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maya justin
Jan 04, 2022
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Keto has some traits that are reminiscent of the Atkins diet and other low-carb plans. The keto diet involves dramatically reducing your carbohydrate consumption and substituting fat instead. This dietary alteration will put your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. YEC Keto
maya justin
Oct 13, 2021
In General Discussions
Have you heard that you are what you eat? So, it is not difficult to conclude that your physical performance is directly related to what you eat. That means that without a good diet, weight gains are enhanced and performance is seriously compromised. In addition to being our fuel, some foods also help prevent or heal injuries, and increase your overall physical performance. Foods that will help you increase your physical performance A balanced diet provides the energy necessary to meet the needs of the body and gives the fuel necessary to increase your physical performance. And when combined with thermogenic foods, it can also help those who want to reduce the percentage of fat with exercises. Why not harness that power of food? Learn now how to add natural foods to your diet to have more energy for your daily activities and more disposition for your physical activities. While all experts agreed that protein needs for performance are probably higher than previously believed in generations, especially for strength training athletes, and that dietary fat could support a active person through low intensity training sessions, current research still points to carbohydrates as an indispensable energy and source of high intensity performance. Both before and after physical activities, moderate protein consumption is indicated (eggs, tuna and turkey breast, for example), which help the recovery and maintenance of muscles and carbohydrates (fruits, potatoes, vegetables and grains). If your training time is less than that, opt for cookies and muffins that have a faster digestion. After training, to fully regain muscle energy, it is necessary to eat for the first 30 minutes after activities and eat other small meals every three hours. Your diet outside of training hours can also influence calorie burn during exercise. So-called thermogenic foods generate higher energy expenditure and can be included in your diet if you do not have any medical restrictions. Some of the best thermogenic foods are: · Pepper. · Green Tea. · Ginger. · Warm water. · Cinnamon. · Lean meat. · Dairy products. · Eggs · Black pepper. · Chilies. In addition to these natural foods, we can also count on the help of green tea, coffee, moringa and maca root. All of them very famous and consumed natural supplements. If you have type 2 diabetes and your blood sugar levels are racing up and down like a roller coaster, it's time to get off the ride. Big swings in your blood sugar can make you feel lousy. But even if you aren't aware of them, they can still increase your risk for a number of serious health problems. By making simple but specific adjustments to your lifestyle and diet, you can gain better blood-sugar control. GlucoBurn
maya justin
Oct 13, 2021
In General Discussions
Are you expecting a new member in your family? Do you want to make sure you eat a nutritious diet during pregnancy? Are you tired of bland foods? Do you want better options? If you have agreed to several of these questions, you should consider including broccoli in your diet. Read our article and find out about the benefits of consuming broccoli during pregnancy. Bottom line: The variety of vitamins and minerals that broccoli contains, along with other nutritional agents, makes it the perfect food to improve not only your physical health and well-being, but also to provide a good boost to your baby's development. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that originally belongs to Italy and became popular a long time ago, it is full of nutrients, antioxidants and trace elements, it offers many advantages for you and your baby, to get its benefits you can eat raw or cooked broccoli. Broccoli during pregnancy: Let's take a look at some of the main benefits of eating broccoli while pregnant. 1. Prevents anemia Broccoli is rich in iron and folic acid, eating broccoli during pregnancy ensures a good level of hemoglobin and avoids the risk of anemia. 2. Skin protection Pregnancy produces increased sensitivity of the skin. UV radiation can easily penetrate and damage the skin. Broccoli not only helps protect our skin; it also helps give it shine. This is due to the various vitamins such as K, B, E and A that work to maintain a healthy skin structure. 3. Strengthens the bones Women are more prone to osteoporosis. Broccoli is rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. By consuming it, you ensure an adequate intake of all the essential minerals that make solid bones and avoid the risk of osteoporosis. 4. Guarantees a healthy pregnancy Broccoli is an excellent source of folic acid, which eliminates neurological defects, such as spina bifida, eating broccoli during pregnancy ensures the health of the mother along with that of her baby. 5. Protects the skin from UV rays Broccoli is rich in glucoraphanin sulforaphane and minimizes skin inflammation and damage resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, broccoli is a rich source of vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, and folic acid. 6. Increases immunity Broccoli is packed with vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and other essential vitamins and minerals. Eating broccoli during pregnancy increases our immunity thus avoiding the risk of diseases in infections to both the mother and the baby. 7. Reduce constipation Almost all pregnant women will experience constipation during pregnancy, which would also be one of the most uncomfortable things for her. The body is undergoing tremendous changes, hormone levels fluctuate, and iron supplements are being taken. All these changes also end up affecting the stimulation of the intestine. The fiber content in broccoli is substantial. This helps you contain water, promote bowel movements, and relieve constipation. Walk on a treadmill for 60 minutes- Your aim should be to walk on the treadmill at a moderate speed for at least an hour. This will burn about 1000 calories every day and speed up your weight loss process. You can burn 1000 calories easily within this one hour. Keto Slim
maya justin
Oct 12, 2021
In General Discussions
Oily skin is characterized by accumulating a lot of oil and as a result having a shiny and dirty appearance. For this reason, home-made products can give you an almost definitive solution to the problem of oily skin that women and men often present as well, from adolescence on. It is associated with this type of oily skin having open pores and also a tendency to blemishes that is difficult to show a healthy appearance. Oily skin is difficult to treat and many times the chemicals found in cosmetics can make the situation worse, creating even more sebum. The best option is to treat our skin with natural elements that do not add harmful products to our skin: it will take longer to obtain favorable results, but you will not have any unfavorable ones. For starters, you can learn how to make a homemade toner for oily skin. Homemade toner recipe for oily skin To make a homemade toner for oily skin you will need the following ingredients: · 100 milliliters of water · 1 tablespoon rosemary · 1 tablespoon chamomile, lavender, and calendula · 3 drops of lavender essential oil · 3 drops of orange essential oil preparation: 1. Boil the water and remove from the heat. Put the herbs in and wait for the water to cool down, so that it absorbs all the properties of the plants. 2. Filter with a funnel and a coffee filter or a piece of cloth (this will prevent even the smallest leaves from remaining). 3. Heat the essential oils and add them to the mixture. 4. Place in a clean container, preferably with a sprayer to make the task easier. Fennel or mint tea can be added to the herb to make a refreshing toner to hydrate oily skin. Store in a cool, dry place. How to use the homemade toner for oily skin? To use the homemade toner for oily skin, you must first shake it well, so that the essential oils mix perfectly. A cotton ball is wetted and used on the face like any other tonic, always after removing make-up from the face and cleaning it thoroughly. We wait until the toner has been absorbed to use the moisturizer. You should use it every day, at least at night, although it is convenient for oily skin to follow the cleansing routine a couple of times a day. In addition, this tonic can be used as many times as you think necessary on the skin throughout the day, especially if you notice it greasy, since being natural it does not astringe too much or damage the skin. Auditory deprivation occurs when your brain is deprived of sound, such as from untreated hearing loss. Over time, your brain loses the ability to process sound. If left untreated, the parts of the brain normally responsible for hearing get "reassigned" to other tasks. Hearing X3
maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
Many of those who already suffer from fibromyalgia pain also suffer from myofascial pain syndrome. Syndrome myofascial pain is another form of chronic pain that can affect the entire body, including the face and jaw. Myofascial pain can add to the already bothersome symptoms of fibromyalgia, and can contribute to disability and poor quality of life if not diagnosed correctly. If you think you may be suffering from myofascial dysfunction, consult with your healthcare provider to discuss your treatment options. What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome Myofascial syndrome is a pain disorder that affects muscles and fascia throughout the body. The fascia is like a network that surrounds the bones, tissues, organs, and blood vessels throughout the body. Myofascial pain syndrome can attack and cause degeneration of certain areas of the fascia, resulting in chronic pain and a variety of other symptoms. The pain usually originates in specific areas of the body, called myofascial trigger points, which feel like tiny nodules under the skin. These trigger points commonly develop throughout the body, usually where the fascia comes into contact with a muscle. Myofascial pain syndrome is a very common disease, and most people will develop at least one trigger point in their body at some point in their lives. Most of these people will not develop severe symptoms and will be able to continue with their normal routines. However, about 14% of the population will develop a chronic form of the syndrome, resulting in persistent pain and discomfort. Myofascial pain disorder is very common in fibromyalgia patients. Myofascial pain syndrome was thought to actually be a kind of fibromyalgia. However, this is now known to be not the case. It is possible to have fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial syndrome, and therefore it is important to be diligent in analyzing your symptoms. If you notice symptoms of myofascial syndrome, write them down and report them to your doctor. Signs and Symptoms of Myofascial Pain Syndrome The most common sign of myofascial pain is the presence of palpable trigger points in the muscles. Trigger points are areas of extreme sensitivity, and they usually form in bands of muscle under the skin. They are similar to tender points caused by fibromyalgia, only that trigger points can be felt under the skin. When touched, the trigger points will cause pain and spasms in the muscles. Often the pain is felt in an area other than the trigger point that is actually affected, this is called referred pain. Myofascial pain is usually a dull ache, but it can also produce a throbbing, stabbing, or burning sensation. The pain is often localized in the jaw area, although any part of the body can be affected. One-third of those with myofascial pain report localized pain, while two-thirds report pain all over their body. Myofascial pain can also produce a variety of other symptoms, many of which may seem unrelated. These include: · Numbness in the extremities · Popping of the joints · Limited movement of the joints, particularly the jaw · Muscle weakness (manifested in dropping things) · Migraine or headache · Disturbed dream · Balance problems · Tinnitus and earache · Double vision or blurred vision · Memory problems · Unexplained nausea, dizziness, and sweating Aggravating factors Symptoms are usually aggravated by specific factors. Stress and anxiety contribute to muscle tension and can irritate trigger points. Changes in the weather, including sudden coldness, high humidity, or extreme dryness can also exacerbate symptoms. Physical activity can also trigger symptoms. Causes of myofascial pain syndrome There are numerous causes of myofascial pain Muscle and skeletal problems The causes of myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome can be numerous and depend