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Arvin juliana
Nov 19, 2021
In General Discussions
If we want to lose weight, it is best to go to a specialist who recommends a diet to lose weight like the ones we show you in this article There are New Year’s resolutions that never fail. And getting in shape is one of them. This usually involves starting a weight loss diet in addition to starting to exercise regularly. Food has been upset by Christmas and many people notice it. Others, however, look for the excuse in the objectives of the new year to start a new year to decide, in a decisive way, to start taking better care of their diet and their diet. Whatever the case, if you are among those who are looking for a diet to lose weight these days, you should know that caution and correct nutrition are the bases of this process. Neither miracle diets nor stopping eating are appropriate practices if what is intended is to lose a few pounds and get the body ready. It must be taken into account that health comes first, and that an incorrect diet can lead to health problems and a rebound effect that causes you to regain the lost kilos in a very short time. Therefore, it is advisable to go to the doctor if you are looking to follow a process that is based on health. And it is that many factors influence the weight loss process, such as the metabolism of each person, environmental factors or the physical exercise routine that each one performs. We give you some tips on how to act when you want to lose a few kilos or on the most appropriate diets when it comes to taking care of yourself in a healthy way. The weight loss diets that work best As we have already told you, we flee from any weight loss diet that is considered miraculous or that seems unhealthy. Eliminating a whole group of foods from our daily menu or losing 5 kilos in a week are not beneficial practices for the human body. And even less, if we foresee that in a few months, it is very likely to regain the lost weight. For this reason, we prefer those diets to lose weight that, being less immediate, provide us with safe and healthy eating habits. Mediterranean diet The Mediterranean diet is, without a doubt, a great option if you want to follow a diet to lose weight in a healthy way and with a varied diet. Its benefits are undeniable, since it helps a lot to the cardiovascular system of our organism, since it prevents many heart diseases. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by the majority intake of fruits and vegetables, dairy, eggs, carbohydrates, cereals and fish. And it has some star products, such as olive oil, which is nutritionally better than vegetable oils or butter. In addition, this diet also encourages the practice of daily exercise, as well as the consumption of local and seasonal products. A diet that shares many of the foods with the Mediterranean diet, and that also promotes the practice of physical exercise and healthy habits, is the Atlantic diet. DASH diet or hypertension diet It is a diet specially designed to combat high blood pressure. However, it has been positioned as one of the healthiest diets to lose weight. In fact, the North American news portal US News lists this diet as the healthiest on its list. But what is the DASH diet? To follow it, you have to take into account some considerations. Foods to avoid For example, you should reduce the consumption of salt for other products such as aromatic herbs and spices. It is recommended to avoid as much as possible the consumption of sausages, pickles, smoked meats and preserves because, in addition to being high in sodium, they also provide too much saturated fat. Pre- cooked and frozen meals are not a good ally either. The foods that should be eaten On the contrary, the consumption of fish is recommended, not too fatty meat such as chicken, turkey, whole grains, eggs, fruits and vegetables. These foods have minerals that help reduce pressure, and they also contain many vitamins and fiber. MIND diet And precisely from the fusion of the two diets explained above, this one arises that we will detail below. The MIND diet carries the acronym of 'Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay', that is to say (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for neurodegenerative delay). As we can see, it was created specifically to prevent certain neurodegenerative diseases from a correct diet. In 2015, two large studies carried out in the United States were able to show a much slower cognitive decline for 35% of people who followed this diet with flexibility and for 53% of those who followed it to the letter. Remember that it is not a miracle diet or specifically designed as a diet to lose weight, but being a type of healthy menu that avoids less beneficial products for health, it is also usually a good method to promote weight loss. The MIND diet guidelines In summary, to follow this diet you have to take into account some aspects that we will explain. The MIND diet establishes the intake of whole grains three times a day, in any of its forms (rice, bread, pasta ...). It also guides that vegetables and fruits are consumed daily, as well as 30 grams of nuts. Legumes should be taken every two days and, twice a week, the consumption of red fruits is established, since they are powerful antioxidants. The chicken and fish must be taken several times a week and unhealthy foods, precooked or processed, should be avoided (here comes also industrial pastries, fried foods and any food containing excess sugar). In addition, a glass of wine every day is positive for health, although this point is not essential. Fat in the diet to lose weight, yes or no? While the popular belief is that a diet to lose weight should be fat-free, the truth is that a subject on which there is a lot of debate. In fact, a study has recently been published in the journal 'The Lancet: Diabetes & Endocrinology' prepared by Harvard scientists, which shows that low-fat diets help you lose weight but this weight loss is not maintained over time. On the other hand, those who followed a diet that included some foods rich in fat, managed to maintain their weight loss for at least four years. Healthy, necessary fats However, this does not mean that we should start consuming fats without control. And, in addition, not all fats have the same effect on our metabolism. This is precisely what this other study, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which is produced every five years as a dietary guide in the United States, indicates. In summary, this guide comes to say that fats are not totally prohibited in a healthy and slimming diet, but what should be avoided are saturated fats and trans fats that many foods contain. However, healthy fats, those that contain foods such as olive oil, eggs, cow's milk or some fish such as salmon, are beneficial for the body. With this, following one of the aforementioned diets, we can join a totally healthy lifestyle, at the same time that we promote the prevention of certain cardiovascular, neurodegenerative diseases or hypertension. In any case, remember that if what you are looking for is the diet to lose weight that best suits your particular needs, what you should do is go to a professional nutritionist. The fact is that the keto diet is extremely low in certain fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, etc - all of which are essential for a healthy, balanced diet. So, this puts you at a higher risk for micronutrient deficiencies such as vitamins B and C, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, etc. Moreover, experts fear that high intakes of unhealthful fats can result in a long-term negative effect. Keto Boom BHB
Arvin juliana
Nov 18, 2021
In General Discussions
A properly functioning digestive system (gut) is essential for good health. In fact, 60-80% of our immune system is found in the gut, and 90% of our neurotransmitters (chemicals responsible for regulating mood), such as serotonin, are made in our intestines. What you need to know to heal your intestine What you have to know to heal your gut is almost like relearning how to eat the right way. Because gastrointestinal (GI) problems can cause more than just stomach pain, gas, bloating, or diarrhea, they can be the cause of many chronic health problems. Intestinal imbalances have been linked to hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, eczema, and rosacea. Just to name a few. So how can you heal your gut and heal yourself? In functional medicine a simple approach is used that consists of 4 important steps: elimination, replacement, renewal, and repair. 1. Elimination of foods to heal your gut Remove the evil. The goal is to get rid of things that negatively affect the environment of the gastrointestinal tract, such as inflammatory foods, infections, and gastric irritants such as alcohol, caffeine, or medications. Inflammatory foods like gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs, and sugar can lead to food sensitivities. An elimination diet and IgG - food sensitivity tests are recommended to determine if any food is a problem for you. Infections can be from parasites, fungi, or bacteria. A comprehensive stool analysis is key to determining the levels of good bacteria as well as any infections that may be present. Removal of infections may require treatment with herbs, antiparasitic medications, anti-fungal medications or even antibiotics. 2. Food substitution Add back ingredients essential for proper digestion and absorption that have been depleted by diet, medications (such as antacid medications), disease or aging. This includes digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and the bile acids that are required for proper digestion. 3. Bowel renewal Restoring beneficial bacteria to restore a healthy balance of good bacteria is critical. This can be accomplished by taking a probiotic supplement that contains beneficial bacteria such as the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli species. 25-100 billion units per day is recommended. Also, taking a prebiotic supplement (food for good bacteria) or consuming foods rich in soluble fiber is important. 4. Intestinal repair with omega 3 Providing the necessary nutrients to aid intestinal repair itself is essential. The amino acid L-glutamine, is a supplement that helps to rejuvenate the lining of the intestinal wall. Other essential nutrients include zinc, omega 3 fish oils, Vitamin A, C, E, as well as herbs such as elm and aloe vera. No matter what your health problem is, this program is sure to help you have a cure for the intestine. I have witnessed dramatic reversals of chronic and inflammatory conditions in a very short period of time using this simple approach. Intrinsic aging is an inevitable physiological process that results in thin, dry skin, fine wrinkles, and gradual dermal atrophy, while extrinsic aging is engendered by external environment factors such as air pollution, smoking, poor nutrition, and sun exposure, resulting in coarse wrinkles, loss of elasticity, laxity ... Hydracellum
