. This early exposure to antibiotics further skews the development of the infant's gut microbiota, predisposing the child to intestinal inflammation and chronic inflammatory diseases, such as asthma and obesity, in the future. Formula feeding is also a problem for the baby's small intestine. Formula feeding promotes the growth of inflammatory gut bacteria and increases intestinal permeability and total bacterial load. In contrast, breastfeeding increases the colonization of the infant's intestine with Lactobacillus and anti-inflammatory Bifidobacteria, reducing the risk of intestinal inflammation and chronic inflammatory diseases. 6. Intestinal infections Bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic intestinal infections alter the composition of the intestinal microbiota, creating a pro-inflammatory intestinal environment. For example, influenza A virus transiently increases susceptibility to the Salmonella pathogen by reducing protective commensal bacteria, while Helicobacter pylori infection increases the growth of Prevotella, a pro-inflammatory bacterium. An acute episode of food poisoning can also trigger intestinal inflammation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by stimulating the intestinal production of inflammatory autoantibodies. 7. Stress The human gut is extremely sensitive to chronic stress. Chronic psychological stress increases intestinal permeability and allows lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an inflammatory bacterial byproduct, to enter the bloodstream. This elicits localized and systemic inflammatory responses. Stress also depletes the protective layer of the gastrointestinal mucosa and increases bacterial adhesion and penetration into intestinal epithelial cells, causing intestinal inflammation. 8. Sedentary lifestyle and overtraining Moderate exercise increases beneficial gut bacteria, including short-chain fatty acid-producing anti-inflammatory bacteria (SCFA), thereby inhibiting intestinal inflammation. On the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle is associated with a greater infiltration of inflammatory molecules in the intestine. In addition, excessive physical activity increases intestinal permeability and negatively alters the intestinal microbiota. If you have a chronic inflammatory disease or are under significant psychological stress, it's best to limit strenuous exercise and focus on calmer activities like walking, yoga, or swimming. 9. Disruption of the circadian rhythm and loss of sleep The circadian rhythm is a set of internal biochemical processes that occur in cycles of approximately 24 hours and regulate many aspects of your physiology, including gut health and inflammation. When the circadian rhythm is disrupted by factors such as nighttime blue light exposure and irregular sleep schedules, gut health suffers. Circadian disruption has been found to promote the growth of inflammatory gut bacteria, decrease beneficial microbes, and increase intestinal permeability and LPS transport into the systemic circulation. Loss of sleep is closely related to circadian disruption and is equally detrimental to gut health. Just experiencing two nights of partial sleep deprivation induces changes in the gut microbiota, increasing pro-inflammatory bacterial species. Insufficient sleep also exacerbates intestinal inflammation in IBD. To minimize intestinal inflammation, it is crucial to support your circadian rhythm and optimize your quality of sleep. 10. Antibiotics The frequency with which doctors prescribe antibiotics has instilled a false sense of security in many patients; after all, your doctor won't prescribe a medication unless you really need it, right? Unfortunately, flexible prescribing of antibiotics is the norm in our society, and the effects they have on gut health tend to be minimized. However, extensive research indicates that antibiotics can have long-term detrimental effects on the gut microbiota and induce intestinal inflammation. Antibiotics reduce the diversity and abundance of commensal intestinal bacteria, allowing overgrowth of inflammatory pathogens such as Clostridium difficile and pathobionts such as Escherichia and Candida. These microbial changes can last for months or years after antibiotics are stopped. Its adverse effects are most pronounced in infants and young children, who go through a critical time window in the development of their gut microbiota. 11. Non-antibiotic drugs Probably very few physicians consider the impact of non-antibiotic medications on their patients' gut health before pulling out their prescription pads. However, more and more evidence indicates that this is a significant oversight, as multiple classes of non-antibiotic drugs alter the gut microbiota and induce intestinal inflammation. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acid reflux, decrease heartburn. When the stomach produces enough acid, the entry of bacteria from the environment into the intestine is limited. By inhibiting stomach acid production, PPIs allow more bacteria to enter the digestive tract and proliferate in the small intestine, leading to bacterial overgrowth and intestinal inflammation. PPIs also reduce the growth of SCFA-producing anti-inflammatory bacteria. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are known to cause constipation and changes in appetite. Preclinical studies indicate that fluoxetine (Prozac) alters the structure of the gut microbial community, increasing dysbiotic gut bacteria. Oral contraceptives also cause intestinal inflammation. In fact, its use is associated with an increased risk of Crohn's disease, a subtype of IBD. 12. Environmental toxins Thousands of new chemicals are developed by industries each year. Many chemicals do not undergo extensive safety testing prior to release. This fact is alarming, considering the large number of adverse health effects related to chemicals in our environment. Intestinal inflammation is one of the most common consequences of exposure to environmental toxins. Bisphenol A (BPA), found in plastic water bottles and food containers, children's toys and cash register receipts, promotes intestinal inflammation by increasing harmful intestinal bacteria and intestinal permeability. Alternative plasticizers, found in BPA-free products, are just as harmful, if not more. Triclosan, a synthetic antibacterial agent used in hand sanitizers and personal care products, also increases intestinal inflammation. Glyphosate, the main component of the herbicide Roundup, decreases Lactobacillus and facilitates the growth of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli, suggesting that glyphosate acts as an antibiotic in the gut microbiome. To reduce energy consumption in your home, you do not necessarily need to go out and purchase energy efficient products. Energy conservation can be as simple as turning off lights or appliances when you do not need them. You can also use energy-intensive appliances less by performing household tasks manually, such as hang-drying your clothes instead of putting them in the dryer, or washing dishes by hand. Energy Cube System