on the individual. Generally, myofascial pain is caused by some type of trauma to the muscles and skeleton in the body. Overworking the muscles can cause damage to certain areas leading to the development of a trigger point. Poor posture can also trigger myofascial pain in certain individuals. Skeletal abnormalities, such as having different sized feet, fingers, or legs, can also contribute to the development of myofascial pain. Frequent exposure to cold weather can also increase the risk of developing chronic myofascial pain syndrome. Chronic Fibromyalgia Pain People with fibromyalgia can have myofascial pain syndrome as a result of their fibromyalgia pain. Compensating for pain can often cause reduced movement or unhealthy posture, leading to the formation of trigger points. The severe pain caused by fibromyalgia also causes muscle contractions around soft spots. Eventually, these muscle contractions cause trigger points to form, in addition to the soft spots of fibromyalgia. Depression associated with fibromyalgia Depression associated with fibromyalgia can also cause myofascial pain to develop. At least 30% of fibromyalgia patients suffer from depression, which causes low levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood and pain in the body. Depression can interfere with the process of regulating pain, causing SDM. Effects of SDM on fibromyalgia Having both myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia can be quite upsetting at times. The symptoms of myofascial pain, and fibromyalgia, are very similar, making it difficult for medical professionals to correctly diagnose many people. Without a proper diagnosis, a patient may not receive proper treatment making the symptoms even worse. Additionally, myofascial pain can often contribute to fibromyalgia pain, making life much more difficult to enjoy. Overmedication in traditional medicine Antidepressants and / or anti-anxiety medications are two of the most common medications prescribed for chronic pain, in the US alone with more than 250,000,000 prescriptions written each year, and growing. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are also part of the treatment protocol for myofascial pain syndrome and others. One drug that is gaining popularity in recent days in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes is methadone. Methadone has been reported to be up to 20 times stronger than Vicodin or Percocet, which also makes methadone a much more dangerous drug. Tizanidine (carrflex), is another commonly prescribed medication for nerve pain. One of its most dangerous side effects is liver toxicity, along with potential drug interactions. The most common advice doctors offer to these patients is simply to learn to live with their respective syndromes along with pain management (medications). And many doctors who don't offer much hope for pain relief often even advise against holistic options like chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional treatments, and others that don't bring any side effects. Nutritional deficiencies related to myofascial pain Pain syndromes such as: · Fibromyalgia · Myofascial pain syndrome (chronic myofascial pain) · Chronic Fatigue Syndrome · Restless leg syndrome All have studies linking these conditions to nutritional deficiencies. And there are three nutrients that stand out for being deficient in people with chronic pain: they are magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Natural treatments to relieve myofascial pain While contemporary medicine suggests special medications for myofascial pain, there is a wide range of home remedies and natural treatment options that one can benefit from. Remember that first of all it is to look for alternatives to stay stress-free and keep your mind occupied in another place that is not the pain that is what reaffirms you that you suffer from it and an endless feedback loop is made. - Vitamin D deficiency or hypothyroidism are often linked to this condition, therefore, treating these deficiencies is an important part of the treatment regimen. Get adequate exposure to the morning sun, to help the body synthesize its own vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements can also be beneficial in managing the condition. Make sure your diet is rich in iodine. - Physiotherapy that includes from a simple stretching, muscle strengthening and postural exercises, can be very beneficial. - Massaging the body with aromatherapy essential oils such as cloves and lavender are considered very useful. Massage helps calm cramps and spasms and loosen tight muscles. - Homeopathy has a profound benefit in the management of myofascial pain. The homeopathic drugs namely Rhuta and Rhus Tox are very effective when taken in low doses and repeated several times a day. - Look for therapies that keep you happy, in a good mood and producing hormones of happiness such as oxytocin and endorphins. Seek to set aside an hour a day by practicing walks, dancing, singing, doing creative therapy too that will keep you busy and doing what you love to do every day. Don't forget that the mind is where most of the things that your body reflects happens. - Acupuncture is an alternative method of treatment for myofascial pain helping to relieve symptoms naturally. It can also provide some relief from the negative side effects of medications already used by the patient. - Magnesium is a mineral that our body needs to carry out more than 300 biochemical reactions. It is the support that makes our muscles and nerves work normally, in addition, it helps to maintain a constant heart rate, keeps our bone structure strong and the immune system as well. Take a tablespoon of liquid magnesium in the morning and at night before going to bed. - Make sure you take an adequate dose of vitamin D as this vitamin is essential to keep teeth and bones in optimal condition because it contributes to the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are key minerals for bone health. A deficiency of vitamin D could cause osteoporosis and a malfunction of the nervous and muscular system, therefore. - Use iodized salt and increase the intake of shellfish such as shrimp, fish, seaweed, etc. - Make sure your diet is rich in fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, Omega 3 essential fats. Avoid processed and refined foods. Reduce alcohol intake, as it can lead to myofascial pain. If you have type 2 and you’re overweight, finding a way to lose weight is important as it really improves diabetes management. This is because it can help to lower your blood glucose and reduce your risk of other complications. There are different ways of doing this like the low-carb, Mediterranean or very low-calorie diets. Losing weight can help you lower your blood glucose levels, and we now know that substantial weight loss can even put some people's type 2 diabetes into remission. Vivo Tonic
maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
Do you stay up late often? Know the reasons why you should stop that habit that can be very harmful to health. Today many people tend to stay up late, either by choice or because the activities of the day force them to do so, however, what many are unaware of are the consequences that this can generate in their body beyond the fact of being sleepy during the rest of the day. There are certain physical and mental irregularities that the next day usually take their toll on us, it is popularly known as "raw" or "hangover", but this can cause a harmful response in our body. Harmful Effects of Frequent Staying Up Sleeping is as important an activity for humans as eating, because just as the body needs food to function, it also needs to rest. So, if you have a habit of bad sleeping and staying up late several times a week, here we will give you some reasons to change that habit completely. Increased appetite Not sleeping correctly, usually increases the desire to eat, as the body will find a way to obtain energy in some way. It is very common that the day after a bad night your anxious states gradually increase, which will generate that you end up eating everything and every moment, more than all "junk" or "junk" food that does not provide you any benefit. Increased risk of accidents More and more traffic accidents are generated by people who fell asleep at the wheel, driving is not an easy task and requires the individual to keep all their senses active, if the person does not rest it is very likely that they will begin to fade and at the least expected moment he fell asleep. So if you had a bad night, it is best not to drive and try to get some rest. Increased irritability It is proven that when an individual does not rest enough, their emotions increase by up to 60% , since not sleeping causes these regions to be activated more than normal and the person reacts uncontrollably to various situations. Therefore, it is common to notice that if we have stayed up late or have a bad night, the next day we are irritated and more inclined to react negatively to everyday situations. Greater difficulty learning and concentrating Sleep plays a fundamental role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep impairs these cognitive processes in many ways. First, it impairs attention, concentration, reasoning and the ability to solve problems is diminished. This makes it more difficult to learn efficiently. Second, during the night, various sleep cycles play a role in the "consolidation" of memories in the mind. If you don't get enough sleep, you can have a hard time remembering what you've learned and experienced during the day. Prone to depression Lack of sleep and long-term sleep disorders can contribute to symptoms of depression. In survey, people who were diagnosed with depression or anxiety were more likely to sleep less than six hours at night. The most common sleep disorder, insomnia, has the strongest link to depression. In a study of about 10,000 people, it showed that those with insomnia were five times more likely to develop depression than those who slept adequately. In fact, insomnia is often one of the first symptoms of depression. Insomnia and depression feed off each other. Loss of sleep often aggravates the symptoms of depression, and depression can make it harder to fall asleep. On the positive side, treating sleep problems can help depression and its symptoms, and vice versa. Lack of sleep ages your skin Most people have experienced dry skin and puffy eyes after just a few nights without getting enough sleep. But it turns out that chronic sleep loss can lead to dull skin, fine lines, and dark circles under the eyes. When you don't get enough sleep, your body releases more cortisol from stress. In excessive amounts, cortisol can break down skin collagen, the protein that keeps skin smooth and elastic. Loss of sleep also causes the body to play an irregular role in releasing growth hormone. When we are young, growth hormone promotes our development, as its name suggests. As we age, it helps build muscle mass, thicken skin, and strengthen bones. This hormone is released during the hours of deep sleep, if we are not able to get enough rest, we will be limiting not only our development, but the body's ability to regenerate itself. Without excess injury being caused by reactive O species, the inflammatory processes of the body don’t need to be wont to repair injury as often. This reduces inflammation levels within the body. A pleasing aspect impact of these medication edges is that people with chronic pain could notice a discount in pain additionally. Athlete Pharm Keto
maya justin
Sep 04, 2021
In General Discussions