Arvin juliana
Nov 17, 2021
In General Discussions
It is interesting to think that food can have a direct impact on our libido, or improve our sexual function, and that it acts as an aphrodisiac. Most likely, you do not have enough of certain minerals and nutrients and that leads to a lack of desire, due to a malfunction of the reproductive organs. Taking your intimate life to the levels where it needs to be with aphrodisiac foods will create the feeling of vigor and vitality. 13 aphrodisiac foods to boost libido and love life The foods below may not turn you into a modern Casanova, but they do provide essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at its best in privacy. 1. Oysters Oysters rank high on our list of aphrodisiac foods because they are more commonly known as an aphrodisiac. It turns out that there is some scientific proof behind this. As oysters contain large amounts of zinc, it could help correct any deficiencies that could be hindering arousal. Psychologically it could also be working on the sense of sight, it resembles the female sexual organ and manages to give the mind the proper state of mind. There may also be a placebo effect, as oysters are so widely regarded as an aphrodisiac that just the act of eating them can start to help you think more about intimacy and talk about it at the table. 2. Chocolate Chocolate has long been a familiar way to help get you in a good mood, and some have said that your cravings for chocolate mimic sexual urges, and the satisfaction that eating chocolate brings has been compared to pleasure. But there are actually elements that could make chocolate a bona fide aphrodisiac. Chocolate affects the brain thanks to the neurotransmitters it contains, which are the same that are released naturally during intimate relationships. It turns out that there is a very strong connection between chocolate and intimacy, and giving your sweetheart chocolate before a date or on Valentine's Day has some merit behind it. 3. Watermelon It's not generally considered the sexiest food, but watermelon can help your circulation, which improves blood flow, which should improve the quality of male performance. The unfortunate part is that you would have to eat a large amount of watermelon, as most of the citrulline, the nutrient responsible for these beneficial effects, is found in the rind. A better plan would be to supplement with citrulline, rather than learning how to eat watermelon rinds. Watermelons are also a good source of antioxidants, which will improve your overall health and well-being, making it worthwhile to eat regularly. 4. Chile / chili Chili or chili is one of the aphrodisiac foods that may cost you a little to have as a treatment. It is spicy, but precisely capsaicin, a chemical present in hot peppers, increases blood circulation and stimulates nerve endings to make you feel more fired up. 5. Avocado You can never look at avocados the same way now that you know they are considered to be among the healthiest aphrodisiac foods. There's something sultry about an avocado, and its smooth, smooth texture makes it an attractive food, but will it have something in it that will help kick things off in the bedroom? As it turns out, there is a lot of vitamin E in avocado that should provide you with excess energy to burn. What better way to burn it than with the act of love? There's also plenty of potassium and fiber in this delicious fruit, as well as healthy fats so you're going to be giving your body an independent favor. 6.- Red wine In addition to relaxing, you faster than a neck massage can do, red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps boost blood flow and improves circulation before and during intimate relationships. 7. Figs Figs have been considered aphrodisiac foods for centuries. If you've ever split a fig in half and unprotected the inside, you'll see why some have compared the fleshy pink interior to the female form. But aside from how it looks, it does contain essential minerals and vitamins that could help get things going on the sensual and intimate realm. Magnesium, potassium, iron levels will help you stay in line in these areas, and vitamin B-6 will give you energy to keep things going, too. 8. Grenades Pomegranates have enjoyed a surge in popularity in recent years due to their high levels of antioxidants. The great thing about a healthy food like a pomegranate is that it has residual benefits, like helping to increase sensitivity in the sexual organs, making it more likely that you will chase your partner and try to start some activity. The nice added benefit is that these same antioxidants also help protect you from heart disease and cancer, so you can live longer and have more intimate relationships. 9. Honey Perhaps there is a reason we refer to our loves as "honey." There's definitely something about the thick and slimy nature of honey, and the sweetness only adds to its delight by making it one of the quintessential aphrodisiac foods. Honey may be responsible for raising oestrogen and testosterone levels in men and women respectively, which could go a long way in bringing the two forms together. Better take raw, organic honey for this, as you might not get the same benefits from consuming the regular refined honey that you find in most grocery stores. Stay as close to the original source as possible in this case. 10. Vanilla The aroma of vanilla is enjoyed by many, and it is actually a substance that can be ingested to help improve function in intimacy with your partner. An easier way is to use it as an essential oil in a bath or as part of a massage. It works on a subconscious level, so you don't have to worry about being too scandalous. If you want to get even more crafty about working on the spot, try making a meal using vanilla extract. The same psychological effect will be at play, and it can only be the turning point for a warmer night. 11. Salmon Salmon often gets the nod as one of the healthiest fish you can eat, and not only is it a great source of protein to help build lean muscle - which alone would enhance your intimate life - but it also contains acids omega-3 fatty acids, which can lead to increased serotonin levels, which can lead to a better mood and mental state, making it more likely that they predispose you to intimacy and to enjoy it too. The pink, velvety texture of a salmon fillet is also stimulating for the senses, and cooking for your partner can serve as the best aphrodisiac of all. Remember, it is not just food that will do it for you, but a concerted effort of food, drink and action. 12. Banana Because of their shape, bananas are often teased as an aphrodisiac food, but they contain minerals that can boost your libido and get into the game. Isn't it a bit ironic how food shapes can sometimes work to your advantage? A banana split could be just the thing to light up the night, as it contains chocolate, another aphrodisiac food on our list, and who doesn't love ice cream? But don't expect that eating a banana will reinforce things too much, they should be consumed as part of a healthy diet and will do the best job all over time when eaten consistently. 13. Almonds Almonds work in a number of different ways to get the body revved up for some exciting and sensual activity. The scent of almonds is often used in bathing and beauty products, as its scent has been thought to do wonders for female libido. The true wonder of almonds is in the amount of vitamin E they contain, which will put anyone in the mood. They're also a rich source of healthy fats and fiber, so your body will thank you, not just for the extra attention you gave to your most passionate parts. The worst mistake is reducing the intake of food as it adds to weight gain rather than weight loss. Prefer healthy foods and leafy green vegetables that will assist you in losing weight without having to starve yourself. ExtraBurn Keto
Arvin juliana
Nov 16, 2021
In General Discussions
Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common than you think. And this is because this vitamin is mainly found in products of animal origin. What symptoms indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency? Certain nutritional deficiencies, especially vitamin B12, can affect our nervous system, sometimes leading to depressive states. What are the ways to check the level of this vitamin in our body and in what products can we find it? These Vitamin B12 - deficiency symptoms The vitamin B12 deficiency manifests itself in many ways. These are some of the most characteristic: · Fatigue is one of the first signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency. This is because this vitamin is necessary for the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the organs. If there is not enough oxygen in the cells, we will feel tired no matter how long we sleep. During the day there will be a feeling of drowsiness and lack of energy to work. · Low oxygen levels in cells can cause numbness and tingling in the extremities. · A vitamin B12 deficiency also causes significant memory problems, regardless of age. In older people, it can be confused with dementia. However, symptoms disappear when vitamin B12 levels are adjusted. · Dizziness is another symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency. In this case there may be trouble keeping your balance. · Pale skin is another sign that can indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency. It can also happen that the skin takes on a yellow tone. · When having a severe vitamin B12 deficiency, the tongue can become smooth and red. This is because the papillae on the tongue disappear. This causes problems distinguishing the flavors. · Lack of vitamin B12 also affects mood. If we suffer from a deficiency, we may be sad or irritable. This is because vitamin B12 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine. · In extreme cases, a lack of B12 can damage the optic nerve or obstruct the blood vessels in the retina, causing blurred vision, double vision, sensitivity to light, and even vision loss. How to get vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 can be found mainly in products of animal origin, although it is also present in foods of plant origin. The average recommended intake of vitamin B12 for an adult is about 2.5 micrograms per day. In the case of a traditional diet and the lack of factors that interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal tract, there should be no development of deficiency. However, this applies to the standard feeding model, which does not exclude animal products. What is the greatest source of vitamin B12? Certainly, in meat and offal. Vitamin B12 content in meats The average content of this compound in 100 g of product is: · fish: 5-20 micrograms; · eggs: 1.6 micrograms; · beef: 1.4 micrograms; · turkey meat: 0.7 - 1.4 micrograms; · pork: 0.6 - 0.7 micrograms; · chicken meat: 0.4 micrograms. Subjecting products containing vitamin B12 to heat treatment can reduce the content of this valuable vitamin in the diet by up to several dozen percent. The content of vitamin B12 in plant products There is a lot of conflicting information on the content of vitamin B12 in plant products. Some sources say that you can find vitamin B12 in algae, spirulina, and yeast. In fact, these products do not contain this compound or only contain biologically inactive forms. Therefore, people who follow a vegan diet should look to other sources. The content of vitamin B12 in the vegan and vegetarian diet will increase with products enriched with vitamin B12: vegetable milk, cereals and cereal bars, among others. There are also several cosmetic procedures that will help you lose or gain chubby cheeks. Some people are naturally endowed with thinner bone structure and less flesh on their face so their cheeks look slim. However, our subcutaneous fat reduces with age because as we grow older the hyaluronic acid we once produced starts to diminish. Our skin becomes dry and facial volume decreases. Gravity pulls the skin down, resulting in folds and sagging. When volume is restored to a hollow face it usually conveys youth. The simplest and quickest way to restore that volume is with dermal fillers that are specially formulated to replenish volume. Exipure Review