fiona basil
Jun 19, 2021
In General Discussions
Alzheimer 's disease is the most common form of dementia, affecting millions of people around the world. It is a progressive disease that gets worse over several years. As Alzheimer's progresses, the symptoms become more severe. The following is a very unusual way to diagnose it, it takes only peanut butter to do it. Read on to find out how to do this procedure. As we mentioned, the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include disorientation, mood and behavior changes, increasing confusion, unfounded suspicions, serious memory loss, and difficulty speaking, swallowing, and walking. Alzheimer's can be devastating for those diagnosed, their family members, and their friends. There is no known cure for the disease. However, early intervention is often very key to a longer life and a better quality of life. Alzheimer's disease can be extremely difficult to diagnose in the early stages. Having trouble remembering things does not mean that a person can have Alzheimer's. Using just a tablespoon of peanut butter and a ruler, doctors have discovered a way to change lives and provide an early diagnosis for Alzheimer's. They found a way to give millions of people the opportunity to have more memories. This method of early diagnosis can help predict and address the disease before it becomes overwhelming for those diagnosed. Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease using peanut butter The study included participants with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Participants were asked to close their eyes and try to detect an odor one nostril at a time. The researchers used a small container of peanut butter to measure the distance that each participant's nostril was able to detect the odor. The study found that people with Alzheimer's disease have a harder time detecting odors with their left nostril compared to their right nostril. All Alzheimer's patients had a deterioration of the left nostril and the right one was normal in the detection of odors, since the distance in which they could detect odors was about 20 centimeters for an older person, but their left nostril it was about 10 centimeters on average where they could detect it, so there was a big asymmetry there. But why peanut butter? This is because it has a strong, familiar smell. People with Alzheimer's can lose their ability to smell even before memory problems develop. Using this method to detect Alzheimer's disease early can help doctors slow down the effects of the disease. The peanut butter test is faster and cheaper than having a doctor confirm the diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Proof. You can be in time to detect other symptoms by starting with this one. Boost is one of the leading malt-based Health Food Drink in a chocolate flavor. This drink is enriched with EnVita Nutrients, a unique scientific combination of essential vitamins and minerals that significantly improve the levels of key nutrients, important for energy metabolism to help increase stamina. Patriot Rise Up Reviews
fiona basil
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
If you spend more time than you would like to admit going to your allergist and taking medications to control your itchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion, it might be time for you to look for another method that will (finally) help you get rid of allergies. Sure, medicine can do a great job of keeping your symptoms in check, however a variety of different foods, from apples and tomatoes to sauerkraut, can also help. 30 foods you can eat to get rid of allergies Here are some foods that you have always stored in your refrigerator that can help you beat your allergies for good. 1. Strawberries Looking for an easy way to fight allergies? Then get any food related to vitamin C. Strawberries, which contain about 85 mg per cup, will not only give you a healthy supply of antioxidants, but will also help reduce your symptoms in the process. 2. Walnuts You might want to consider making nuts your snack of choice, at least when it comes to getting rid of allergies. According to a study, the large amount of omega-3s it contains can help reduce allergy symptoms. 3. Shiitake mushrooms Mushrooms are always a healthy option, and when it comes to alleviating allergy problems, make sure you have shiitake mushrooms on hand. Not only are they tasty, but they are also packed with vitamin D. It can help with symptoms. To get the most benefits, go for the dry version which contains much more vitamin D than the fresh one. 4. Broccoli Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables, and according to a study, this green food may also protect your body against allergy-causing pollutants. So eat broccoli whenever you can - including it in your meals could make a big difference when it comes to your allergy symptoms. 5 apples According to a study carried out, an apple a day could keep your allergies under control. Quercetin, the plant polyphenol in the fruit, has been found to help reduce inflammation that is often associated with allergies, preventing it from affecting you. 6. Cocoa Listen up, chocolate lovers: Eating cocoa regularly has some anti-allergy benefits, according to research. Add some to your morning smoothie to feel like you're having breakfast for dessert, or sip it with your hot drinks. 7. Sweet potato Sweet potatoes aren't just a ridiculously healthy starch - they can also help ward off your allergies thanks to their high beta-carotene content. Make some healthy fries in your deep fryer, focus on your weekly potato bar, or top them with a little cinnamon for a nutritious dessert to reap the benefits. 8. Turmeric Turmeric deserves a prime spot on your spice rack, especially if you have allergies. According to a study, sprinkling it on your food is an easy way to control allergy symptoms. 9. Chia seeds There are many healthy reasons to add some chia seeds to your meals, one of which is due to its super potent, allergy-fighting omega-3 content. Add a few to your smoothies, use them to make a pudding, or add a handful to your salad. 10. Kale In addition to being a low-calorie, high-fiber superfood, a cup of chopped cabbage also contains 80 mg of allergy-fighting vitamin C. Yes, it is a guardian of your health. 11. Spinach You can't have kale on a list without also including spinach, right? While kale is the winner when it comes to fighting allergy with vitamin C, spinach is higher in vitamin E, which can also help reduce symptoms. 12. Honey Do you want to sweeten things up a bit? Have some honey. A study found that adding it to your diet can help counteract your allergy symptoms and even prevent them from affecting you in the future. 13. Blueberries If you already had enough reasons to eat blueberries, now there is another: A study found that they are full of polyphenol quercetin that saves you from having to spend the entire allergy season with itchy eyes and a stuffy nose. 14. Forage cabbage Not only are forage cabbages tasty, they are also rich in catotenoids, which could not only help prevent the development of food allergies, but also combat seasonal allergy symptoms. 