Recognizing asthma symptoms early is crucial in order to be able to treat it properly, but first it is important to define what asthma is, what are its main symptoms and what are its triggers. What is asthma? The asthma is a respiratory disease characterized by a state of chronic inflammation that generates intermittent hypersensitivity and increased secretion in the airways, especially in the bronchi. It usually manifests itself through attacks or episodes of bronchospasm (when the bronchi become congested from one moment to another), which are called asthma attacks. Although it is more common in children, it can also affect adults at any age, with similar symptoms in all affected groups. It is important to know that the severity of presentation of asthma symptoms can vary even in the same person at different times in their life. Asthma symptoms Not all episodes of coughing or respiratory distress imply that the patient is asthmatic, so it is very important to recognize asthma symptoms and see a doctor when they occur to make an accurate diagnosis and define the best treatment adjusted to each patient. In this article we will talk about asthma symptoms and how to recognize them. Shortness of breath Also known as dyspnea. The person feels that he is not breathing properly and needs to take deep breaths to feel that the oxygen is reaching his lungs correctly. Due to respiratory distress, the patient may have rapid breathing alternating with bouts of coughing. Chest pain Due to respiratory distress, the patient feels the need to breathe deeper and for this, he uses his intercostal and supraclavicular muscles in order to expand the thorax. These muscle groups are known as accessory muscles of respiration and when used repeatedly, chest pain is generated. Chest tightness Along with shortness of breath, another common symptom is a sensation of chest tightness, which is why many patients complain of having their chest pressed or tight when an asthma attack begins. Cough It is a reflection of the airway that is produced in order to expel any content, secretion or foreign body lodged inside. In the case of asthma, the patient has a dry cough or associated with phlegm (expectoration) due to increased secretion inside the bronchi. Generally, the cough is exacerbated at night, after physical exercise (jogging, playing, etc.), eating or laughing. Wheezing Commonly known as whistles or whistles. They commonly occur during expiration (or exhalation), although they can occur in all phases of respiration. They occur due to the accumulation of secretions at the bronchial level, which generate resistance and prevent the air from leaving easily through the respiratory tract, producing that characteristic sound. Feeling of panic Many people feel anxious about an asthma attack because they feel like they can't breathe. Above all, in those who have already had severe crises that have merited emergency consultation and hospital stays. Pallor Due to the lack of oxygen in the tissues, accentuated paleness of the face and mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and nose occurs during an asthmatic attack. This paleness can also be accompanied by sweating of the face and hands. Other symptoms A typical asthma attack is characterized by the appearance of respiratory distress accompanied by chest pain or tightness, cough and wheezing, however, when other symptoms are associated, the presence of a possible complication should be considered and it should be treated as soon as possible. These symptoms are fever, weakness, fainting, cyanosis of the lips and fingers (purplish coloration) and loss of appetite, which indicate the presence of a respiratory infection such as acute bronchitis or pneumonia and must be diagnosed by a doctor to initiate treatment. What Triggers Asthma Symptoms? There is no definitive cause that explains how asthma occurs, however, studies show that there is an important genetic component (children of allergic or asthmatic people are more likely to develop it) and another allergic component. Contact with external substances called allergens triggers an inflammatory response at the bronchial level, which generates increased secretions and congestion in the airway. Some of these allergens are mites, animals with fur, contact with insects, pollen from flowers, strong odors from detergents, perfumes and cleaning fluids, humid and cold climates, environmental pollution, walls with humidity and fungus, dust in carpets, among others. Some of the most important triggers for asthma attacks are respiratory infections, ranging from a simple common cold to rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngotonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. In asthmatic patients, a crisis almost always develops after a respiratory infection. It is important to know that not all patients with a respiratory infection are asthmatic. In fact, in some infections the patient may require nebulisation, but this does not imply that similar episodes will develop in the future, as happens in asthmatic patients. Getting less than six hours of quality sleep every night can disrupt the balance of insulin and blood sugar. If you are not getting good, restful sleep, try avoiding alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods at night. You could also try lowering the temperature of your bedroom at night. Make your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible. Lastly, establish a sleep routine by going to bed and rising at the same time every day. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret Customer Reviews
maya justin
Sep 03, 2021
In General Discussions
The Epilepsy is a chronic and recurrent seizure disorder of the cerebral cortex, which affects all age groups, especially children and people over 70 years. According to the International League Against Epilepsy, attached to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that around 30% of the population does not receive adequate treatment to control this disease, and this situation occurs, above all, in populations with low economic resources. The Epilepsy has no cure, but if controlled by taking medicines called anticonvulsants, antiepileptics or anticonvulsants. These anticonvulsants should be indicated by the internist or neurologist, after the diagnosis of epilepsy and according to the physical, psychological and social context of the patient. Goals of epilepsy treatment The fundamental objective for the treatment of epilepsy is to eliminate or control seizures, avoiding adverse effects produced by the use of anticonvulsants. Currently there are several types of anticonvulsants, however, the treatment of choice will be indicated according to the health status of the patient, their possible adherence to treatment and their economic capacity to acquire it. The choice of medicine must be made by the doctor, considering that he must avoid side effects and interaction with other medicines, so it is preferred that treatment be with a single medicine (monotherapy). Another important aspect to take into consideration is to choose the drug that, due to its mechanism of action, is the ideal one to treat the type of seizure that the patient presents according to their medical history, that is, some anticonvulsants are effective to treat generalized seizures (secondary to abnormal activity of the whole brain) and others, are ideal for treating partial seizures (generated in only one brain region). Medical treatment of epilepsy It is estimated that about 70% of patients achieve seizure control with the use of antiepileptic drugs. The medical treatment will then depend on the type of crisis and that this type of epileptic syndrome patient: · In absence seizures: treatment may be based on ethosuximide, but if absence seizures are accompanied by another type of seizure, valproic acid, lamotrigine or topiramate may be indicated. Other anticonvulsants due to their mechanism of action could rather exacerbate absence seizures. · In tonic, myoclonic or tonic-clonic seizures, drugs such as topiramate, lamotrigine and valproic acid are used, varying according to the type of specific syndrome that the patient presents (for example, in some syndromes, such as Juvenile Myoclonic Syndrome, acid may be used valproic in conjunction with levetiracetam). · Generalized seizures and seizures without a specific type: the treatment of choice is valproic acid. However, other antiepileptic drugs such as carbamazzein, phenobarbital lamotrigine and topiramate can also be used. · Focal seizures: There are several types of options such as carbamazepine, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, and topiramate. · First seizures: during the first seizure and even seizure status, benzodiazepines (such as diazepam and lorazepan) are used because they are short and fast acting. It is important that the choice of anticonvulsant is made by the internist or neurologist, since all these drugs have important side effects that must be avoided and monitored. Other treatments for epilepsy · Electrical stimulation for refractory epilepsy: which is done through stimulation of the vagus nerve or by magnetic stimulation of the cerebral cortex. In the case of vagal stimulation, a device located in the neck produces signals through electrical generators (the size of a pacemaker for the heart), it causes the vagus nerve to send signals to the brain causing the modification of the thresholds of the seizures In the case of direct stimulation of the cerebral cortex, it is also performed by a device that sends signals to the brain and is also capable of controlling epileptic episodes. · Surgery for epilepsy: it is estimated that 20% of epilepsy cases may be refractory to medical treatment. However, not all people are candidates for surgery. To propose a surgery (which consists of resecting the segment of the cerebral cortex that emits epileptogenic discharges) the patient must meet a series of requirements such as, for example, that when removing the area that is generating the epilepsy, damage or sequelae do not occur important for the life of the patient and that the epileptogenic zone is located in a certain area. Epilepsy and diet Some studies recommend the ketogenic diet (including the Atkins diet) in patients with epilepsy, which consists of a diet rich in saturated fats of vegetable origin (avocado, nuts, among others) and eliminating carbohydrates and sugars, in order to that the body uses fat as its main source of energy. It is not well described why this type of diet works, but the production of ketone bodies is believed to decrease the frequency of seizures. According to some studies, it has been used in children refractory to conventional treatment. Massaging the scalp after a hard day of work is not only helpful for blood circulation to the head, but also helps decrease stress caused by work-related problems and other trauma. People with migraines and headaches can reap incredible benefits from scalp massage with any of their chosen natural oils. Restolin Hair Reviews
maya justin
Sep 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Estrogens in our environment constantly attack us through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the chemicals we expose ourselves to. Fake estrogens, or copycat estrogens, which are also called environmental estrogens, come in the form of chemicals (xenoestrogens) and plant-based foods (phytoestrogens). These can mimic the action of endogenous estrogen, which is produced in our cells and can alter hormonal activity in women and men. Environmental estrogens There is increasing evidence that xenoestrogens and other hormone-mimicking substances are involved in a wide range of human and wildlife health problems. Estrogen in our environment constantly attacks us, from the food we eat to the chemicals we use or are exposed to. Estrogen in the form of chemicals (xenoestrogens), or foods and plants (phytoestrogens), mimics the action of estrogen produced in cells and can alter hormonal activity. It is important for all of us to be aware of the effects of environmental estrogens especially for anyone who is dealing with a condition caused by estrogen dominance, such as uterine fibroid tumors, fibrocystic breasts, glandular dysfunction, hair loss, increased weight or depression. The dominance of these endocrine disruptors causes an imbalance of hormones, creating a series of symptoms of estrogen dominance in both sexes. Problems caused by environmental estrogens can include: · Imbalance in female hormones known as estrogen dominance. · Girls and boys who start puberty too early, which can lead to health problems later in life. · Abnormal growth of breast tissue in men known as "man boobs." · Other health problems in men, such as hair loss, atherosclerosis, prostate problems, decreased libido, and impotence. Phytoestrogens and Xenoestrogens (false estrogens) Phytoestrogens (phyto which means plant) are natural estrogenic compounds found in a variety of plant foods such as beans, seeds, and grains. Its chemical structure resembles estrogen. Phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen can affect the production and / or breakdown of estrogen in the body, as well as the levels of estrogen transported in the bloodstream. These mimics can have the same effects as estrogen or block the effects of estrogen. These compounds are generally weak estrogens, compared to real estrogen, synthetic estrogen (TRH), and xenoestrogens. What foods contain phytoestrogens More than 300 foods have been shown to contain phytoestrogens. Most dietary phytoestrogens belong to one of the following three chemical classes: Isoflavonoids: Isoflavonoid phytoestrogens are found in beans of the legume family. Soybeans and soy products are the main food source of these types of phytoestrogens. Isoflavone extracts from soy are known as genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. Lignans: Lignan phytoestrogens are found in high-fiber foods, such as cereals and beans. Flaxseed contains large amounts of lignans, but some studies suggest that it may have a positive effect on estrogen dominance. Coumestans: phytoestrogens Coumestano found in various beans, and split peas, lima beans and pinto beans. Alfalfa and clover sprouts are the foods with the highest amount of coumestane. Foods that contain higher amounts of phytoestrogens: · Soy · Black cohosh · Chasteberry · Dong quai · Red clover · Flax seed · Caffeine What Xenoestrogens Contains Xeno literally means strange, therefore xenoestrogens means