Arvin juliana
Nov 11, 2021
In General Discussions
Like the rest of the body, the eyes come in all shapes and sizes, and one of these variations is hooded or hooded eyes, which are nothing more than eyes with drooping lids, or swollen lids, as is more commonly known. They call it. Although this eye shape is not usually very loved by some people who own it, it is actually very common, even among some of the most impressive celebrities in the world, who use makeup tricks to disguise droopy eyelids and make them look spectacular. Hooded or drooping eyelids feature excess skin that is folded down from the brow bone to the lash line, which darkens the crease, tightens the lids and can make you look sleepy. Many people have this eye shape from birth, but it could also be the result of age. The problem is that makeup techniques to hide a droopy eyelid don't always work. The key is learning how to select and wear eye makeup that will make your eyes look wider and more awake. Makeup tricks to hide droopy eyelids If you want to bring the look for a night out or just show off brighter eyes for your day at the office, we've found the techniques you need to make your droopy eyes - hooded and all - shine. That is why we have prepared these makeup tricks to hide these types of eyes. Before we start, let's find out if you really have hooded or droopy eyelids. Do your eyes have creases? Check out the image above. 1. Draw a straight line through your eyes and check if the outer corner goes up or down as the picture shows. 2. If they don't come up or down (so they're straight), ask yourself one last question: Is the crease visible? 3. If not, you have hooded eyes, which means that all of the following tips apply to you. 1. Invest in a makeup primer that you love One of the things that can help you wear eyeshadow without it slipping over your eyelids and brow bone is a good eye makeup primer. It is also called “prime”, and it is like a base that precedes makeup to fix the latter even better. Using a makeup primer on the eyelids will help you to set the shadow without fading, this will help to maintain that look you want on your "puffy" eyelids. They come in different shades and colors to hide even skin color and blemishes, but their main goal is to set makeup and make it long-lasting. They come in liquid or powder. Choose the prime that best suits your skin. 2. Only use smudge-proof eyeliner and mascara on droopy lids People with hooded eyes know very well the fight of makeup smudged eyes. They apply 15 coats of mascara, or finally they make the eyeliner look perfect, and with a simple blink, the entire eyelid is smudged with makeup and the job is ruined. Prevent that from happening again with the waterproof, smudge-resistant makeup you can already find in environmentally friendly products. 3. Line along the upper lash line This is a very effective makeup trick to hide "puffy" eyelids. It means that you are going to take the eyeliner and apply it directly to the line where the lashes are, as close as you can to your eyeball. That will make your eyes look bigger and more defined. It seems difficult, but it gets easier with practice. You can do it both up and down, however, leaving the inner lash line without liner generally makes the eyes look bigger. 4. Experiment with color in makeup to hide hooded eyes Not everything is "lost" if you have droopy eyelids, since playing with color can bring many advantages to you in particular. Since your lids cover a large area of your eyes, it will naturally create a subtler look. It's the perfect excuse to go out with a splash of bold seasonal color, like a hint of violet, which could be overwhelming on a larger eyelid space. Try an electric blue or fuchsia color. You can even use both mascara or mascara and an eyeliner for a more dramatic look. Make sure to carry leftovers past the top crease to maximize the color below. 5. Apply shadow above the crease This makeup technique can make all the difference if you have droopy, hooded or puffy eyelids. Have you ever put on a lot of eyeshadow only to find it disappears as soon as you open your eyes? This is a common problem if you have this aesthetic condition, but it is easy to solve, simply leaving without applying shadow under the crease and putting it only on top of it, or applying it but extending its application above the crease of the eyelid. In the following image, as you can see, dramatic tones such as these smoky ones give depth to the eyes. If you can see well, the shadow was projected above the natural crease of the eye and it was also placed on the lower eyelid as a blurred shadow. These colors and the way of placing them, give the eye more depth, and even more if you apply a lighter and pearlescent tone only in the middle of the two eyelids. This effect will give the eye a more open and bright appearance. 6. Make up creating a cat eye style Sometimes a good cat eye can be difficult if you have a hooded or droopy eyelid, but this technique is very beneficial for these types of eyes. The possibilities of playing with this style of makeup your eyes are endless, that depends on your own eye. 7. Experiment to make the most of your droopy eyelids The only way to know what works for you is through experimentation. Having quality, body-friendly products helps a lot too, but other than that, it's all about practice and learning from mistakes. When you have free time, try a variety of cat eye shapes and sizes, or see if extending the eyeshadow beyond the crease helps or not; if strong colors go with your eye style too. Anyway, this is based on experimentation. Mastering eye makeup when you don't have much space on your eyelid is not easy, but you are not alone. Jennifer Lawrence, Blake Lively, and Camilla Belle are just a few of the gorgeous celebrities who have hooded eyes, or droopy eyelids as we generally call them, so you can gain confidence (and inspiration by putting on makeup) from them, because actually, it is just one more eye shape, which you can take advantage of to show off a different and captivating look. The heart is like any other muscle in body. It needs an adequate blood supply to provide oxygen so that the muscle can contract and pump blood to the rest of the body. Not only does the heart pump blood to the rest of the body, it also pumps blood to itself via the coronary arteries. These arteries originate from the base of the aorta (the major blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart) and then branch out along the surface of the heart. Prociva
Arvin juliana
Nov 10, 2021
In General Discussions
If you are a fan of essential oils and have some at home, you already know that they are extremely beneficial for health and have intense relaxing and calming properties. However, despite being amazing for aromatherapy, these oils offer other benefits as well. As it is when you apply them to your feet before sleeping. Why put essential oils on your feet before sleeping According to reflexologists, essential oils can be applied to the feet at bedtime before sleeping and ensure a healthy sleep at night. Apparently the soles of the feet have 5 layers of skin and no hair follicles. Therefore, the pores are particularly absorbent and quickly absorb the essential oil into the bloodstream. Studies have shown that as soon as the essential oil is applied to the foot, its traces can be found throughout the body in less than 20 minutes. This is due to the fact that the palms and soles are the only areas of the body without sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum, which is an oily substance that protects and weakens the skin's ability to absorb foreign materials. Therefore, since soles and palms lack these glands, they can easily absorb essential oils. Furthermore, the feet have 72,000 nerve endings each, which is more per square centimeter than any other part of the body. Due to this fact, for hundreds of years, East Asian medicine has treated various illnesses and diseases by stimulating certain footholds. This traditional medicine believes that the organs and systems of the body are connected through energy meridians that end in the feet, hands, ears, and face. This healing tradition is known as reflexology. The oils applied to the feet reach the organs Reflexology holds that applying essential oils to the feet helps the oil's properties reach the organs and systems of the body and aid healing. Sometimes essential oils are too concentrated to apply directly to the body, so you must dilute them with water or coconut oil to reduce the risk of swelling or irritation. However, the skin of the feet is the least sensitive, so you can freely apply any type of essential oil on the plants. Additionally, topical use of essential oils helps the active compounds enter the bloodstream directly, rather than through the digestive system and liver, when ingested. Before going to sleep is when it is recommended to apply it because the body is idle and prepares for rest including the feet, and because in the next few hours it begins its own repair. By including the oils, these will be part of the elements that will help heal what needs to be healed. Essential oils to apply to feet for sleep and pain Oils to apply before sleeping for better sleep: · Lavender · Vetiver · Chamomile · Bergamot · Sandalwood · Marjoram · Cedar wood Essential oils that you can use for pain and inflammation: · Eucalyptus · Rosemary · Sage · Wintergreen · Camphor · Blue tansy · Ginger · Sandalwood · Chamomile · Sweet marjoram You can consult a naturopath about the most beneficial essential oil to use to treat your health problem and reap the most health benefits. Try applying it to your feet and experience quick health improvements! CBD can have several positive effects. Some of these research-backed uses of CBD even suggest it may help you feel relaxed. That can feel a bit like a high, though it's not intoxicating. Research suggests CBD is beneficial for relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression. Alpha Extracts Pure Hemp Oil