15. Pineapple If you have noticed, pineapple tends to increase your defense against allergies, there is a reason for this: the 79 mg of vitamin C it contains per cup can help you control your symptoms and leave colds behind. 16. Garlic Not a fan of turmeric? Try garlic instead. This incredible food not only helps reduce allergic reactions; It also helps you prevent allergies in the first place. Plus, here's the best part: it tastes good in any dish. 17. Tempeh Tempeh, a rich plant-based protein source made from soybeans, is packed with probiotics, and it's a food that will help you fight your allergies. One study found that good gut bacteria can fight your seasonal allergy symptoms. 18. Avocado This will be your excuse to eat avocado toast as if you were paid for it: they are rich in vitamin C and E, which can help you double to get rid of your allergy symptoms. 19. Brussels sprouts Brussels sprouts are certainly an acquired taste, but once you figure out how to prepare them to your liking, you can say goodbye to your allergy symptoms. It has been found that the omega-3s in this vegetable could be the solution to your allergies that you always wanted. 20. Kiwi By slicing some kiwi and eating it as a snack, you will get some benefits to fight allergies thanks to its high content of vitamin C, which is 64 mg per fruit. 21. Red grapes Red grapes are easy to love - they're delicious and they're an easy-to-carry snack. However, they are also very good at fighting allergies. One study found that the polyphenols contained in the fruit help prevent allergy symptoms from occurring. 22. Watermelon If you haven't heard of lycopene, it's about to become your new best friend. Foods with high levels of this chemical compound - which gives them their bright red color - have been found to help get rid of allergies and their symptoms. 23. Mango If eating a good pineapple already gave you a tropical feeling, also look for some mango: this is also high in vitamin C, with 60 mg per cup. The mango will help you put your allergies aside so you can feel so much better in no time. 24. Kombucha Tempeh isn't the only probiotic-packed food you should have on your shopping list. Kombucha is also a great way to combat seasonal allergy symptoms and have better gut health in the process. Just be sure to buy a high-quality product that is no sweeter than a healthy drink. 25. Papaya After trying papaya, you will either love it or hate it. The fruit definitely has a unique flavor, and it also has a remarkable benefit: Containing 140 mg of vitamin C per cup, it can help you get rid of some of the annoyances of allergies, such as itchy eyes and congestion. 26. Cauliflower There is a lot you can do with cauliflower. You can make a low carb rice, mash it, or even turn it into crispy buffalo wings. And the more you consume it, the more allergy quercetin you'll receive to help ensure your symptoms don't show up all this spring. 27. Sauerkraut Sure, many people put some sauerkraut in their hot dogs, but there are plenty of other (healthier!) Ways to add fermented foods to your diet. And according to one study, it's because of its gut health-enhancing probiotics that can eliminate allergies from your life forever in the process. 28. Black plums Like apples and red grapes, one study found that black plums are also a great source of the polyphenolic quercetin from antiallergic plants. Stock your pantry with these fruits the next time you go to the grocery store and eat them frequently. 29. Flax seeds Flax seeds have been around forever, around 6,000 years, FYI! - Adding this superfood to your diet could be a very smart anti-allergy solution. Whether you eat them in the form of cookies, oatmeal, or even waffles, one study found that their high omega-3 content can help combat symptoms. 30. Tomatoes Like watermelon, tomatoes are also a major source of lycopene to fight allergies. Eat tomato whenever you can, either in the form of a sauce or in your salads, to ensure that you are always healthy and without symptoms this year. 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fiona basil
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Type 2 diabetes is a growing epidemic both in the United States and around the world. Almost 10 percent of American adults have type 2 diabetes and 25 percent have prediabetes; These numbers only continue to rise, with a surprising third of U.S. adults projected to have diabetes by 2050. Conventional medicine falls short The conventional medicine approach to treating type 2 diabetes, long focused on a “wait and see” mentality and drug therapy, is not working to stem the tide of these epidemic numbers, nor are preventive strategies emphasized. Keep reading this article to learn why functional medicine, which has a science-based approach to preventing and treating disease that focuses on diet and lifestyle changes, is the most effective first-line strategy for managing type 2 diabetes. Understand what type 2 diabetes is Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way the body metabolizes sugar. It is characterized by a progressive loss of sensitivity to insulin, the pancreatic hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. In the early stages of type 2 diabetes, the body produces more insulin to try to overcome the reduced sensitivity to insulin; however, in the long run, the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to maintain blood sugar levels, resulting in high blood sugar or hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia induces oxidative stress, which, in turn, contributes to many of the complications of type 2 diabetes, such as kidney, nerve, retinal, and vascular damage. What causes the appearance of type 2 diabetes? The question of why a person develops type 2 diabetes has been debated and explored for decades. For many years, dietary fats were blamed for causing the disease. Later, obesity was thought to be the culprit (obesity and diabetes share many of the same underlying causes, they are often collectively referred to as: " diabesity "). However, it is now clear that type 2 diabetes can occur in the absence of obesity. Today, we understand that we cannot blame a single factor for the onset of diabetes. Rather, the disease process is driven by a complex web of diet and lifestyle factors, oxidative stress, and genetics. The Western diet, full of refined carbohydrates, fructose, and industrial seed oils, is an established risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Wherever the western diet goes, type 2 diabetes follows. For example, hunter-gatherer populations such as Aboriginal Australians are often healthy by eating their traditional diets. However, when they are displaced and moved to urban settings, they replace their traditional diets with a Western one and develop diabetes at record speed. However, diet is not the only contributing factor: a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate sleep, chronic