strange or false estrogens. Some of the 70,000 chemicals registered for use in the United States have hormonal effects in addition to toxic effects. Scientists have suggested that environmental estrogens may be reducing sperm counts in men and causing breast cancer, fibroids, and other reproductive diseases in women. The synergistic effects of exposure to many xenoestrogens are documented and investigated, but are largely unknown. These substances can increase the estrogen load in the body over time and are difficult to detoxify through the liver. This further exacerbates the estrogen dominance problem. Organochlorines: one of the largest sources of xenoestrogens By-products of the plastics and pesticide industries, called organochlorines, are one of the largest sources of xenoestrogens. These compounds, used in dry cleaning, bleaching feminine hygiene products and during the manufacture of plastics ranging from yogurt containers to baby bottles, have been shown to produce hormone disrupting effects. Additionally, organochlorines are known to accumulate in human fatty tissue and in fluids such as breasts and breast milk. As a precaution, women should try to eliminate these external sources of estrogens through diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes. Plastics also expose us to the chemical bisphenol A (BPA), a breakdown product of polycarbonate, commonly used in many plastics. Bisphenol A, found in the lining of many food cans and juice containers, is released when polycarbonate is subjected to high temperatures. The estrogenic effects of bisphenol A became apparent when men working in the plastics industry developed breasts after chronically inhaling the chemical through dust. Many companies are now producing BPA-free plastic products. However, it is advisable to reduce the use of all types of plastics as much as possible. Other bad news that scientists have come up with is that environmental estrogens may be reducing sperm counts in men and causing breast cancer, fibroids, and other reproductive diseases in women. Xenoestrogens can be found in many of our meat and dairy products in the form of chemicals and growth hormones that are administered to animals. These can be quite powerful and should be avoided whenever possible. Substances and products that contain xenoestrogens and that you should avoid: · All pesticides, herbicides and fungicides (wash your food well with a biodegradable non-toxic solution if it is not organic) · Plastic items (release xenoestrogens into the environment). · Creams and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients like parabens and stearalkonium chloride (cheap brands tend to include more toxic ingredients). · Nail polish and nail polish remover. · Surfactants found in many condoms and diaphragms. · New carpets (may emit harmful fumes). · X-rays · Fluoride · Leaving plastic containers, especially water bottles, in the sun (if a plastic water container has become significantly hot, throw it away and do not drink the water). · Fabric softeners (contain petrochemicals that are absorbed through the skin). · Heat plastic containers in the microwave. Avoid using plastic wrap to cover microwaveable foods. · Harmful gases from copiers and printers, carpets, fibreboards, etc. · Computer monitors, televisions, etc. that emit high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF). Practice these habits that minimize xenoestrogen exposure: · Use a high-quality water filter in your home. · Buy organically grown whole foods. · Eat hormone-free meat and dairy products. · Store your food in glass or ceramic containers. · Use simple laundry and dish detergents that have fewer chemicals. · Buy organic soaps and toothpastes. · Use natural skin care products. · Natural based perfumes (most perfumes are petrochemical based. · Soak the fruits and vegetables that you previously washed in a washing product or ozonated water for 20 minutes before consuming them. Returning to balance By learning how you can change and / or maintain your health, you can alleviate many of the symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. A balance of hormones enables women and men to overcome the stages of hormonal ups and downs with the help of adequate nutritional support, natural hormone replacement, exercise, herbs, and vitamin and mineral supplements. When there is no proper understanding of how hormonal imbalances can negatively affect us, women and men, synthetic hormones, antidepressants, and a host of medications are often prescribed to alleviate symptoms without addressing the underlying causes. The acquired immune system, with help from the innate system, produces cells (antibodies) to protect your body from a specific invader. These antibodies are developed by cells called B lymphocytes after the body has been exposed to the invader. The antibodies stay in your child's body. It can take several days for antibodies to develop. But after the first exposure, the immune system will recognize the invader and defend against it. The acquired immune system changes throughout your child's life. Immunizations train your child's immune system to make antibodies to protect him or her from harmful diseases. Turmeric Total Boost
maya justin
Sep 01, 2021
In General Discussions
Nutritious foods, carefully prepared and eaten with care, can influence our moods and general health. Read on for some humor foods that help build emotional balance if you learn to eat them regularly. Let food be your medicine Considered the “father of modern medicine,” advised the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, “Let food be your medicine. Before we had medicine, humans gathered food, often berries, barks and herbs and indeed teas, poultices and potions to build strength and restore health. (And it was a moldy piece of bread that led to the discovery of penicillin.) Our moods are part of health in general, and their influence on the functioning of our body is one of those responsible for the body's ability to fight infection, regenerate cells, recover from disease. Nutritious foods, carefully prepared and consciously eaten, could be our natural Prozac. Foods for humor Stress-related complaints of sleep disorders, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, and heart disease, among others-are the main reason for visits to doctors. The foods rich in iron and B vitamins such as beans / beans, beet / beet, cereals integrals, help the body replenish reducing stress. There are also the following foods to consider in your diet if you want to promote a more relaxed mind and body: Avocado The next time anxiety takes you to the point that you want to eat ice cream, opt for a healthy, non-dairy version made with avocado mixed with a ripe banana, vanilla extract, nut milk, and natural sweetener. Freeze then eat. Blueberries When we are stressed, our bodies need vitamin C and antioxidants to help repair and protect cells. Blueberries may seem small, but just a handful puts you within reach of antioxidants and vitamin C, also powerful against stress. While blueberries are tasty and nutritious on their own (tip: freeze them for a cold berry snack), there is no better way to boost nutrition either in a serving of yogurt or in a bowl of high fiber cereal. Spinach Spinach is packed with magnesium, a mineral that helps regulate cortisol levels and promote feelings of well-being. A simple cup of spinach fills 40 percent of your daily quota, so some use it with eggs in the morning, instead of lettuce on their sandwich, in a salad, steamed as a garnish, or by dropping a handful. of leaves in the soup. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids for depression Western medicine attributes depression to a disruption in the flow of certain brain chemicals (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine), which can be caused by an event, genetic factors, or some combination of the two. Many Eastern medicinal traditions say that depression targets the liver, which influences digestive and overall health. Eating foods like onions, garlic, cruciferous vegetables, and herbs like turmeric and dandelion can help keep your liver working as well. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate brain chemicals, antidepressants can naturally improve mood. Also take a look at the following foods to include in your anti-depression diet: Asparagus Depression has also been linked to low levels of folic acid, and one vegetable that boosts this nutrient by improving mood is asparagus. A single cup provides two-thirds of your daily value, and it's easy to add asparagus to almost any meal. Salmon Include more fish in your meals. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps keep cortisol and adrenaline in check when you're feeling tense. Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3s: Consuming 4 oz. At least three times a week protects your heart when those stress hormones are increasing. Oatmeal Oatmeal is another food that helps the calm-inducing hormone serotonin flow. Always use whole grain oats, not instant oats, because coarse oats are higher in fiber and so they take a bit longer to digest (meaning their calming effect actually lasts longer). Living a diabetic life is a challenge. You need to constantly monitor your diet and ensure that your blood sugar level is well under control. Here we are discussing how to control or reduce blood sugar level. One of the major diseases affecting millions and millions of people in the country today, diabetes is life-long and deadly. It is a condition when the hormone called insulin that is produced by the pancreas is unable to break down glucose into energy, and as such, the blood sugar level increases in the body. What one eats plays a crucial role for diabetics, and monitoring it constantly along with following regular meal schedule can help tremendously. Physical activity is a must too to ensure that insulin is utilized by the body. Ceracare Diabetes Reviews
maya justin
Aug 31, 2021
In General Discussions
When we think of the best foods to eat at night, raw (or pure) honey might not be our idea because of how sweet it is, and eating something sweet before bed does not usually end well. But pure honey is different due to its natural composition, to the point that some doctors are even recommending taking it before bed to get a good night's sleep. The benefits of honey to improve health Honey is an ideal food for many reasons, and that it should be taken at many different times of the day, but perhaps the most interesting is to take it before bed in order to support a night's sleep. healthy. Honey may be one of the sweetest foods, but that doesn't mean it can't be helpful to your body, as it undergoes the repair process overnight. As always, make sure your honey is pure and organic, as most grocery store brands are imported, contain GMOs, and are often heated so many of the beneficial compounds are destroyed in the name of "security". In this case it is best to buy directly from the farmer. How honey helps you sleep well at night Raw honey contains "an ideal ratio of fructose to glucose" to support the liver, an organ that works overtime, literally and figuratively, during the sleeping process. Eating honey ensures that the liver will have an adequate supply of liver glycogen throughout the day, and taking it before bed can serve as the perfect fuel for the liver at night. Combined with adequate, pure water, your body should have more than it needs to perform its restorative and detoxifying functions. Honey promotes truly deep and restful sleep in two main ways. First, it allows an adequate supply of liver glycogen overnight while your body is starved and reserves are low. He points out that the average adult liver only has about 75 to 100 grams worth of storage space for glycogen, which varies between men and women of different body sizes. Per hour the body consumes about 10 grams of glycogen during the day, leaving our reserves very low by the time our head hits the pillow at 11 pm. That leaves less liver glycogen than is needed for eight hours of sleep if you had dinner at 6 p.m. However, if you take a teaspoon or two of honey before bed, the liver is replenished with glycogen so that your brain does not activate a stress response, which often occurs when glycogen is low. Honey also contributes to the release of melatonin in the brain, as it leads to a slight increase in insulin levels and the release of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan leads to serotonin which is made into melatonin in the dark. Lastly, by adding honey to your diet at night, you will be supporting a healthy metabolism as the liver goes to work breaking down toxins that are ultimately stored in fat cells. Other health benefits of honey In addition to the ability to help us get a good night's sleep and restful sleep, honey has a wide range of benefits that have been proven over time. Honey practically never expires as it has been found in Egyptian tombs and remains intact after many hundreds of years. This popular sweetener is also anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, great for reducing throat irritation, great for athletes, and much more. Regardless of how you use your honey, don't forget to buy it raw, organic from a local farmer - the benefits of honey have been enjoyed for thousands of years. Try to buy it from a trusted beekeeper who sells it completely pure and organic. Meditation is one of my favourite law of attraction tools. It can instantly improve your mood and help you manifest what you want in life. And, it’s free! You can meditate almost anywhere, but when you’re just starting out you’ll want to practice in a comfortable, quite place. This way you can connect with your mind and the universe. Shambala Secret