Arvin juliana
Nov 10, 2021
In General Discussions
If your hair is dry or with split ends, the use of extra virgin olive oil is a natural solution that will restore its vitality to the hair. Hair care is undoubtedly a topic that every woman needs to know about, since every day more products are released for these purposes, but not all of them have the ability to provide the desired effects; For this reason, it is always better to resort to natural products, which in addition to providing incredible benefits, do not produce side effects. The olive oil for hair is one of those natural treatments that give advantages to the big hair then mentioned some of them. · Repair damaged areas, caused by the sun or some chemical agent. · Eliminates dryness. · Increases hair growth. · Eliminate dandruff. · Strengthens the hair strands. · It stimulates collagen production. · Straightens hair, eliminating messy waves. · Provides shine and health. · Eliminate parasites, such as lice. · Treats diseases of the scalp. How to use olive oil to treat hair? If you want to keep hair beautiful and full of life, take a look at the different ways you can apply olive oil to treat your hair. 1. Hydration for hair Apply olive oil from the roots to the ends and leave for a maximum time of 30 minutes. If you are one of those who have greasy hair, the frequent use of olive oil will not improve your problem, however, this does not prevent its use, only that you should apply only to the ends, avoiding that the oil has direct contact with the scalp, in this way you will get rid of excessive fat production. 2. Use it in conditioner Using olive extract is great for keeping hair healthy. To achieve this, you just have to put a little oil in the conditioner you use. 3. Detangle the hair Thanks to the oily texture of olive oil, it allows the strands to slip, easily detangling the hair. In the same way you can add a little in the styling cream that you use and apply daily. 4. Regenerating mask When the scalp has suffered certain damage, making an olive oil mask is the best way to restore it, for this, apply a little warm oil to the root of the hair and leave it to act for 30 minutes. 5. Repair split ends. Due to some chemicals such as: dyes, hair surgery and high temperatures, the ends of the hair split, causing the hair to look dry and lifeless. Therefore, it is advisable to place olive oil on all the ends of the hair so that it achieves a complete repair and the ends of the hair are closed. 6. Avoid falling Placing a little olive oil in the shampoo or conditioner promotes cell regeneration, thus allowing a strengthening of the hair follicles, and therefore prevents hair loss. 7. Control frizz Olive oil can be the best ally for women with unruly hair and a tendency to frizz. To control this problem, you just have to place a few drops in the palm of your hand and rub it all over your hair. You can use olive oil to treat hair, but the benefits of this tasty oil do not end there, as it can be used to treat a large number of skin conditions, and to improve overall health. The lack of sleep can leave you physically hungry due to two hormones: Ghrelin and Leptin. Ghrelin signals hunger and Leptin is responsible for stopping it. Low secretions of leptin (due to sleep deprivation) can slow down your metabolism and leave you with constant feelings of hunger. Sleep deprivation can also affect the secretion of cortisol, one of the hormones that regulate your appetite. Exipure
Arvin juliana
Nov 09, 2021
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There is a kind of diet that was the most sought after by Internet users in 2019, and everything indicates that it will repeat on the podium this year, as it is one of the most followed worldwide Flagged by celebrities like Elsa Pataki or Jennifer Aniston, the method to lose weight based on intermittent fasting was the most searched on Google in 2019. But what is it? It is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and eating, as its name suggests. Common methods of this trend include daily 12-, 16-hour, or 24-hour fasts twice a week. Doing this makes us lose weight easily and in a short time, as numerous investigations have revealed. The six keys to intermittent fasting, the most searched weight loss method on Google Although this kind of fasting is very effective for losing weight, it must be done well, otherwise we run the risk of suffering a rebound effect and developing a health problem. Next, we indicate the six keys that you should know about this method: 1) You need 12 to 16 hours of fasting to be effective Approximately, after 12 to 16 hours without food, the body uses the reserves of adipose tissue (fat) to convert them into ketone bodies, which, simplifying the biochemistry, will become its main source of energy; initially low, but will reach equilibrium within 48 hours. This ketogenesis process is effective and requires an adaptation period of two to three weeks. Nutritional ketosis achieved through a properly formulated (low-carb) ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting "is a safe, sustained and, according to the latest research, healthy metabolic state that has absolutely nothing to do with diabetic ketoacidosis," we said. says Dr. Tomás Duraj, Melio's medical advisor. 2) You can drink coffee, tea, water and soft drinks During the fasting period, you can drink coffee, tea, mineral water and even light or zero soft drinks, which, despite containing artificial sweeteners, technically do not break the fast (they do not contain energy). Physiologically, the human body is in a fasting state if a significant amount of calories that activate cell growth signaling pathways are not ingested (an approximate figure of 10-30 kcal could be given). 3) If the fast is 24 hours, you have to take supplements If you plan to do a long fast of 24 hours or more, it is important to drink mineral water and supplementation of electrolytes: sodium, magnesium and potassium. This avoids the feeling of fatigue, dizziness and discomfort that some people experience, especially if they fast for the first time, since when fasting insulin levels are reduced and there is a significant elimination of fluids / electrolytes. 4) When do you start to see the results Regarding weight loss, the appearance of results varies depending on the person, the fat they have accumulated and the rate of their metabolism. However, the health benefits are known to appear after a few months of practice. Through a blood test, some benefits that intermittent fasting produces, such as the regulation of cholesterol levels, triglycerides, reduction of inflammation markers and normalization of insulin sensitivity (prevention of type 2 diabetes) can be verified. In addition, intermittent fasting helps prevent the onset of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as having beneficial effects on cellular autophagy and the regulation of the immune system. Caloric restriction, and by extension, fasting, appear to promote longevity in virtually all living organisms. [Five ideal foods to thin the gut] 5) You can take a break from intermittent fasting If you start it and you are comfortable but you have a vacation and you do not want to go without eating anything because you have to fast, nothing happens. “Fasting should be seen as a basic 'lifestyle', and if you miss a day or two due to external circumstances, absolutely nothing happens. And there are no known clinical drawbacks to long-term practice,” says Dr. Duraj. 6) Does not cause food deficiencies or lack of vitamins If daily intermittent fasting is practiced (16: 8), it is not likely that there will be a deficit of any type of vitamin or micronutrient, since you simply eat a greater amount of food in a shorter period of time (in this case, the weight body would remain stable). Obviously, if you limit your food intake too much, which would accelerate weight loss, you must re-balance your intake with caloric expenditure when you reach the desired weight. Typically, you don’t need to take a multivitamin supplement if you eat a lot of quality vegetables and protein. In specific cases in which it is necessary to lose a lot of weight, and if the fast lasts for three months or more, the diet could be supplemented with a multivitamin. [Four tips to lose weight if you are over 45 years old] And this is it, reader. If you dare to do it, it is better that you consult your doctor first to see if you can and / or should adapt the diet to your personal case and medical history. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located behind the base of the penis, in front of the rectum, and below the bladder. It surrounds the urethra, the tube-like channel that carries urine and semen through the penis. The prostate's main function is to make seminal fluid, the liquid in semen that protects, supports, and helps transport sperm. The prostate continues to enlarge as people age. This can lead to a condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), which is when the urethra becomes blocked. BPH is a common condition associated with growing older, and it has not been associated with a greater risk of having prostate cancer. VitaPost Prostate Plus
Arvin juliana
Nov 06, 2021