stress, intestinal dysfunction, and environmental toxins also play a role. They cause oxidative stress, damage pancreatic beta cells (responsible for producing insulin), and induce cellular resistance to insulin, setting the stage for severe metabolic dysfunction. Type 2 diabetes and blood sugar levels To successfully manage diabetes, it helps to have a basic understanding of the science behind blood sugar. When you eat carbohydrates, they are broken down in your gut into monosaccharides, or simple sugars, the most basic unit of carbohydrates. One of these monosaccharides, glucose, is subsequently absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream, where insulin transports it to the cells. In type 2 diabetes, several factors have caused cells to become less sensitive to insulin, causing excess glucose to build up in the bloodstream (the state of hyperglycemia or high blood sugar). Blood sugar measurements are essential to assess the progression and severity of type 2 diabetes. Why doesn't a conventional medicine approach work all that well? The conventional medicine approach to type 2 diabetes is fraught with problems. Under the conventional system, professionals wait until people have full-blown type 2 diabetes before starting treatment. Little is done to alter the course of the disease in the prediabetic stage when the body responds best to changes in diet and lifestyle. Medications used to treat type 2 diabetes have serious side effects. Sulfonylureas, biguanides, thiazolidinediones, and meglitinides are just a few of the classes of drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes. They are associated with liver and kidney dysfunction, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, rashes, weight gain, and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Conventional Diabetic Diet Guidelines Are Outdated The American Diabetes Association dietary guidelines for type 2 diabetes have long promoted a relatively high carbohydrate intake while demonizing dietary fats. However, abundant research indicates that not only does this dietary approach not work for type 2 diabetes, it may actually make the condition worse. Functional medicine: an effective way to prevent, treat and control type 2 diabetes Unlike conventional medicine, the Functional Medicine approach emphasizes prevention and treatment through changes in diet and lifestyle. 1. Adjust the quantity and quality of carbohydrates It is well established that a diet high in starch and low in fiber increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Despite this fact, mainstream health experts continue to recommend a high-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetics to achieve best results. The Canadian Diabetes Association recommends that diabetics get 45 to 60 percent of calories from carbohydrates, while the American Dietetic Association recently rescinded its endorsement of high carbohydrate intake for diabetics and remains reluctant to recommend low carbohydrate intake. in carbohydrates. Despite such an effort, a growing body of scientific research indicates that low-carbohydrate diets are superior to high-carbohydrate diets for treating type 2 diabetes. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials found that reducing dietary carbohydrates leads to significant improvements in HbA1c, triglycerides, and cholesterol, while reducing patients' diabetes drug requirements.Importantly, the definition of a ' low carbohydrate diet ' varied between the studies included in the review; If the definition had been stricter, a greater beneficial effect of this type of diet could have been observed. How much do you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake to control type 2 diabetes? While the answer to this question varies from person to person, people with blood sugar regulation issues generally benefit from limiting carbohydrate intake to 10 to 15 percent of total calories. In addition to adjusting the amount of carbohydrates, the quality of carbohydrates that are consumed must also be changed. Instead of refined carbohydrates such as pasta and bread, it is recommended to eat moderate amounts of starchy tubers (sweet potatoes, cassava, beets, and kohlrabi), apples, whole fruits, and moderate amounts of whole dairy, if tolerated and not available. lactose intolerance. Determine the types of carbohydrates that are functional for you While methods for measuring blood sugar in the clinical setting have their place, they do not reflect how the body responds to glucose in food. To better understand which carbohydrate-containing foods our body tolerates best and which cause unhealthy blood sugar swings, you will need to test your blood sugar at home. And for this, there are many new products that help measure blood sugar without extra punctures, such as the Freestile Libre system, a patch that constantly measures glucose. Check your blood sugar level first thing in the morning after fasting for at least 12 hours. Drink some water right after you get up, but don't eat or exercise before the test. The measurement you get at this point is your fasting blood sugar level. 1. Check your blood sugar again just before lunch. 2. Eat a typical lunch and test your blood sugar one hour, two hours, and three hours later. Don't eat anything during this three-hour period after lunch. 3. Record your blood sugar results, along with what you ate for lunch. 4. Repeat this practice the next day. The blood sugar measurements you collect will tell you how the foods you usually eat affect your blood sugar levels. 5. On day three, go through steps 1 and 2. However, in step 3, instead of eating your typical lunch, consume 60 to 70 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates, such as an eight-ounce boiled potato or a cup of cooked white rice. Fast-acting carbohydrates break down quickly and release glucose into our system. Just for the purposes of this test, avoid eating fat or protein with the potato or rice because it will delay glucose absorption. 6. After this carb-rich meal on day three, record your blood sugar results. The goal here is to ensure that your blood glucose does not steadily rise more than 140 ng / ml one hour after a meal, but instead drops steadily to 120 ng / ml two hours after eating and returns to baseline three hours after lunch. When it comes to fasting blood sugar, measurements at 80 ng / ml are the best. However, if you see some readings in the 90 ng / ml range, you shouldn't be alarmed. If all other biomarkers (fasting insulin, fasting leptin, fructosamine, and triglycerides) are normal, this is not a cause for concern. Age must also be taken into account when evaluating blood sugar; a fasting blood glucose reading of 90 ng / mL is relatively normal for a 70-year-old, but can be more concerning when repeatedly observed in someone in their twenties, and even above 100 ng /mL. 2. The ketogenic diet An increasing number of people are experimenting with the ketogenic diet for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, with some very positive results. The ketogenic diet is a very low carbohydrate, moderate protein, and high fat diet that makes the body depend on fatty acids and ketones for fuel, rather than glucose. The studies indicate that a ketogenic diet has significant benefits for type 2 diabetics found that a ketogenic diet improves HbA1c, promotes weight loss, reverses kidney damage and improves blood lipids and cardiovascular health in type 2 diabetics. This diet has proven to be so effective that an entire company, Virta Health, has made a ketogenic diet the cornerstone of its new approach to treating type 2 diabetes. 