maya justin
Aug 30, 2021
In General Discussions
Like many people, you may have never heard of glutathione before, much less heard it out loud. Glutathione is one of the most critical, adaptable, and powerful antioxidants your body produces, and having low glutathione levels could be affecting you in the following ways. Although the human body makes its own glutathione, there are a host of things that can drain or counteract the glutathione levels in your body. The low levels of glutathione initiate oxidative stress, which in the long run is bad news for your health. Oxidative stress occurs when there are more free radicals than antioxidants in cells. The antioxidants, such as glutathione, are responsible for neutralizing free radicals, so when both are unbalanced, damage occurs in the DNA, tissues and cells. Oxidative stress also plays a key role in accelerating our body's natural aging process. Unfortunately, prolonged and excessive oxidative stress can also damage the liver and decrease its ability to detoxify. Aging, chronic stress, environmental toxins, pollution, poor nutrition, infections, disease, and radiation are all causes of glutathione depletion in the human body. Wi-Fi overexposure is even believed to contribute to poor health and glutathione depletion. With today's hectic lifestyle and poor diet, we are all exposed to many of these things every day. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways to replenish the glutathione level in your body no matter how old you are. Read on to learn more about how the body uses glutathione, why it is so crucial, and how low glutathione levels could be affecting your health, and what to do about it. Ways low glutathione levels can affect your health According to functional medicine experts at Rahav Wellness in New York, "glutathione helps activate enzymes and detoxify the body." Defends against toxin build-up and prevents cell damage from harmful free radicals. When cells are damaged, inflammation occurs. This inflammation can lead to some serious problems for your health, including autoimmune problems and certain types of cancer. As one of the most essential and dynamic antioxidants in the body, maintaining optimal glutathione levels is exceptionally critical. Here are the main ways that low glutathione levels can affect your health: · Low energy levels and chronic fatigue syndrome · Joint and muscle pain · Mental fog and lack of focus · Weak immune function and susceptibility to chronic infections. · Insomnia and other sleep disorders. · Increased risk of heart disease. · Increased risk of cancer. · Possible liver and kidney disease · Autoimmune disorders · Neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. · Arthritis · Asthma · Slow metabolism · Poor skin, nail and hair health. If you have any of these health problems, you may be suffering from low glutathione levels. Can you have too much glutathione? On the other hand, is it possible to have too much glutathione? Surprisingly, the answer is no. There is no scientific evidence to show that having high glutathione levels could be a problem. Quite the opposite. Studies show that high levels of glutathione promote excellent mental and physical health. How the body makes and uses glutathione This incredible antioxidant does more than fight free radicals, it also recycles other antioxidants. Glutathione is made up of three vital amino acids: glutamine, cysteine, and glycine. Your body's liver produces it, reduces it, and regenerates it. It attracts free radicals, heavy metals and sulfur from the body and helps the liver to expel them. It's more than an antioxidant, it also helps with several crucial body functions, including: · Build DNA · Supports the immune system · Regenerates vitamins E and C · Form and function of certain enzymes · Helps the gallbladder and liver manage fats How to increase your glutathione levels The fastest and most effective way to increase your glutathione levels is to receive an IV (intravenous) nutritional drip containing glutathione. A qualified IV therapy clinic can evaluate your medical history and assess your blood glutathione levels to see if you are a good candidate for IV glutathione therapy. It's a great way to get your levels up quickly, so you'll start to feel better right away. There are a few ways to increase your glutathione levels on your own, but it will take longer. Studies show that if you exercise for at least 40 minutes, three times a week for six weeks, your glutathione levels will increase. Following your workouts with a serving of whey protein can also help. Whey protein contains cysteine, an essential amino acid that is a building block of glutathione. Cysteine is often the rate-limiting factor in its production, as the other amino acids tend to be more abundant in the average diet. Getting enough sleep is also essential, but this can be difficult as insomnia is a common problem in people with low glutathione levels. Chronic insomnia actually triggers oxidative stress and depletes glutathione. If you have this problem, you may consider trying a natural sleep remedy like melatonin to see if it helps. You can also increase your glutathione levels over time by including more sulfur-rich foods in your diet. Sulfur is essential for the production of glutathione. Sulfur-rich foods include garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli and kale), and most meat. On the other hand, dairy and grains are low in glutathione. Adding a vitamin C supplement to your daily routine can also increase glutathione levels in the blood. Vitamin C is necessary for many bodily functions, and it is also an antioxidant. Converts glutathione that has been oxidized back into usable form. Some herbal supplements can also help. Turmeric (or curcumin extract) has been shown to increase glutathione levels when taken in highly concentrated form. Milk thistle supplements also prevent the degeneration of glutathione, which leads to a higher level in the body. Milk thistle is also good for protecting the liver, which suffers when glutathione levels are low. Alcohol is bad for your health in many ways, it's probably not surprising that it also lowers your glutathione levels. If you want to increase the level of glutathione in your body, avoid going overboard with alcohol. In fact, studies show that glutathione taken intravenously can help undo some of the side effects that alcohol abuse has on the body by reducing cell damage. Low glutathione levels can have a severe impact on your health. Increasing the level of this essential antioxidant should be a priority in everyone's health and wellness routine. If you suffer from chronic health problems due to low glutathione levels, an IV glutathione is the quickest way to get your levels back where they should be, but it is also helpful to adopt any of the above-mentioned ways. Always consult with an expert before starting therapy on your own. If you are interested in this type of therapy, you should check your glutathione levels in laboratories and see if that is really where the problem is manifesting itself or is it another to which you should also pay attention. Ketosis is a natural process the body initiates to help us survive when food intake is low. During this state, we produce ketones, which are produced from the breakdown of fats in the liver. The end goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to force your body into this metabolic state. We don’t do this through starvation of calories but starvation of carbohydrates. Exogenous Ketones Keto
maya justin
Aug 04, 2021
In General Discussions
If you've always wondered if these foods make you gain weight and which are the ones with the fewest calories, keep reading The nuts are healthy. They are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, but the same question always arises when we are trying to lose weight: do they get fat or not? How many can I eat if I want to lose weight? We must not forget that healthy is not always 'light', and with nuts that happens a bit: in addition to being healthy, they are full of calories and fat. The good? That these foods do not make us as fat as we think. However, they are not all the same: there are some that are better than others to lose weight. Keep reading, we tell you everything. Nuts are good for losing weight Numerous studies have found that eating nuts is not related to weight gain and can even help prevent it. For example, a study analyzed the diets of 8,865 men and women for 28 months, and found that those who ate two or more servings of nuts a week had a 31% lower risk of gaining weight compared to those who never or never they rarely ate them. Numerous studies have found that eating nuts is not linked to weight gain and can even help prevent it Another review of 36 studies also concluded that the regular consumption of nuts was not related to weight gain or increased BMI (Body Mass Index). This other study found the same thing after telling the experiment subjects that they could eat all the nuts they wanted, since they did not gain any weight. Be careful, there are also other studies that have linked the consumption of these foods with weight gain. There were people who got fat, but it tended to be insignificant in the long run. In fact, numerous studies have concluded that regular consumption of nuts is associated with lower body weight. [ Seven reasons why you are getting fat, and they have nothing to do with your diet] Why don't they get fat even though they have a lot of fat? As we told you at the beginning of the topic, nuts have a lot of fat, but it has a trick, since it is not absorbed one hundred percent by the body. The fiber contained in these foods causes most of them to pass into the intestine undigested. As a result, some of the nutrients, such as fat, will not be absorbed and will be lost in the stool. [ The only fruit that makes you lose weight] In this regard, some studies have found that after eating nuts, the amount of fat lost through feces increased by 5-20%. This suggests that a good part of the fat in these fruits is not even absorbed by the body. Be careful, the more we chew the nuts, the more likely we are that the body will absorb all its fat and calories. The least fattening nuts That said, just water doesn't make you fat at all. If we swell up with nuts, we will end up gaining weight, because, although its consumption is not closely related to the figure, if we go over calories we will notice it on the scale. They are numbers, reader. Therefore, the ideal is that you take a handful of nuts a day (28 grams) or, at most, two. In addition, it is good that you know which are the ones with the least calories and fat: 1) Almonds The almonds are in this select group. One serving (28 grams or a small handful) contains approximately: · Calories: 161 · Fat: 14 grams · Protein: 6 grams · Carbohydrates: 6 grams · Fiber: 3.5 grams If we are on a diet and eat almonds, we can lose more weight than if we did not. In addition, a handful of these can help us reduce the increase in blood sugar. 2) Pistachios A serving of pistachios (28 grams) contains: · Calories: 156 · Fat: 12.5 grams · Protein: 6 grams · Carbohydrates: 8 grams · Fiber: 3 grams Like almonds, pistachios can improve cholesterol levels and can help reduce the spike in blood sugar after meals. 3) Walnuts The nuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. In one serving (28 grams) we find: · Calories: 182 · Fat: 18 grams · Protein: 4 grams · Carbohydrates: 4 grams · Fiber: 2 grams Several studies have found that eating walnuts significantly lowers LDL or 'bad' cholesterol while increasing the good one. 4) Cashews In fourth position we find the cashew nuts. A handful has: · Calories: 155 · Fat: 12 grams · Protein: 5 grams · Carbohydrates: 9 grams · Fiber: 1 gram Cashews, in addition to being good for your figure, are excellent for reducing high blood pressure and increasing good cholesterol. [ The only nine foods that really satisfy you] And this is it, reader. As you can see, a handful of nuts has, on average, about 150 calories, so if you consume this amount per day it is very (very!) Difficult for you to gain even a gram. The key, as in almost everything in life, is in balance. We recommend that you do not sit in front of a large bag of nuts, because in the end you will finish it whole. Theirs is that you set aside a handful and eat it quietly, mid-morning or mid-afternoon. The Ketogenic diets, also known as keto diet, has been snatching the limelight of the world ever since the “quick weight loss” industry started gaining momentum. Keto diet was initially invented to treat health conditions like epilepsy and seizures. Now, since celebrities started endorsing the keto diet for weight loss and management, it is now being widely used for weight loss and for the management of diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. Xoth Keto BHB