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The excess fat around the belly is not only that annoying little love affair floating in the middle of our body, it has also been shown that this accumulated fat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. With that said, burning belly fat should be a high priority when it comes to your health. Try the following stretches when you wake up each morning to burn belly fat. Check out the benefits below. Why stretching when you wake up is a great help to lose body fat People often think that exercises like yoga or Pilates are only going to do one thing - stabilize your core. But did you know that by strengthening and stabilizing your core you are actually helping to boost your metabolism and thereby reduce stubborn belly fat? Research shows that yoga stretches also help alter your eating patterns, your sleeping habits, and your mood. These can affect the amount of weight you lose or gain around your waist line. However, doing simple yoga stretches is not a quick fix, because to be honest, there is no quick fix when it comes to losing belly fat. Belly fat is the easiest to gain and the hardest to lose, in case you didn't know. The only way is with hard work and dedication, if you just find the right routine, treatment and diet, and if you put it into action as it should. Make sure you continue to eat healthy and don't drop your high intensity exercise, but add the following waking up stretches from yoga to your healthy routine 2-3 times a week and that will definitely add a bonus to your work by helping you along the way. accelerate the pace of your goal. 5 stretches when you wake up to burn belly fat Here are these 5 stretches that will help you reduce belly fat. Make sure to focus on your breathing, take your time, and relax. 1. Upward facing dog pose This is one of the wake-up stretches that not only strengthens the abdominal muscles to help reduce belly fat, but also helps to strengthen the upper body by creating a strong and flexible spine. 1. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight and your palms placed under your shoulders. 2. Your chin and toes should touch the ground. 3. Inhale slowly and lift your chest up as you bend backward. 4. Depending on your strength, hold this pose for 15-30 seconds. 5. Exhale slowly and bring your body back to the original position. 6. Repeat 5 times with a 15 second rest time between each pose. 2. Mountain pose This simple stretch helps improve posture and firms the abdomen area. 1. Stand with your feet flat with your heels slightly spread and your toes in contact. Keep your spine straight with your hands on both sides and your palms facing your body. 2. Stretch your hands out in front and bring your palms together. 3. Inhaling deeply, stretch your spine. Raise your folded hands above your head, stretch as far as you can. 4. Try lifting your ankles and standing on your toes, with your eyes looking up at the ceiling. If you can't stand on your toes, you can leave your feet flat on the floor while your eyes look up at the ceiling trying to keep your spine stretched all the time. 5. Breathe normally and hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds. 6. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, slowly relax and bring your feet back to the floor. Repeat 10 times, gradually increasing the count. Relax for 10 seconds before trying the next rep. 3. Bend forward This pose fully compresses the abdomen as you bend forward, leading to burning fat and toning the abdomen. 1. Get into mountain pose, with your hands on either side of your body while your feet rest together, with your heels touching each other. 2. Keep your spine straight. 3. Inhaling deeply, raise your hand up. 4. As you exhale, lean forward so that your body is perpendicular to the ground. 5. Inhale, then exhale and bend forward fully, with your body falling below the hips. 6. Try to touch the floor, with your palms on the ground, and without bending your knees. Beginners can try to touch the toes or just the ankles to start, thus working their way towards being able to touch the ground. 7. Holding your breath, tuck in your belly and hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds. 8. Exhale, release your toes, and lift your body to return to mountain pose. 9. Repeat 10 times leaving a 10 second interval between two reps 4. Bow pose This pose strengthens the central abdominal area, while the rocking motion helps to massage and activate the digestive system. 1. Begin with lying on your belly in the prone position (lying on the belly) with your legs stretched out, your arms placed on either side of your body. 2. Then bend your knees, bring your arm up to the ankles of your feet and hold. 3. As you inhale lift your head and bend back. Raise your legs as high as possible. 4. Hold this pose for 15 to 30 seconds. Breathe normally while holding the posture. 5. On the exhale, slowly return your body to the prone position. 6. Repeat this for at least 5 rounds with relaxation for 15 seconds after each round. 5. Plank pose While you tone and strengthen your shoulders, arms, thighs, and buttocks, this pose will also burn belly fat. 1. Start with your hands and knees under your arms and shoulders. 2. Bend your toes and bring your feet back to extend your legs behind your body. 3. Inhale while looking just in front of your palms, so your neck and spine are aligned. 4. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold. 5. Your body should form a straight line. Make sure your hands are flat on the ground, and your fingers are spread apart. 6. Hold for 15-30 seconds or as long as possible. Do it 5 times. 7. Exhale and drop to your knees. 8. Repeat this pose five times with a rest time of at least 15 seconds between each pose. Before doing any type of exercise be sure to speak with your health specialist, especially if you are pregnant or dealing with any physical problem. While many men worry their penis is too small, research shows that most men's penises are normal and they needn't be concerned. Professor Kevan Wylie, a sexual medicine consultant, says men with concerns about their penis size should consider talking to a health professional before experimenting with treatments, which are mostly ineffective, expensive and potentially harmful. New Flow XL Male Enhancement
Arvin juliana
Nov 06, 2021
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Hashimoto's disease or also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder where the immune system turns against the body's own tissues. In people with Hashimoto's, the immune system attacks the thyroid. This can lead to hypothyroidism in the sufferer, a condition in which the thyroid does not produce enough hormones for the body's needs. The thyroid gland produces hormones that control metabolism. This includes your heart rate and how quickly your body processes the food you eat. Causes of Hashimoto's thyroiditis The exact cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is not known, but many factors are believed to play a very important role in its occurrence, these are: The genes: People with Hashimoto's disease often have family members who suffer from thyroid or other autoimmune diseases. Which suggests that there is a certain genetic predisposition in the appearance of autoimmune thyroiditis. The Hashimoto 's disease affects approximately seven times more women than men, indicating that sex hormones may also play an important role. Also, some women have thyroid problems in the first year after having a baby. Although the problem usually disappears, 20% of these women will develop Hashimoto's disease over the years. Excess iodine: Some research suggests that some drugs in addition to excess iodine (a trace mineral required by your body to make thyroid hormones) can trigger thyroid disease in susceptible people. Exposure to radiation: Increases in cases of autoimmune thyroiditis have been reported in people exposed to radiation, for example, the atomic bombs in Japan, the Chernobyl nuclear accident or radiation treatment for a form of blood cancer called Hodgkin's disease. Symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis The symptoms of Hashimoto's disease can be mild at first, in fact it could take years to develop. The first sign of the disease is often an enlarged thyroid, called a goiter. Goiter can make the front of your neck look swollen. A large goiter can make it difficult for you to swallow or, in other words, to eat food or drink correctly. If you want to know if you suffer from this disease, it would be very useful to read these 6 signs of chronic thyroiditis: · Weight gain · Fatigue and chronic tiredness · Joint and muscle pain · Constipation · Difficulty getting pregnant · Irregular menstrual periods Because the symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be similar to those of other diseases, it is important to consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Complications of Hashimoto's disease When this problem is not properly treated, it can bring about a series of complications, such as those mentioned below: · Enlargement of the thyroid gland. In severe cases, the throat can become inflamed in such a way that it appears as if there is a ball inside. Occasionally, a large goiter can interfere with breathing or swallowing food. · Emotional problems - Low thyroid levels can increase the risk of depression and libido problems, such as reduced sexual desire. · Heart conditions - Low levels of thyroid hormones allow "bad" cholesterol levels to rise. This can increase the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. In some cases, Hashimoto's disease causes other heart conditions, such as an enlarged heart or heart failure. · Birth defects - The baby of a woman who has not been treated for Hashimoto's disease is at risk for various birth defects including cleft palate and heart, kidney, or brain malformations. Treatments for Hashimoto's thyroiditis There is no cure for Hashimoto's disease, but replacing hormones with medications can regulate your hormone levels and restore your normal metabolism. The drug is available in several different dosages. The exact dose your doctor prescribes will depend on several factors, including: · Age · Weight · Severity of hypothyroidism · Other health problems · Other medications that can interact with synthetic thyroid hormones recommendations Once you start treatment, your doctor will order a lab test called a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test. To monitor thyroid function and to be able to make sure you are getting the correct dose. Thyroid hormones work very slowly in the body, and it may take a few months for symptoms to disappear and your goiter to contract. However, if there are large cysts that do not improve, it may be necessary to remove the thyroid gland completely. Demand for CBD has reached peak heights, as more and more people are looking to manage their pain with CBD. This is why we felt that now was the perfect time to compile this list of cannabidiol creams so that our readers have a thorough understanding of the best cannabidiol creams to manage their pain. Green CBD Gummies
Arvin juliana
Nov 05, 2021