3. Eliminate gluten from your diet In recent years, multiple studies have examined the effects of gluten on type 2 diabetes. We know that celiac disease is more common in people with poorly controlled diabetes than in the general population; This finding suggests that gluten may contribute to the development and progression of diabetes. Furthermore, animal models with type 2 diabetes indicate that a gluten-free diet increases the functional capacity of beta cells, the pancreatic cells responsible for producing insulin, and improves glucose tolerance. How does gluten contribute to diabetes? The answer lies in the damaging effects of gluten on the intestinal barrier. Gluten increases intestinal permeability, causing leaky gut and systemic inflammation; These two factors have been found to precede type 2 diabetes. Removing gluten from the diet restores the integrity of the intestinal barrier and reduces inflammation, thereby improving insulin resistance and potentially reversing the course of diabetes. 4. Eat more protein Protein is a powerful tool for managing type 2 diabetes. Increased protein intake improves blood sugar control and satiety (the feeling of fullness) and preserves lean body mass in diabetics. According to research, a protein intake of 20 to 30 percent of total calories is best for optimizing type 2 diabetes control. There are still some concerns that a high protein intake can cause diabetic kidney disease. However, this myth has been refuted several times; a high protein intake does not compromise kidney function in people without pre-existing kidney disease. 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fiona basil
May 31, 2021
In General Discussions
Research has already linked high levels of stress to autoimmune diseases, heart disease, ulcers, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, and countless other chronic diseases. However, even knowing this research, doctors and patients alike still tend to focus more on the physical causes of illness rather than the physical and mental stressors, which often affect health. Keep reading this excellent article because you will find out how stress can be causing you big intestinal problems. Stress is increasingly a primary cause of autoimmune diseases and others that are also chronic, and unfortunately, not only in adults. More and more children suffer from stress-related health problems as well. That is why, to prevent and reverse inflammatory diseases, cure infections and relieve stress, it is paramount. There are several factors that cause stress that negatively affect your health. Stress can trigger or worsen an autoimmune disease, for example, due to its effect on the immune system. But chronic stress can also damage your intestines, which, as you must be aware, is the gateway to health, opening the door to a whole host of problems. In this article, we're going to take a look at how stress affects your gut , and we'll share some stress relief practices. Bowel problems can result from a lot of stress The gut is the gateway to health, and a damaged gut can affect other areas of your health, including your brain. But the brain and digestive system actually share a two-way connection, so not only does a healthy gut affect your mental state, but your mental state affects how your gut works. Let's take a look at how this connection works. Your body's response to stress When you experience any type of stress, be it physical, emotional (going through anguish) or mental (overloaded by work), your body processes it through the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands respond by creating a flood of stress hormones, including cortisol, which affect both your digestive system and your immune system (80% of which are found in the gut). Our response to stress evolved primarily as a means of self-preservation for our ancestors who faced immediate life-threatening situations. Unfortunately, that answer is not ideal for the kind of chronic and ongoing stress we face today. The problem with chronic stress On the one hand, the cortisol that the adrenal glands produce increases the work of your immune system and is highly inflammatory. This makes sense if you have an open wound and need to use inflammation to fight infection, it is less helpful, and even harmful, if you are chronically stressed, because you are working 80 hours a week. Maintaining a high level of inflammation is dangerous, because it puts you on the autoimmune spectrum and, if it continues over time, you can trigger an autoimmune disease. Your body recognizes this, so it actually suppresses your immune system after a cortisol spike, leaving it anywhere from 40% - 70% below baseline, to balance the initial flare-up of inflammation. When you experience acute stress such as an animal attack or the flu, your body's natural short-term inflammatory response is exactly what you want to temporarily boost your immune system and give you energy to function and immune cells to fight the flu. However, in today's world, we are all experiencing more long-term and chronic stress, such as always being available on our smart devices, working long hours, and being more engaged. We are not shutting down and disconnecting, giving our bodies a chance to rest and recover. As a result, your body is continually in cycles of high inflammation, which can damage the intestinal lining, and a suppressed immune system, which leaves your gut vulnerable to pathogens you might be ingesting. Also, when your stress response kicks in, your digestive system shuts down. If you are running from a predator, you need concentrated blood flow in your limbs to flee and your brain for problem solving, not your gut to digest its lunch. Why chronic stress causes intestinal problems In this vulnerable state when the digestive system is suppressed or shuts down, and your immune system is suppressed, harmful bacteria are capable of multiplying uncontrollably. The digestive system is temporarily unable to fight off bad bacteria by producing enough good bacteria to fight them, which can lead to imbalances in your gut flora such as Candida overgrowth. What's more, a shortage of good bacteria and an excess of yeast or bad bacteria can cause you to experience more stress because 95% of your serotonin (the "feel good" neurotransmitter that regulates mood, well-being and sleep) occurs in the gut, and this production slows down when you're fighting yeast overgrowth, parasites, or other gut problems. How to combat stress and maintain a healthy gut In