maya justin
Jul 30, 2021
In General Discussions
Do you want to get rid of cellulite? Do you want to have silky, smooth and firm skin? Not only can you eliminate cellulite with dry body brushing, but it will also increase lymphatic drainage doing wonders for your skin and internal health. What is the lymphatic system? Our skin is our largest organ. We absorb and detoxify through our skin. Your lymphatic system is like your body's internal filtration system. Their job is to filter your blood and remove acidic and toxic waste. Without it, our cells, tissues, and organs would become overloaded with toxins. A sluggish or unhealthy lymphatic system could lead to a weakened immune system, chronic fatigue, aches and pains, cellulite, a body picking up fat deposits, poor digestion, fibromyalgia, and much more. To have both external and internal health, you will want to ensure that you have an impressive lymphatic system that will eliminate as many toxins as possible. Your lymphatic system does not work on its own, it needs to be stimulated. One of these ways is by dry brushing the body. Dry brushing and cellulite · Dry brushing is one of the most proven methods to help remove cellulite. Cellulite is a toxic material accumulated in the fat cells of your body. Dry brushing does a fantastic job of increasing circulation and decreasing those fat cells. · Dry brushing brushes away dead skin cells and encourages the growth of new ones, leaving you with smoother, brighter skin. · Helps tone muscles and forms firmer skin through stimulation. · Gives a more even distribution to fat deposits. · Gets rid of clogged pores. How to dry brush your skin to remove cellulite Try not to get too caught up in the details below. It is more important to implement the habit than to do it perfectly. 1. The first thing you need to do is go out and get yourself a natural body brush with firm bristles. One with a removable handle is recommended for easier navigation. 2. Ideally, the best time to brush is in the morning, before you shower. You will make gentle, circular movements as you brush towards your heart. 3. Start with the soles of the feet and work all the way up to the legs, then the hands and arms. 4. It goes over the buttocks, and then behind and around the stomach. Brush your stomach counterclockwise. 5. Feel free to spend some extra time in any area that you like to give a little extra love and more in the parts where you accumulate more cellulite for example in the thighs, brush a little more in that area for more stimulation. 6. Avoid soft areas or where your skin is thin or damaged. Give your brush a regular wash with warm water and a mild natural soap. Rinse and let it air dry. If you're concerned about your risk of prostate cancer, you may be interested in prostate cancer prevention. There's no sure way to prevent prostate cancer. Study results often conflict with each other, and most studies aren't designed to definitively prove whether something prevents prostate cancer. As a result, no clear ways to prevent prostate cancer have emerged. In general, doctors recommend that men with an average risk of prostate cancer make choices that benefit their overall health if they're interested in prostate cancer prevention. ProstaStream
maya justin
Jul 27, 2021
In General Discussions
The skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. There are several types, within which we get squamous cell cancer and basal cell cancer, these are the two most common types of skin cancer, but on the other hand we have melanoma, which is not as common as previously mentioned but it is much more dangerous. Despite this, in recent years there has been a notable increase in the appearance of melanomas and it is estimated that at present, it is the neoplasm that has increased the most in men and the second in women, after carcinoma of the lung Melanoma is the most serious skin cancer, it originates from mutations inside melanocytes, which are cells located in all tissues of the human body, this explains why it can originate in any organ, although its location the most frequent is cutaneous, followed by mucous membranes, lymph nodes and soft tissues. The main function of these cells is the production of melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to the skin and hair and which also plays an essential role in protecting against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. What happens during the formation of a melanoma is that due to the mutations inside these cells (melanocytes) the speed of mitosis or division of the cells gets out of control, leading to the formation of a tumor. Causes of melanoma Anyone can suffer from melanoma, it occurs in any ethnic group, but there are risk factors that can increase the chances of suffering from skin melanoma, these factors can be intrinsic, that is, non-modifiable factors that each individual has and extrinsic which are those risk factors that can be modified or that can be avoided. · Family history: that a direct relative, such as a father, mother, children or siblings has suffered at some point from any type of skin cancer, not necessarily melanoma. · Genetic predisposition: those individuals who have genes in their DNA that, when activated, for certain reasons send signals to initiate the mutation of said cells. · White skin: although we already mentioned that any ethnic group can be affected by melanoma, it should be noted that people with fair skin tend to be more likely to suffer from it, because they have levels of melanin lower than those of a person with brown skin and therefore protection against ultraviolet rays is less. · Sunburns and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation: it has been shown that this type of rays, produced by the sun and by tanning beds, greatly increase the chances that melanocytes mutate and therefore the appearance of malignant lesions. · Presence of excess moles or atypical moles: It is considered that having more than 50 moles on the body is an important risk factor for the appearance of melanoma. The appearance of atypical moles is also a risk factor. · Immunodeficiency: people with alterations of the immune system are more prone to the appearance of lesions of this nature. · For these reasons, it is advisable to avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, use sunscreen with an SPF greater than 15 every day and reapply every two hours. It is also recommended not to carry out outdoor activities between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, even when the sky is cloudy or the temperature is low, the radiation emitted by solar rays is capable of penetrating the layer ozone and cause skin damage, such as burns and even tanning. If exposure to the sun during those hours is unavoidable, appropriate clothing should be worn, covering the arms, legs and face; And it goes without saying that the use of sunbeds with ultraviolet radiation should be completely avoided. Melanoma symptoms Melanomas can develop anywhere on the body, but as we mentioned earlier, skin lesions are more common, that is, on the skin. In general, this occurs in regions that have more exposure to solar radiation, such as the face, arms, legs and back, this does not mean that the lesions cannot appear in less frequent places such as genitalia and soles of the feet. The characteristic sign of a malignant lesion is the appearance of a mole with different characteristics from the rest or changes in a pre-existing one. To identify this type of mole we use the letters A, B, C, D and E as follows: · A - Asymmetry (moles with asymmetric shape, unusual) · B - Irregular edges (edges with waves or cuts are characteristic of melanomas) · C - Color changes (they are not of a single color, they have several disorganized shades of dark brown and black in the same lesion) · D - Diameter (greater than 6 mm) · E - Evolution (Growth or changes in shape over time) A melanoma can have all the characteristics described above or have only 1 or two of them, so it is recommended that if you suspect the presence of one of these lesions you go to a specialist. The ketogenic or “keto” diet is a low-carbohydrate, fat-rich eating plan that has been used for centuries to treat specific medical conditions. In the 19th century, the ketogenic diet was commonly used to help control diabetes. In 1920 it was introduced as an effective treatment for epilepsy in children in whom medication was ineffective. Kapex
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
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The most important sources that keep the body and mental health together are vitamins. Among the fundamental vitamins, vitamin A is of great importance for the human body. What is vitamin A? Where is it? What is vitamin A for? What are the causes of vitamin A deficiency and how do we recognize its symptoms? Read on for all the details. Vitamin A makes up a variety of substances that have a similar physiological effect. It is distinguished in vitamin A₁ (retinol) and vitamin A₂ (retina). Both forms arise from the herbal precursor beta-carotene. Beta carotene belongs to the group of carotenoids and is also known as provitamin A. Discovery of vitamin A Researchers Stepp, McCollum, and Hopkins discovered the vitamin in 1910. The research team collected experimental animals without vitamin A and found that they suffered from stunted growth and conjunctivitis. The symptoms disappeared when the team fed the animals liver, butter and milk. German researcher Willhelm Stepp came up with the idea for this original experimental design. Three years later, the vitamin was isolated for the first time by Elmer McCollum. Swiss chemist Paul Karrer discovered the chemical structure of vitamin A1 in 1931. Although research on vitamin A began in the early 20th century, the use of the vitamin occurred earlier. The Chinese used liver and honey in 1500 BC. C. to cure night blindness. Even the ancient Egyptians knew that eating liver improves vision. Science has now discovered that vitamin A performs many tasks in a person's body. It is important for the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, growth, immune defense, and plays a role in the development of the embryo. How is vitamin A absorbed and processed by the body? Your body absorbs one of the two precursors of vitamin A through food. Beta-carotene is found in plants and retinyl in animal sources. Both forms are converted to retinol in the intestine and liver. After that, the liver stores retinol as a reserve substance or the retinol enters the bloodstream. Retinol is transported through the bloodstream to the target tissue. There, the enzymatic division of retinol into retinoic acid takes place, which is then actively present in cells. The end products of metabolism are excreted by the kidney through the urine. Foods that contain vitamin A should be eaten with fat. Fat helps release the vitamin from food. The most important functions of vitamin A Vitamin A does a lot of work in your body. Here are the five most important tasks. This vitamin is effective against night blindness and helps treat eye disorders, plays an active role against some types of cancer, and provides healthy skin, nails and hair. 1. Helps improve our vision Vitamin A can help us significantly improve our vision. Vitamin A is a crucial component of the visual pigment rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a protein and is found in the retina of the eyes. It is responsible for the light-dark adjustment and the perception of gray tones. It acts as a light sensor and reacts to the smallest changes in light. When units of light (photons) hit the protein, it changes its shape. This sets in motion a series of biochemical processes that allow us to see better in the dark. In addition, vitamin A participates in the formation of intraocular fluid. 2. Intervenes in the construction and protection of the skin Vitamin A participates in the development and protection of the skin: Vitamin A regulates the cell growth of the skin. Retinoids act on the epidermis (upper layer of the skin). Horny cells are produced there. Vitamin A regulates the keratinization processes of the skin and is also used against acne. Retinol also plays a role in regulating sebum production and collagen formation. Collagen is found in the lower layers of the skin and ensures that the skin remains smooth. You can also use vitamin A to fight skin aging: as an antioxidant, it captures free radicals and prevents wrinkles or age spots. 