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According to the American Institute of Stress, 77% of American adults regularly experience stress-induced physical symptoms, and another 73% experience psychological symptoms. Not only in the US is these alarming figures on stress exist. Today, the world's population is suffering from this cause more and more. The following is a Japanese massage technique called Shiatsu that is performed on the hands and is to combat daily stress. Do you want to try it? Keep reading. For many, feeling anxious occurs with alarming regularity, and sometimes feeling overly stressed can literally feel debilitating. Does it sound familiar to you? Do you have days when work feels like a monumental task that you can't conquer, or your busy schedule at home feels overwhelming, perhaps you are experiencing difficulty dealing with family anxiety? So it is important to learn to deal with stress, because if you can't handle it, you can feel overloaded and become vulnerable to drugs or alcohol as coping mechanisms. Of course, there is a way out. Stress should not be insurmountable and everyone experiences periods in their lives when there are difficult situations to deal with. You need to take time on a regular basis, make sure you have a support network around you to advise or just listen when things get too difficult and it is vital to do those things that give you pleasure. Japanese Shiatsu massage to combat stress There are also quick gains, you can breathe deeply or listen to ambient sounds, maybe practice yoga. Or sometimes when you need to quickly calm down and fight stress, why not try Japanese Shiatsu massage? Japanese Shiatsu massage is well known for reducing feelings of anxiety. Encourage the feeling of well-being by applying pressure in the right places because it uses "QI", this pushes energy into the body. Shiatsu is not only good for stress and tension, but it is also good for stimulating lymphatic drainage and relieving muscle pain. Most people think of Japanese Shiatsu massage as a total body experience, but in reality, the hand is an excellent example of how Shiatsu can be used quickly to reduce stress. The hand has a multitude of pressure points, when the right pressure is applied, it can work wonders. Before continuing with the use of Japanese Shiatsu hand massage, let's see what each pulse does and where to put pressure for certain emotions. · The thumb is good for reducing anxiety and fighting worrisome thoughts · The index finger is where you can beat feelings of fear · The middle finger is the area to apply pressure when you feel angry. · The ring finger is good for decision making. It is also the finger to fight depression · The little finger calms anxiety and when you need to feel secure in a situation, it is the area of the hand where you should apply pressure Use the points above and apply pressure for each individual stressful feeling. Then give your hand a full Shiatsu massage. The technique of Japanese Shiatsu massage in the hand At the central point of the palm is Pericardium 8 , which is the area known as the Palace of Anxiety by acupuncturists. It is placed about an inch below the index and middle fingers, if you draw a line to find in the middle. This is where you can promote better blood flow to your major organs and enhance positive energy. If you feel particularly stressed or are in an uncomfortable situation, place your right thumb on Pericardium 8 in your left hand. Close your hand around your thumb and hold for a count of ten. Then switch to the other hand and repeat. Next, gently pull the fingers of your right hand back and hold for five seconds before gently releasing them. Then stroke the inside of the palm of your left hand with your right hand vigorously for twenty seconds. Flip your hand over so the back of your hand is facing up and with the other hand, massage in circular motions for about 30 seconds. You can repeat the Shiatsu massage again with the other hand as needed. You can add some aromatherapy essential oils to your hand to increase the benefits of your stress-fighting experience. You should feel calmer and better focused at the end of your hand massage. It’s natural for anyone trying to lose weight to want to lose it very quickly. But people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping weight off. Healthy weight loss isn’t just about a “diet” or “program”. It’s about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits. Keto-X3 supplement
Arvin juliana
Nov 05, 2021
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The ocular effusion, subconjunctival hemorrhage or hypophagma, appears as a red spot, due to the rupture of some blood vessels and capillaries in the eye, which usually heals spontaneously when the blood is reabsorbed in the ocular conjunctiva (very thin layer that covers the eye). It is a frequent clinical sign and in most cases it is harmless. Generally, it does not affect vision and evolves naturally without symptoms or discomfort, in most cases the person perceives its presence as a casual finding when waking up and looking in the mirror, appreciating a red area with an unsightly spot on the eyeball, shiny appearance that progressively disappears between 8 and 10 days later, however, cases have been described in which it takes a month or more to disappear. Causes of eye effusion Most of the cases the etiology of the ocular hemorrhage is nonspecific, however, there are some conditions that can explain its appearance, for example: 1. Eye trauma Contusions, blows or perforations in the eye can cause an ocular effusion, even when the kinematics of the trauma is slight, causing the appearance of the blood stain on the conjunctiva. 2. Malformation or abnormalities in the blood vessels of the eye These anomalies follow a congenital or hereditary pattern, that is, there are several cases in the family. 3. Sudden increase in intraocular blood pressure As a result of sneezing, strong coughing, bending over suddenly, lifting heavy objects or vomiting, this increased pressure in the eye can cause capillaries to rupture. 4. Some pathologies such as diabetes, rheumatological diseases or anemia As part of the clinical manifestations of these diseases, it can occur with the appearance of subconjunctival hemorrhage , since they affect coagulation factors. 5. High blood pressure Especially when the blood pressure figures exceed the mean arterial pressure. High blood pressure ocular effusion is one of the most common causes of this condition. 6. Some medicines Medications that alter blood pressure and clotting factors can lead to spills in the eye. 7. Inflammation of the conjunctiva It is generated as an ocular reaction to aggressive external agents. 8. Disorders of ocular venous circulation They cause occlusion in the retinal venous vessels on multiple occasions, causing, in turn, macular edema or vitreous hemorrhage. 9. Eye cancer in extreme cases This is not a common condition. 3 types of cancer have been described that mainly affect the eyeball. · Adult: melanoma and lymphoma. · Children: retinoblastoma. Natural alternatives for treating eye bleeding Most of the cases, the ocular effusion does not require medical treatment, because as the blood deposited in the subconjunctival space is reabsorbed, as a result of the rupture of the ocular capillaries, this stain disappears. In general, the symptom begins with a bright red appearance, which gradually takes on a darker and more intense coloration, and is finely drawn with a yellowish coloration in the anterior chamber of the eye. It is recommended to avoid sleeping supported on the affected side, to avoid the consumption of liquor, tobacco and to properly control the underlying pathologies (diabetes, hypertension, anemia, rheumatological diseases, among others). Here are some natural alternatives to treat eye bleeding: Cold compresses Place the sterile cold compress on the affected eye, this will generate an increase in ocular blood flow, reducing local inflammatory factors caused by blood extravasation, thus stimulating blood reabsorption and the reduction of local edema. Potatoes or cucumber Cut the potatoes or cucumber into slices and place them in the refrigerator, when they are very cold, apply them to the affected eye for 10-15 minutes. Tea bags Dip the tea bags in cold water, and apply for 10-15 minutes with your eye closed. You can also use: chamomile, fennel or green tea. Carrot This tuber has anti-inflammatory action. Grate the carrot and apply it with a compress on the affected eye. Finally, it is recommended to take a nap, avoid exposure to ultraviolet light screens for a long time and if the symptoms persist or appear mitigating, consult your doctor. When it comes to weight loss, protein is the king of nutrients. Your body burns calories when digesting and metabolizing the protein you eat, so a high-protein diet can boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per day. A high-protein diet can also make you feel more full and reduce your appetite. In fact, some studies show that people eat over 400 fewer calories per day on a high-protein diet. Even something as simple as eating a high-protein breakfast (like eggs) can have a powerful effect. Keto Forte
Arvin juliana
Oct 28, 2021
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When and how often we shower depends mainly on our preferences. However, doctors recommend that you shower or wash at night rather than in the morning, and not necessarily every day. Should we shower every day? There is no official protocol on how often everyone around the world bathes, however, in countries like India, the US, Spain and Mexico, they bathe approximately once a day (with soap or without soap). him), according to Euromonitor International. According to David Leffell of the Yale School of Medicine, more important than how often we shower is how long it lasts and what the water temperature is. The more we wash and the hotter the water, the worse it is for us. More precisely, for our skin, which with this treatment becomes dry, more susceptible to damage and allergies. How long should the wash last? Leffell, who is a dermatologist, believes that a 3-minute bath is sufficient. In an interview with Business Insider, he emphasizes that showering is about getting rid of dirt, not about removing our body odor. He also adds that it is enough to concentrate on the armpits and crotch, and that in other parts of the body we should not abuse the use of soap. He also points out that since we regularly shed the protective layer of natural oils and sebum from our skin, we need to hydrate it immediately after getting out of the shower. Especially if we are used to showering in hot or not very warm water. The higher the water temperature, the more dry the skin will be. Hygiene needs according to the different stages of life The American Academy of Dermatology advises parents on how often babies bathe, based on how dirty and smelly they get. If they are not too dirty from playing, the recommendation is a bath at least once or twice a week for children between the ages of 6 and 11. Their small developing immune systems need some dirt to grow strong. But once we hit 12, the official bathing guide stops. The AAD seems to assume that almost everyone is trying to get rid of those uncomfortable teenage odors, and that most people have a daily shower routine by the time they hit puberty. A person's bathroom needs change throughout his life, however circumstances such as a pandemic do not require a drastic measure such as complete decontamination of the body, every day. Hygiene and healthy distance measures consist of washing hands and taking care of the distance with other people. Babies The American Academy of Pediatrics says that the common practice of bathing babies daily is not really necessary. They suggest that the time to start regular whole-body washes is when babies crawl and begin to eat. Children According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, although daily bathing is safe for children ages 6 to 11, they only need to bathe every few days. Once young people reach puberty, the frequency with which they need to shower will vary from person to person. Many people suggest that daily showering is necessary at this time, but this is a personal matter and not a medical recommendation. Teenagers Many teens are very physically active, and showers are a good idea after strenuous sporting events or practices, including swimming, exercise, and other physical activities. Older adults The