today's society, full of endless demands and the nagging feeling that you could always be doing more, it can be difficult to avoid stress. The key to keeping stress manageable and preventing it from causing negative health effects such as intestinal problems is learning the tools to leave a stressful situation behind after it is over. There is no better way to relax and relieve stress. Everyone handles their stress differently, so don't stress yourself out trying to stick to the perfect stress-free routine. The important thing is to find what works for you personally, whether it's doing yoga, going for a run, spending time with your family, spending time alone, gardening, going to church, or any other activity. Tips for managing stress Sensory Isolation Tank or Float Pool - Float pools provide a light, sound-free environment, with a shallow pool of water containing dissolved epsom salts. The high concentration of epsom salt allows you to float effortlessly, and the temperature is the same as your skin, so you can't even feel the water around you. The effect is a completely dark, silent, and weightless float that lowers your cortisol levels, relieves muscle aches and allows you to go 60-90 minutes free of any stimulation at all. Infrared Sauna Therapy - Spending time in an infrared sauna has many health benefits, including stress relief and detoxification. Going for a walk - spending time in nature with your family or friends, it can be relaxing and restorative, it is scientifically proven, so try to schedule a walk of at least 15 minutes a day in a place where it causes a good feeling and not there is contamination. The intestinal or digestive problems, heal in a great way practicing this activity in a continuous way. Take a relaxing bath with homemade bath salts - Hot baths at night are soothing. For a little more pampering and relaxation for your body, make your own lavender bath salts, Epsom salt is perfect for stiff muscles, and the calming scent of lavender will take the stress out of your day. The main reason people eat is because they're hungry. The body needs fuel to work throughout the day, and food is how we get that energy. The energy your body needs is measured in calories. Certain foods, like bread and grains, are high in calories while others, like celery, have almost none. Altai Balance Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
May 31, 2021
In General Discussions
Severe chest pain, sudden sweating, and irregular breathing can be symptoms of a panic attack, but they can also be symptoms of a heart attack. In the event that you or one of your family members experiences these symptoms, it is important to be able to differentiate between the two cases. Here's the difference between a heart attack and a panic attack. Differences between a panic attack and a heart attack The main symptom of a heart attack is constricting pain. Heart attack Those who are experiencing a heart attack describe the chest pain as constriction. 1. As a general rule, pain appears in the center of the chest. It can move down the length of the left arm and along the back. 2. The pain of a heart attack can also spread to the neck, teeth and jaw area. 3. The intensity of heart attack pain can change. 4. The pain of a heart attack lasts more than five minutes. It does not normally affect a person's breathing. 5. A person experiencing a heart attack may feel a prickly sensation, which is generally confined to the left arm in most cases. This is often accompanied by a cold, clammy sweat, along with feelings of nausea and vomiting. 6. At the peak of a heart attack, a person may experience fear that focuses on constricting chest pain. They are afraid of dying. 7. Heart attack patients may experience rapid breathing, when fear of heart attack triggers a panic attack. 8. If you, a family member or a friend of yours experience these symptoms for more than five minutes, call an ambulance. Get to the hospital as soon as possible. Panic attack The main symptom of a panic attack is a prickly feeling. 1. Many people are under the misconception that only something horrible or tragic can trigger a panic attack. The truth is, a panic attack can occur in the most common circumstances. 2. Symptoms of a panic attack usually peak after about ten minutes. 3. The pain of a panic attack is concentrated in the chest. It rises and then falls. 4. During a panic attack, a person may experience a prickly and numb feeling. These sensations are not limited to the left arm. They can appear on the right arm, legs, and fingers. 5. During a panic attack, people often experience irrational fears. They may feel like they are choking or going crazy. If you are not sure what is happening to you, consult a doctor immediately for a more accurate answer. Waiting is never the best solution. If you must be around a high level of noise, such as a concert or a noisy work environment, we would recommend that you wear some form of ear protection and distance yourself as much as possible from the source of the noise. Encourage those around you to act in a similar manner, especially children who won’t have the same level of awareness about the problem of hearing loss. Synapse XT Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
May 28, 2021
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Chinese weevils, Ulomoides dermestoides, are a type of insect native to China that has gained popularity as a natural remedy that is capable of curing various conditions. Chinese weevils, a type of beetle Chinese weevils, also known as Argentine weevils, are beetle-type insects. Although they are native to Asia, they have a worldwide distribution. These insects have been widely used as an alternative therapy for a large number of health conditions. The practice of using insects for healing purposes is called entomotherapy. It is an empirical treatment system that is part of the oral tradition of many population groups passed from generation to generation without a basis that supports it other than the testimony of people who report having had great improvements with its use. How are Chinese weevils used? Treatment with these insects is based on eating them alive. This is done following a scheme in which 1 insect must be consumed on day 1 and its quantity is increased at the rate of one insect per day until reaching day 70, when 70 of them must be consumed. Starting on day 71, one less insect per day is ingested, so that day 69 weevils are ingested and this continues progressively until a single one is consumed, which would be the moment when the treatment ends, approximately after two months. Each treatment cycle leads to nearly 5,000 weevils being consumed. Many people consume them with meals to avoid the repulsion that can occur when ingesting them. During this process, you should avoid chewing them since the weevils must reach the interior of the stomach alive, where they die due to the action of gastric juices, thus releasing a series of substances that are responsible for their effects on health. In order to use them it is necessary to cultivate them People