3. Vitamin A is the foundation of growth Vitamin A can inhibit or promote cell growth. In addition, it influences cell differentiation. In cell differentiation, cells are structurally rebuilt so they can do their job. Vitamin A especially differentiates the new cells of the skin and mucous membranes. It also plays a role in the development and formation of hair, eyes, lymphatics, gametes, teeth, and bones. One symptom of vitamin A deficiency is the formation of bone tissue in places where there are usually no bones. This is due to an erroneous differentiation of cells. 4. Improve our defenses The action of vitamin A on the skin and mucous membranes protects us against harmful viruses. The skin and mucous membranes act as barriers, so viruses cannot enter the body at all. Vitamin A also participates in the formation and differentiation of white blood cells, whose main task is to defend against pathogens. Additionally, vitamin A affects regulatory T cells. These prevent excessive immune reactions and, therefore, autoimmune reactions. 5. Has an important role in reproduction The vitamin regulates the formation of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Testosterone in turn has a positive effect on the quality and number of sperm. Research on this topic revealed that vitamin A deficiency affects sperm production. Additionally, vitamin A has a regulatory effect on embryonic development. It is involved in the formation of new cells and supports the development of the lungs. However, too much vitamin A in pregnancy can lead to malformations. Therefore, pregnant women should refrain from eating foods that contain a lot of vitamin A. As you can see, vitamin A is involved in many biochemical processes in the body. Insufficient supply of the vitamin disturbs these processes and therefore damages health. Causes of vitamin A deficiency Vitamin A deficiency is seen when there are some nutritional deficiencies or a very unbalanced diet. However, vitamin A deficiency is not common, and it usually occurs more frequently in babies and women who have just given birth. · Inadequate food intake. · Fever, chronic infections. · Thyroid gland affected. · Cystic fibrosis disorder (a genetic disease that affects the external secretory glands). · Celiac disease and Crohn's disease can cause these deficiencies. Symptoms and consequences of a vitamin A deficiency While vitamin A is considered the eye vitamin, the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are not just limited to the eyes. Nonspecific symptoms appear first, as with most symptoms of nutritional deficiencies. These include headaches, paleness, dizziness, fatigue, and trouble concentrating. The cause of these symptoms is anemia. In anemia, the concentration of red blood cells in the blood is too low. Vitamin A regulates the formation of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the organs. If less oxygen is transported to the organs, this is reflected in performance losses. Vitamin A deficiency weakens the immune system, interferes with bone development, and damages teeth. 1. Growth interrupted Vitamin A deficiency can led to growth disorders in children, as the vitamin is involved in the formation and differentiation of new cells. It is also essential for building and maintaining bones and teeth. One symptom of deficiency is the formation of bone where the bones normally should not be. Additionally, a deficiency can led to disturbed or delayed lung development. 2. Night blindness and reduced vision The most common symptom of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. It is difficult for those affected to see at sunset. In the dark, as in the night, the affected person does not see anything at all. This is due to a lack of rhodopsin, which allows light-dark vision. Vision is generally disturbed. The image becomes blurry and dull. Since vitamin A is important for the formation of intraocular fluid, a deficiency can cause the conjunctiva to dry out. This dehydration due to vitamin A deficiency is called xerophthalmia. Also, there are often visible white spots, called bitot spots. Without medical treatment, blindness occurs due to fusion of the cornea (keratomalacia). 3. Promotes the development of psoriasis Due to vitamin A deficiency, the skin becomes dry and psoriasis develops. Another symptom is hair loss. Also, a deficiency promotes the development of acne. Also, lung tissue is affected. Cells in the mucosa rebuild into cells in the cornea, which can lead to breathing difficulties. This transformation also affects the mucous membranes of the nose and respiratory tract. This can lead to cell death (necrosis) or pneumonia. 4. Vitamin A deficiency in embryonic development As a result of vitamin, A deficiency, embryo malformations can occur. The genitalia, gastrointestinal tract, teeth and ears of the embryo are affected. However, these same malformations can also occur with excessive retinol consumption. Retinol is the biologically active form of vitamin A and is found only in animal products. Therefore, you should abstain from this form of vitamin during pregnancy and take vitamin A in the form of herbs. Beta carotene can be stored in the liver until it is needed. This cannot lead to an overdose. Spread of vitamin A deficiency Lack of supply of vitamin A is one of the biggest dietary problems in the world. This is mainly due to the scarce supply in developing countries, whose diet is mainly based on rice. White rice does not contain vitamin A. This often causes increased visual impairment in these countries. According to research, between 250,000 and 500,000 children go blind each year as a result of vitamin A deficiency. Other research suggests that 2 million people die each year from vitamin A deficiency. A countermeasure is the development of a genetically modified rice, called golden rice. Shortages don't just happen in developing countries. Even in industrialized countries it can lead to deficiency symptoms. Who is more prone to vitamin A deficiency? Lack of vitamin A is very dangerous for children, as they are still developing. Children also have a smaller liver and, therefore, can absorb less vitamin A. However, pregnant women, people over 65, and high-performance athletes have a greater need. These people need more vitamin A due to physical changes. Another risk group is vegetarians, vegans or people who are on a diet. They eat less vitamin A due to their diet and must be careful to include foods containing vitamin A in their diet. Diseases can prevent or hinder your intake of vitamin A. These mainly include diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. People with obesity or alcohol problems often suffer from liver problems (fatty liver, liver cirrhosis). This makes it difficult to take vitamin A. How to reverse vitamin A deficiency? Lack of vitamin A is rare in industrialized countries. But once it is a deficiency, it can be dangerous. Therefore, it is important to prevent a deficiency. Prevention with the right diet. A varied diet is the basis for preventing many diseases. However, vitamin A is not included in all foods. Especially vegetarians and vegans should pay attention to their diet. The following foods contain a lot of vitamin A: · Vegetables: carrots, kale, broccoli, sweet potatoes, arugula, spinach, chicory. · Fruits: melon, watermelon, cherries, apricots, mango, papaya · Animal products: cod liver oil, liver, egg, mackerel, tuna, poultry. The bioavailability of vitamin A increases with the addition of fat. Bioavailability refers to the body's ability to absorb and process a particular nutrient. Some foods naturally contain fat, which ensures bioavailability. Other foods, especially fruits and vegetables, are fat-free. Therefore, you should always add some fat, such as oil, in the preparation. It is also important that the food is well mashed. The bioavailability of vitamin A from chopped carrots is about five percent. Supplements in case of existing deficiency Taking vitamin, A supplements can prevent a deficiency or make up for an existing deficiency. For very serious symptoms such as night blindness, you should definitely see a doctor to rule out other conditions. Also, it is important to find the cause of vitamin A deficiency. Most vitamin A supplements are in capsule form. You can take the capsules with you during a meal. There are beta-carotene capsules and retinol capsules. Beta-carotene has the advantage that it cannot cause an overdose. The body does not convert excess beta-carotene into vitamin A, but stores it in the liver. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly. It causes too much blood glucose (sugar) to build up in the blood. There are 2 main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body doesn’t produce any insulin. It’s sometimes called juvenile diabetes because it’s usually discovered in children and teenagers, but it may appear in adults, too. Gluconite Reviews
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
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Copper deficiency manifests itself mainly as low spirits, tiredness and fatigue, resulting in anemia and presenting a very pale skin, which gives a sick appearance to the person suffering from it. What is the importance of copper? Copper takes on several important tasks in the body and is one of the three essential elements. It is part of 16 known enzymes and is needed, for example, to absorb iron. Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, which in turn is necessary for the transport of oxygen. Copper is also involved in the formation of red blood cells through its participation in iron metabolism. Copper is necessary for the absorption of iron. It is required for the protection of cell membranes, acts as an antioxidant and protects against free radicals. It also participates in the building of bones, skin and hair. Furthermore, copper contributes to the transport of electrons and therefore to the production of energy. The trace mineral also participates in the formation of collagen and elastin in connective tissue and also contributes to the protection of nerve cells. Copper is necessary for the formation of melanin, which is immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory. In addition, the trace element contributes to the strengthening of the defense system and promotes wound healing. Symptoms of a copper deficiency Copper facilitates the absorption of iron through food. Therefore, the result of a copper deficiency is often an iron deficiency. Both elements are necessary for the production of red blood cells. The copper deficiency often results in anemia and pallor. Paleness in turn leads to skin pigmentation disorders and early hair graying. In addition to paleness, anemia also leads to poor performance, fatigue, concentration problems, and weakness. The immune system is also affected by copper deficiency. This can result in skin diseases and infections. Other symptoms of copper deficiency include depression, brittle bones, growth disorders, and fertility problems. Causes of a copper deficiency Copper is absorbed through the diet, which means that a well-balanced diet rarely causes copper deficiency. Since absorption of copper takes place through the gastrointestinal tract, its absorption can be adversely affected, especially by chronic inflammatory diseases of the intestine. Also, long-term use of supplements that contain zinc can interfere with copper absorption. Besides smoking, other substances can inhibit the absorption of copper in the body. These include too much vitamin C, zinc, and calcium. Higher requirements for copper in the body can also be a cause of deficiency. For example, the body's requirement for copper is increased by disorders of the immune system and in all inflammatory diseases. This additional demand can be well met in the form of tablets containing copper. However, this should always be done in consultation with a doctor, because too much copper can also have negative consequences. Nutritionally, a copper deficiency can also occur in babies. Especially if they are not breastfed. A copper deficiency can also occur more frequently during pregnancy. Recommended copper per day Daily copper consumption: How do I adequately meet my daily needs? Foods such as apples, cooked cauliflower, or pork can be used to meet daily requirements. The daily requirement for children older than 7 years and adults is 1.0 to 1.5 milligrams. Blood sugar levels can either be normal, high, or low, depending on how much glucose someone has in their bloodstream. Glucose is a simple sugar that’s present in the bloodstream at all times. Normal blood glucose levels can be measured when someone fasts, eats, or after they’ve eaten. A normal blood glucose level for adults, without diabetes, who haven’t eaten for at least eight hours (fasting) is less than 100 mg/dL. Gluconite Review
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