who use Chinese weevils must cultivate them to ensure their input. To do this, a small group of weevils must be found and placed in glass containers similar to a fish tank in which seeds or fruits are placed that serve as food for these insects. They will reproduce with what is guaranteed the supply of the insects. Benefits of Chinese weevils for health The large number of testimonies in favor of the ingestion of these insects as a therapy to treat a large number of conditions have motivated various investigations that seek to clarify whether they really have any kind of effect on human health. Initially, an attempt was made to identify the components or active principles provided by these beetles and indeed two substances with a pharmacological effect were identified: · They are molecules capable of binding to the DNA of the cells and triggering responses by the immune system that culminate in the death of the affected cells, to this is added their ability to produce free radicals. This phenomenon is known as cytotoxicity and is a very important mechanism to eliminate malignant cells and also prevent the inflammatory response that is associated with cell proliferation. · It is a component of the exoskeleton of the insect, this substance has antibiotic effects against bacteria and fungi. · They are substances released together with benzoquinones but do not have a specific pharmacological activity. Scientifically proven beneficial health effects These insects have been the subject of several studies, which have led to the understanding of the mechanisms by which it has been found that they are helpful for health. The effects that have been proven and documented by research studies published in scientific journals are explained below. Anti inflammatory effect These substances are capable of inhibiting inflammatory processes. This is related to its antioxidant effects. Cytotoxic effect As already explained, some compounds in Chinese weevils are capable of producing changes in DNA that will lead to the destruction of specific groups of cells mediated by the immune system. These substances include benzoquinones and pentadecanes. Central nervous system depressant effect The insect extracts showed a nervous sedative effect after administration, which is similar to that obtained with the use of benzodiazepine-type medications (such as diazepam). Antiproliferative effect These substances inhibit the formation of proteins necessary for cells to multiply, a factor that prevents their proliferation. Antibiotic effect The extracts obtained from the weevils showed antimicrobial activity against bacteria of the respiratory tract such as Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Another microorganism that showed susceptibility was Staphylococcus, a bacterium mainly related to the development of skin infections. As can be seen, the use of these insects may have associated health benefits. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before deciding to undergo these types of therapies. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries. When the doctor measures your blood pressure, the results are given in two numbers. The first number, called systolic blood pressure, is the pressure caused by your heart contracting and pushing out blood. BP Zone Zenith Labs Reviews
fiona basil
May 27, 2021
In General Discussions
Acupuncture is healing in a very natural way: it consists of needle sticks from the Far East that replace pain relievers, fight allergies, and can even smooth wrinkles. The exact mode of action of acupuncture is unknown. According to the Chinese understanding of health, the body is traversed by a dense network of channels, the meridians, through which vital energy flows with its yin and yang parts. How does acupuncture work exactly? These two forces are effective in the body at the same time, but they are like polar opposites. Its balance represents the ideal state of health. An imbalance leads to discomfort and illness. By stimulating certain points, the energy flow can be regulated again. What happens in the body? During treatment, the fine needles are inserted straight or diagonally, twisted, or moved up and down. This creates a sense of flow that starts from the needle and runs along the meridians. Each of these lines is assigned to an organ system. However, often the area of ​​points and the area of ​​discomfort are far apart from each other. For example, a point on the leg may be "responsible" for a head discomfort. What discomfort can be treated with acupuncture? The spectrum of diseases that needles help with is large. For example, acupuncture helps with various acute and chronic pain, musculoskeletal system disorders, menopausal symptoms, allergies, addictions, and respiratory problems. Likewise, it can help with disorders such as insomnia, internal discomfort and exhaustion. Even against wrinkles, acupuncture is used. It can be highly effective against chronic diseases, especially in combination with body therapies such as shiatsu or lymphatic drainage and Chinese pharmacotherapy. Acupuncture FAQs The following answers provide guidance for frequently asked questions about acupuncture. Is it possible to treat yourself? No, that is not recommended. Acupressure is more suitable if you want to try something on your own. Certain energy points are not treated with needles, but with a specific massage through the tips of the fingers. Are there any side effects? If you treat yourself with an experienced therapist you will rarely have side effects. It may be possible, for example, a bruise at the site of the puncture. Children can be acupunctured from the age of six. At this age, one can already be prepared for this type of treatment. How to find a good acupuncturist? Acupuncture is offered by physicians and naturopaths. It is best to consult with acquaintances who have already had experience with therapy. The following questions are important: Does the therapist advise the patient in detail? Are you taking your time? Physicians offering acupuncture treatment require certified acupuncture training of at least 140 hours. Is its effectiveness proven? There is currently no scientific evidence for the existence of energy pathways and acupuncture points. However, studies have shown that acupuncture is effective, for example against chronic pain. How does an acupuncture session work? During treatment, the patient should be comfortable and relaxed. The doctor should keep the patient's feet warm and, if necessary, massage them before pricking or heating them with an infrared lamp. The puncture itself can be somewhat painful, especially if the patient is afraid of treatment. But you really won't feel much of the needles - a slight tug, tingling, or a warm sensation at best. In many cases, acupuncture causes rapid relaxation. After the treatment, the patient must remain relaxed for some time. You are asked to be careful for the rest of the day. In total, a session lasts approximately 30 minutes and a therapy covers 10-15 sessions. It is ideal to be treated once a week. International study shows effect of acupuncture on chronic pain Many patients with chronic pain are convinced: acupuncture helps. However, there are always doubts about the effectiveness of the method. Critics believe that the effect of acupuncture is based only on the fact that most doctors and therapists take more time for their patients. Currently a large international investigation has shown that this is not the case. According to this, acupuncture as a treatment for chronic back, shoulder, knee and head pain is not only more effective than routine treatment with medications or physical therapy. It also helps better than so-called sham acupuncture. The needles are inserted only superficially and beyond the relevant acupuncture points. This shows that the choice of points also plays an important role in the treatment Acupuncture to improve vision The procedure can successfully treat a variety of diseases, such as presbyopia, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinal disorders. It does not need to be done on the eyes themselves, but on certain points on the body. These are, for example, between the eyebrows or on the hands and have a particularly intense effect on the eye area. The method is also suitable for children with ametropia or strabismus. Only in myopia in adulthood, this does not bring help. For maximum effect, this special form of acupuncture requires two 30-minute treatments per day. There should be a break of at least one hour between sessions. An improvement is usually noticeable in the first week. Tinnitus happens when we consciously hear a sound that does not come from any source outside the body. It is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying problem. The noise is usually subjective, meaning that only the person who has tinnitus can hear it. The most common form is a steady, high-pitched ringing. This can be annoying, but it does not usually indicate a serious condition. Silencil Ingredients Reviews
fiona basil
May 27, 2021
In General Discussions
Mallow soothes irritating coughs and soothes mucous membranes, it is often distributed in the form of tea or infusion. This tea is commonly consumed and known, but it is generally made wholly or partially from hibiscus. Mallow tea and its many benefits The medicinal plant of wild mallow (Malva sylvestris) · It relieves irritating coughs, soothes mucous membranes in the oropharynx, throat, stomach, and intestines, inhibits inflammation, and is mildly astringent. · Mallow tea sometimes contains hibiscus. These mixtures should not be used by pregnant women due to the risk of uterine contractions. · Has no known side effects · Do not drink it with other medications at the same time. Wait about 2 hours between drinking tea and taking the recommended medication. · Use during: Cough, irritating and inflammatory diseases of the mouth, swollen throat, irritated stomach and intestine; slight diarrhea. Mallow tea with hibiscus: dangerous for pregnant women Mallow and hibiscus are medicinal plants with similar effects. Both plants contain a lot of mucilage and tannins. Therefore, both are suitable for respiratory diseases, and with limited use during diarrhea. However, there is an important difference: hibiscus can lower blood pressure and also appears to promote uterine contractions. As a precautionary measure, pregnant women should refrain from fruit teas that contain hibiscus. Mallow-containing skin care preparations The tea prepared with this medicinal plant uses a wild mallow, and is not used in medicine. However, there are some skin and hair care products on the market that contain mallow oil or extracts of the mallow flower. Active compounds in mallow The flowers and leaves of the mallow contain many of the so-called mucilages. These are in this case long-chain sugar molecules of glucose and galactose. The flowers also contain so-called anthocyanins such as Malvina. Making fresh mallow tea Pour 2 teaspoons of dried flowers or leaves (as you choose) with 250 ml of warm water and let it soak for at least 6 hours. Then drain and reheat to a drinkable temperature (not boiling). For dry coughs and inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and irritating gastrointestinal complaints, drink 2 to 3 cups a day. A little honey enhances the taste of mallow tea. Diabetics should refrain from honey. How mucilage and Malvina work Mucous matter forms a film on contact with moisture. In the mouth and pharynx, this creates a kind of protective coating on the mucous membranes. This is especially noticeable in the case of a dry cough. The protective film soothes the mucous membrane and relieves cough, often tormenting and painful. The protective effect also explains the soothing effect on a sore throat. A protective coating is also formed on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people with a sensitive or irritated stomach often feel relief from discomfort after enjoying mallow tea. Furthermore, the mucous membranes protected by the mucilage film are more difficult to penetrate by inflammatory pathogens. This relieves the symptoms of irritable cough, as well as inflammation of the oropharynx or the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Anti-inflammatory and astringent effect Furthermore, the malvin dye and other phenolic compounds in malt have anti-inflammatory effects and therefore support the effect of mucous substances. The active ingredients in mallow are also said to have a slightly astringent effect. This may explain the relief from diarrhea. As the mucous membranes of the intestine contract, less fluid passes from the body to the intestine. The mallow is a generally well tolerated medicinal plant. Side effects are not expected as long as adequate amounts of mallow tea are taken. Even external application in skin care or as a shampoo does not cause complications. Mucous substances reduce the absorption of drugs in the intestine A word of warning should be made: mucous substances such as mallow slow down or sometimes hinder the effect of medications that enter the blood through the intestine. Therefore, at least 120 minutes must elapse between drinking mallow tea and taking any medication. How to harvest mallow If you want to harvest mallow it is something particularly easy to do. This medicinal plant loves sunny places on the roadsides, on slopes or on the walls. The hollyhock can also do relatively poorly on the margins of fields and meadows. The best harvest time is from June to August. The flowers are collected with a calyx but without a stem. Flowers and grass can easily be dried in the air and in the shade. In a closed, opaque container, the dried medicinal plant can last for many months. The first thing on the way to natural gum growth is to know the root cause of the problem. In 80% cases, gum recession is brought on by some gum disease. And gum disease is an effect of harmful bacteria residing in the warm and moist environment of our mouth. It is the perfect environment for the bacteria to grow and multiply extremely fast. Steel Bite Pro Reviews

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