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Eating healthy can help in weight loss, in addition to providing more energy to the body. That is why we propose seven guidelines to get on a diet 10. Maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle has its complications ... However, achieving this not only provides benefits for your body, but also improves your mood, your aesthetics and reduces the risk of disease. For these reasons we propose seven ways that will help you achieve a proper diet: 1. START WITH REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS If you intend to lose weight too quickly, the plan can work in the opposite way, becoming a counterproductive diet. In fact, numerous studies support that people with obesity are more likely to abandon a weight loss program between the first 6 and 12 months of the diet. On the other hand, sticking to a more realistic and achievable goal can prevent discouragement and even lead to further weight loss. 2. THINK ABOUT WHAT REALLY MOTIVATES YOU Remembering why you made the decision to eat a healthy diet will help keep you on track. What's more, it is advisable to make a list with the specific reasons that led you to start it so that you can read it every time you need to remember it. 3. DO NOT BRING UNHEALTHY FOODS HOME It is very difficult to eat healthy if you are always surrounded by foods that for you are a difficult temptation to resist. So if other members of your family want to have them at home, they should show solidarity with your cause and keep them out of your reach. 4. NOT MAINTAIN THE PHILOSOPHY OF "ALL OR NOTHING" A common scenario is indulging in an unhealthy snack and continuing to binge throughout the day thinking that the diet has already been ruined. 5. WEAR HEALTHY SNACKS TO NOT FALL INTO TEMPTATION Sometimes you cannot fight hunger and in order not to fall into the dreaded excesses, a good option may be to always have a healthy snack on hand, such as almonds or Greek yogurt. 6. PERFORM EXERCISE We know the theory: when changes in diet occur, they are reinforced if they are combined with regular physical activity. Now you just have to apply the story. 7. ESTIPULATE A STRATEGY BEFORE EATING OUT Eating or dining out is, without a doubt, one of the biggest challenges. To make following your diet more bearable in one of these situations, it will help you to look at the menu before leaving so that you can make a healthy decision before indulging in leisure once you arrive at the restaurant. Maintaining a healthy weight has its obvious health benefits but it can also help you better manage type 2 diabetes. Losing weight can bolster your blood sugar control and lower your risk for diabetes complications like high blood pressure and plaque buildup in the arteries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Stimula Blood Sugar
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
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Neither freshly squeezed nor bottled. We tell you why this juice is not as good as you think The consumption of orange juice is very common in our country. In fact, in 2017 each Spaniard drank a total of 17.36 liters of juices and nectars, according to the report of the Spanish Association of Juice Manufacturers. I mean, quite a bit. Until recently it was thought that juice was very healthy and nutritious, but in recent decades’ numerous investigations have revealed that it is neither so good nor so light. Although it is true that it has many vitamins and nutrients, the truth is that orange juice has many cons, which we will detail below. All of them give us the ultimate reason why you shouldn't drink so much juice: because it's not as healthy as you think. 1) It has a lot of sugar You should know, reader, that although the fruit is very healthy, orange juice has a lot of sugar, and that is not good for you. In fact, a medium glass is estimated to contain roughly the same amount of sugar as a can of Sprite or a bag of M&M lacasitos. Orange juice removes most of the fiber contained in fiber In total, it is estimated that a glass of this juice can add up to 33 grams of the white powder. Come on, quite a bit. 2) Low fiber In addition, orange juice removes most of the fiber in the fruit, which is the key ingredient that what you eat should contain to keep you full until the next meal. Drinking it will give you a lot of energy but then it will plummet. These high-sugar, low-fiber products tend to increase hunger, cause mood swings, and lower energy levels. [See: How to lose weight fast by changing these habits] Come on, reader, if you have a juice for breakfast in the morning, the safest thing is that the next hour your body is already demanding more food with a high amount of carbohydrates to compensate for the drop in insulin. 3) fattening Although fruit is very healthy, fructose is sugar, and sugar is fattening. It is like that, no matter where you look at it. In fact, a study in the ' Current Opinion in Lipidology’ linked high fructose intake with increased abdominal fat and insulin resistance. Although fruit is very healthy, fructose is sugar, and sugar is fattening. A more recent review published in the journal ' Nutrients’ warned that consuming too much fructose increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which can lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 4) It can make you sick It has always been said that orange juice could prevent and cure colds, but rather the opposite. Everything is due, once again, to the fructose it contains, which not only does not cure but can suppress the immune system, as detailed by some research. "Many people believe that drinking orange juice is a good way to load the body with vitamin C, which has always been related to the prevention of winter diseases. And although this vitamin is very beneficial for health in many ways, the truth is that no studies have shown that it helps prevent or treat the common cold. Also, reader, there are other foods that have more vitamin C, such as red pepper, cabbage or broccoli. If you have a cold and want to eat something natural, opt better for zinc and not for this well-known vitamin. So? Let's see, reader, in small quantities you can drink it, without problem, but keep in mind that all of the above is true. The ideal thing is that you consume the whole orange. Experts have, in fact, associated a direct relationship between fruit intake with weight loss. And everything seems to be due to the fiber, the one that just the juice does not have. The ideal is that you consume the whole fruit, and not in excess Fiber not only increases your satiety, but also regulates your blood sugar level, thus preventing your energy level from dropping and you start to storm the vending machine mid-morning. Therefore, the ideal is that you consume the whole fruit, and CBD, the short-form of cannabidiol, can be fabricated into a bunch of forms including oils, CBD creams, and tablets. Even though CBD is an active part of the cannabis plant, CBD contains zero psychedelic effects and presents a bevy of health benefits. As a result, the CBD market is a fast-growing one and researchers are studying its effectiveness. Nature’s Gold CBD Gummies
maya justin
Jun 16, 2021
In General Discussions
Blood clots. Those two words can be terrifyingly scary at times, but in reality, blood has the ability to naturally clot as a protective measure for our body. This is how the body stops bleeding. We have all seen a blood clot in the form of a scab and a bruise. But sometimes, there are blood clots when they are not supposed to be. When this happens, you can have a heart attack, stroke, and other potentially life-threatening medical problems. We need our blood to clot to live. Blood clots are often a good thing, as when they keep us from bleeding heavily to endangering our life after a minor scratch on our leg, for example. When you have an open wound, your blood vessels narrow so you don't leak blood. The platelets then form blood clots (clots) around the wound. A special protein solidifies the group to reduce blood loss. The dangerous type of blood clot occurs deep in the veins. When blood clots form in the veins, the blood flows very slowly. It's like rush hour traffic inside your bloodstream, angering all the blood cells that are trying to help you keep you alive. This type of blood clot is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and most of these blood clots occur after major surgery or severe illness when you are not moving for long periods of time. Most clots occur in the leg or thigh. The real risk of DVT is when the blood clot breaks away from the vein. The embolus, or the blood clot that is released, can travel through the bloodstream and enter your arteries. Once there, the embolus can cut off circulation to your heart and lungs, causing different complications depending on the organ affected. Potential signs of blood clots that you shouldn't ignore Here is how you can tell when someone is experiencing a dangerous blood clot. 1. Swelling in a limb As we just mentioned, this is a symptom of a type of blood clot known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) that prevents blood flow in the circulatory system. DVT is especially dangerous because it prevents oxygen from reaching vital organs. 2. Leg pain or tenderness A common symptom of DVT is pain or sensation in the leg, says the National Blood Clot Alliance. This pain is sometimes described as a cramp or Charley's horse (muscle spasms). 3. Severe headache A sudden and severe severe headache accompanied by difficulty seeing or speaking often indicates blood clots in the brain. You should check yourself if you have never received these pains and if, for some reason that you already know, you have the suspicion that it may be due to possible blood clots. 4. Abdominal pain Severe abdominal pain can be the cause of a clot, also if vomiting or diarrhea is equally severe with it, this is not normal under any circumstances. These symptoms could indicate a blood clot in the abdomen. However, it could also indicate food poisoning and stomach viruses. The best is an immediate check-up. 5. Red streaks on the skin Remember, a bruise is a form of a blood clot. But if you see red streaks running down the length of your veins, you should know that this is not a normal bruise. Seek immediate medical attention. These red streaks often make the limb feel warm to the touch. 6. Chest pain with deep breathing Chest pain is classically described as pleural, a sharp pain that worsens when you take a deep breath. These are classic signs of a pulmonary embolism caused by blood clots. In fact, the patient may have stable vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation), but depending on the amount of blood clot in the lung and the amount of lung tissue affected, the vital signs may be abnormal. For example: · Shortness of breath: The person may have difficulty catching their breath at rest, and the shortness of breath is often worse with activity. · Elevated heart rate · Elevated respiratory rate (respiration) · Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis), due to decreased oxygen saturation (red blood cells that do not have oxygen molecules attached to them) · Decreased blood pressure 7. Unexplained cough If you are not sick but are coughing for no reason, look out for other possible signs of a blood clot that we have already mentioned. These include fast heartbeat, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Also, when the cough can produce bloody sputum (hemoptysis) it is obviously a sign that you have to urgently check it. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately. Risk factors for blood clots There are certain factors that can increase the risk of forming blood clots. For example, although it may seem hard to believe, being admitted to the hospital, especially if it is a long stay or if it is related to surgery, is enough to increase the chances of forming a clot. Other risk factors can include: · Cancer · Smoke · The obesity · Certain birth control pills · Age, especially if you are over 65. · The pregnancy · Rest in bed or being sedentary for long periods of time. How to prevent blood clots? Blood clots are among the most preventable types of blood conditions. There are several ways to lower your chances of developing, like controlling your risk factors when possible. If you think you may be at risk due to genetic or behavioral factors in your own body, talk to your doctor. Also, make sure your doctor is aware of all the medications you are taking and any family history of blood clotting disorders. If you think that you or a loved one is experiencing a blood clot, seek immediate medical attention. Call your doctor, or go to the hospital. A blood clot can be fatal. Don't risk it. The vibrational frequency your mind produces is in exact proportion to the amount of money you are receiving. If you desire to manifest more wealth, raising your vibration rate is the ultimate method for attraction to occur. The difficulties most individuals encounter is they regularly switch from a high to low frequency. The reason, they begin doubting their abilities or fear they can’t accomplish the result. Magic Wealth & Success Obsidian
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