previously simple act of taking a shower can sometimes be more challenging for older adults. Older adults may not require a shower every day to maintain the level of cleanliness necessary to protect their skin, prevent infection, and meet general standards of grooming. Bathing once or twice a week can often be enough to meet these criteria, and people can use warm washcloths to keep cool. Older adults who can no longer bathe can maintain their independence by getting help with their daily activities from caregivers. Negative effects of bathing every day if not necessary · The bathroom primarily eliminates odors, rather than reducing people's risk of illness. · Showering excessively can reduce the hydration of the skin, leaving it dry and chapped. · Washing removes the 'good' bacteria from the skin that support the immune system. · Cracked skin can allow germs that cause infections to enter the body. Showering daily is not really necessary " I think the shower is primarily for cosmetic reasons," an infectious disease expert and associate dean. " People think they are bathing for hygiene or to be cleaner, but bacteriologically, that is not the case." The investigation of Larson has shown that antibacterial soaps and cleaning products that many people use in their homes are no better than plain soap to reduce the risk of infectious diseases. And when it comes to showering, all that scrubbing and scrubbing doesn't amount to much. " Bathing will remove the odor if you're stinky or have been to the gym,". But in terms of protection against disease, it is probably appropriate to wash your hands regularly to avoid contagion. How to shower properly so as not to damage the skin? These simple 3 steps can make the difference to get a shower that does not affect our skin and favors our hygiene. 1. Keep the water temperature warm, not hot. 2. Brief is better. It is recommended to be 3 minutes under the nozzle of the spoon, not 30 minutes. 3. Moisturize your skin when you go out, because applying a lotion while the skin is still damp can block moisture from escaping into the skin. You can usually get rid of body dirt in less than 3 minutes by focusing on the armpits and groin, without overdoing it with soap on the other parts of the body (and less scented soaps). Inflammation can cause a lot of damage in the body, including the joints. It is inflammation that causes joint linings to swell, and joints to get red and warm. Chronic inflammation is linked to lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, and is a symptom of osteoarthritis when bone deterioration irritates soft tissues. Inflammation can cause serious joint damage when left untreated or becomes chronic. Golden Revive Plus
Arvin juliana
Oct 26, 2021
In General Discussions
Gourmand Syndrome, first described in 1997, leads to an obsession with the quality and preparation of food after a brain injury. Currently we know many types of eating disorders, all of them classified as psychiatric disorders to use (that is, there is no manifest brain injury that causes them). Among them are nervous anorexia and bulimia, known on the Internet as " Ana y Mía ", although there are many other disorders such as orthorexia (pathological need to eat extremely healthy), megarexia (obese who look healthy and thin) or the drunkorexia (eat little to drink more alcohol without gaining weight). But what about disorders that do have a neurological basis? With a neurological basis, I mean brain injuries, either due to vascular damage (a stroke for example), or tumors. The reality is that, despite how “much” we know about the human brain, there are still many things that we do not know about it. And so it became clear in 1997, when Landis and Regard described two clinical cases that are still classified as very rare syndromes today: Gourmand syndrome, the brain disorder that makes you a gourmet (with all its consequences) . What is Gourmand syndrome? If we look at the definition of gourmet, we will see that the term refers to an individual who enjoys eating refined and exquisitely prepared foods. A gourmet is someone with a very select palate and very specific gastronomic tastes. On the other hand, a gourmand is similar, but in his case, he is an individual who derives pleasure from food, but is very sweet, and tends to excess. It would be an intermediate step between the gourmet and the glutton so to speak. In the case of Gourmand syndrome, first described in 1997 by Marianne Regard (neuropsychologist) and Theodor Landis (neurologist), it is an eating disorder secondary to brain damage. It can occur in both children and adults, but it is considered a " benign disorder ", since the only consequence of suffering the disorder is the change in relationship with food: patients who suffer from it think a lot about food, they argue about food They write about food and above all they eat a lot; Of course, they do not eat anything, as they tend to have specific and very select cravings, always looking for a high quality in said dish (sophistication and good preparation). In the first description of this disorder, Regard and Landis described two different cases. The first of them was a journalist specializing in politics who, after suffering a stroke with a full recovery, began to suffer a sudden interest in sophisticated food that he did not previously have. He completely changed jobs and started a new career as a food critic specializing in restaurants and select food, so the disorder did not feel so bad for him. The second case described was that of a business shoulder who, also after suffering a stroke, developed a sudden passion for the finest food. However, in this case there was a greater alteration of his impulse control, and this individual also carried out constant sexual harassments to the nurses of the hospital where he was admitted. In fact, a subsequent study by Regard and Landis from 2003, where 21 gamblers were studied, found that up to 8 of these individuals also suffered from gourmand syndrome, which would suggest that both disorders (compulsive gambling and gourmand syndrome) have similarities such as pleasure seeking, obsessive behaviors, and impulse control problems. How is Gourmand syndrome diagnosed? To arrive at the diagnosis of Gourmand syndrome, Regard and Landis established a series of criteria, both at the behavioral level and at the anatomopathological level (the lesions detected in the brain tissues analyzed): · There must be a sudden change in eating habits, especially in terms of the search for quality and preparation of them. This change must be related to brain lesions not previously present, without previously known neurological or psychiatric disorders in the individual studied. · The brain lesions are usually located in the right hemisphere (94% of the cases studied with Gourmand meet this criterion syndrome). Specifically, in the temporal lobe, around the limbic system and the basal ganglia; These areas have been linked to emotions and motivation. Also, to a lesser extent, there are also lesions in the frontal lobe, in the decision-making and personality area; and in the parietal lobe. · The main cause of the lesions is usually a tumor, but it can also be due to an originating focus of epileptic seizures, a head trauma, a cerebral hemorrhage or a cerebrovascular accident. Other cases of Gourmand syndrome Although the first described cases of Gourmand syndrome were after cerebrovascular accidents, and that most of the later cases described have been due to tumors as we have already mentioned, in 2008 Mary Kurian and her colleagues published the case of a boy from ten years with epilepsy resistant to medical treatment that was finally also diagnosed with Gourmand syndrome. In this case, the boy was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was eight years old, but at the same time he developed an increased appetite and a taste for cooking, with a certain obsession in creating new recipes. He also showed a curious obsession with the quality of food, and used to prefer to cook for him instead of going too fast-food places with his friends. The curious thing is that the boy had never received a gastronomic education or had been taught to cook. He had no prior history of eating disorders or of neurological or psychiatric disorders in general. And, to curl the curl, according to the electroencephalogram that was performed, the focus of his epilepsy was located exactly in the parietoccipital region of the right hemisphere. It met all the criteria mentioned by Regard and Landis. According to the authors of the case report, the focus of the epilepsy suffered by the child could have produced an increase in neuronal activity that would have generated this new behavior in front of food. Later, when this boy's epilepsy was controlled, the behaviors associated with Gourmand syndrome disappeared. CBD oil has been studied for its potential role in easing symptoms of many common health issues, including anxiety, depression, acne and heart disease. For those with cancer, it may even provide a natural alternative for pain and symptom relief. CBD Hero
Arvin juliana
Oct 25, 2021
In General Discussions
Minerals are essential for the functioning of the organic systems and of our entire body. Some of these minerals exist in large quantities in our body, such as calcium. Others, like manganese, exist in small amounts, but are nevertheless essential to our health and well-being. Check below the importance of minerals for our health and which foods contain them with greater richness. Why are minerals important for health? The food we eat is reprocessed and devoid of many essential nutrients because it is grown in soils that are heavily overused and saturated with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Consequently, the vitamins and minerals that we need are not being received. In order to stay healthy and prevent premature aging, cancer and heart disease, our diet is supplemented with minerals and trace elements that are generally not organic and therefore do even more harm to our health. You must not forget that minerals need to be bioavailable. This term simply means that a food is "available" for use by the human body. In certain forms, minerals pass through the human body without being absorbed. After the minerals pass through the interior of the intestinal wall, the ingredients enter the bloodstream and find their way to their target organs or body systems where they will work to perform their specific health support functions to make you feel good. So, if tomorrow you decide to enjoy the importance of minerals and want to go for some supplements, do not buy them unless it is written that they are bioavailable. Obviously, they are also more expensive due to the more sophisticated manufacturing processes based on food science. However, if you eat enough greens, fruits, vegetables, and seaweed, no supplement will be necessary. Important mineral facts Calcium and phosphorus are the two most common minerals found in the body. Other common minerals found in the body are: iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, sulfur, copper, and chloride. All body processes depend on the action and presence of minerals. Nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oils, etc. require minerals for proper cell function. Minerals are more important for nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for all biochemical body processes. However, vitamins cannot work unless minerals are present. Minerals are important and necessary for healing. One of the most important mineral benefits, it plays a very important role in the rebuilding of tissues occurs more easily when the body has access to the necessary minerals. This is why immersion in water quickly heals wounds, and why traditionally spa centres are so popular. Minerals are difficult for the body to absorb. Calcium, for example, must be taken together with vitamins D + K3 and C, essential fatty acids and in the right proportion of magnesium, in order to be digested. One of the reasons women tend to have anemia is due to poor digestion of iron. Because this mineral is difficult to digest, most of it passes through the body without assimilating. Iron is better absorbed with more vitamin C. Many mineral supplements are not easily assimilated by the body. It is important that mineral supplements are soluble in water, not in rock form, and that the elements are in an oxygenated state, offering more oxygen to blood cells and releasing toxins from the body. Better sources of minerals The best sources of minerals are seaweed like: · nori · dulse · wakame · bladderwack · hijiki · sea lettuce · spirulina Organic foods with more mineral importance Vegetables, especially organic ones, have a high mineral content, which makes them a target source of requirements for the search for calcium and sodium. They are also low in sugar so they are useful when starting a raw food diet since the body cannot handle sugar until it is completely clean. If your goal is to increase your consumption of fruits, start with green smoothies to make your body more alkaline, get used to fiber and eliminate the level of fat in the blood. Eat a large plate of seaweed, green salads, and green smoothies daily to avoid being that 99% part of the population that is mineral deficient. A ketogenic diet, or keto for short, is a low-carb, high-fat diet that can provide a number of health benefits. It effectively turns your body into a fat-burning machine, while simultaneously helping you lose weight and boost your energy levels. Keto Strong
Arvin juliana
Sep 15, 2021
In General Discussions
There is a kind of diet that was the most sought after by Internet users in 2019, and everything indicates that it will repeat on the podium this year, as it is one of the most followed worldwide Flagged by celebrities like Elsa Pataki or Jennifer Aniston, the method to lose weight based on intermittent fasting was the most searched on Google in 2019. But what is it? It is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and eating, as its name suggests. Common methods of this trend include daily 12-, 16-hour, or 24-hour fasts twice a week. Doing this makes us lose weight easily and in a short time, as numerous investigations have revealed. The six keys to intermittent fasting, the most searched weight loss method on Google Although this kind of fasting is very effective for losing weight, it must be done well, otherwise we run the risk of suffering a rebound effect and developing a health problem. Next, we indicate the six keys that you should know about this method: 1) You need 12 to 16 hours of fasting to be effective Approximately, after 12 to 16 hours without food, the body uses the reserves of adipose tissue (fat) to convert them into ketone bodies, which, simplifying the biochemistry, will become its main source of energy; initially low, but will reach equilibrium within 48 hours. This ketogenesis process is effective and requires an adaptation period of two to three weeks. Nutritional ketosis achieved through a properly formulated (low-carb) ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting "is a safe, sustained and, according to the latest research, healthy metabolic state that has absolutely nothing to do with diabetic ketoacidosis," we said. says Dr. Tomás Duraj, Melio's medical advisor. 2) You can drink coffee, tea, water and soft drinks During the fasting period, you can drink coffee, tea, mineral water and even light or zero soft drinks, which, despite containing artificial sweeteners, technically do not break the fast (they do not contain energy). Physiologically, the human body is in a fasting state if a significant amount of calories that activate cell growth signaling pathways are not ingested (an approximate figure of 10-30 kcal could be given). 3) If the fast is 24 hours, you have to take supplements If you plan to do a long fast of 24 hours or more, it is important to drink mineral water and supplementation of electrolytes: sodium, magnesium and potassium. This avoids the feeling of fatigue, dizziness and discomfort that some people experience, especially if they fast for the first time, since when fasting insulin levels are reduced and there is a significant elimination of fluids / electrolytes. 4) When do you start to see the results Regarding weight loss, the appearance of results varies depending on the person, the fat they have accumulated and the rate of their metabolism. However, the health benefits are known to appear after a few months of practice. Through a blood test, some benefits that intermittent fasting produces, such as the regulation of cholesterol levels, triglycerides, reduction of inflammation markers and normalization of insulin sensitivity (prevention of type 2 diabetes) can be verified. In addition, intermittent fasting helps prevent the onset of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as having beneficial effects on cellular autophagy and the regulation of the immune system. Caloric restriction, and by extension, fasting, appear to promote longevity in virtually all living organisms. [Five ideal foods to thin the gut] 5) You can take a break from intermittent fasting If you start it and you are comfortable but you have a vacation and you do not want to go without eating anything because you have to fast, nothing happens. “Fasting should be seen as a basic 'lifestyle', and if you miss a day or two due to external circumstances, absolutely nothing happens. And there are no known clinical drawbacks to long-term practice,” says Dr. Duraj. 6) Does not cause food deficiencies or lack of vitamins If daily intermittent fasting is practiced (16: 8), it is not likely that there will be a deficit of any type of vitamin or micronutrient, since you simply eat a greater amount of food in a shorter period of time (in this case, the weight body would remain stable). Obviously, if you limit your food intake too much, which would accelerate weight loss, you must re-balance your intake with caloric expenditure when you reach the desired weight. Typically, you don’t need to take a multivitamin supplement if you eat a lot of quality vegetables and protein. In specific cases in which it is necessary to lose a lot of weight, and if the fast lasts for three months or more, the diet could be supplemented with a multivitamin. [Four tips to lose weight if you are over 45 years old] And this is it, reader. If you dare to do it, it is better that you consult your doctor first to see if you can and / or should adapt the diet to your personal case and medical history. Your digestive system breaks down the foods you eat into the nutrients your body needs. If you neglect your digestive health, your body could run into problems absorbing those essential nutrients. The foods you eat and the lifestyle you live have a direct impact on your digestive health. Taking steps to improve your digestive health can help your digestive system function more efficiently and improve your overall health and sense of well-being. Synogut
Arvin juliana
Sep 15, 2021
In General Discussions
There is a kind of diet that was the most sought after by Internet users in 2019, and everything indicates that it will repeat on the podium this year, as it is one of the most followed worldwide Flagged by celebrities like Elsa Pataki or Jennifer Aniston, the method to lose weight based on intermittent fasting was the most searched on Google in 2019. But what is it? It is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and eating, as its name suggests. Common methods of this trend include daily 12-, 16-hour, or 24-hour fasts twice a week. Doing this makes us lose weight easily and in a short time, as numerous investigations have revealed. The six keys to intermittent fasting, the most searched weight loss method on Google Although this kind of fasting is very effective for losing weight, it must be done well, otherwise we run the risk of suffering a rebound effect and developing a health problem. Next, we indicate the six keys that you should know about this method: 1) You need 12 to 16 hours of fasting to be effective Approximately, after 12 to 16 hours without food, the body uses the reserves of adipose tissue (fat) to convert them into ketone bodies, which, simplifying the biochemistry, will become its main source of energy; initially low, but will reach equilibrium within 48 hours. This ketogenesis process is effective and requires an adaptation period of two to three weeks. Nutritional ketosis achieved through a properly formulated (low-carb) ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting "is a safe, sustained and, according to the latest research, healthy metabolic state that has absolutely nothing to do with diabetic ketoacidosis," we said. says Dr. Tomás Duraj, Melio's medical advisor. 2) You can drink coffee, tea, water and soft drinks During the fasting period, you can drink coffee, tea, mineral water and even light or zero soft drinks, which, despite containing artificial sweeteners, technically do not break the fast (they do not contain energy). Physiologically, the human body is in a fasting state if a significant amount of calories that activate cell growth signaling pathways are not ingested (an approximate figure of 10-30 kcal could be given). 3) If the fast is 24 hours, you have to take supplements If you plan to do a long fast of 24 hours or more, it is important to drink mineral water and supplementation of electrolytes: sodium, magnesium and potassium. This avoids the feeling of fatigue, dizziness and discomfort that some people experience, especially if they fast for the first time, since when fasting insulin levels are reduced and there is a significant elimination of fluids / electrolytes. 4) When do you start to see the results Regarding weight loss, the appearance of results varies depending on the person, the fat they have accumulated and the rate of their metabolism. However, the health benefits are known to appear after a few months of practice. Through a blood test, some benefits that intermittent fasting produces, such as the regulation of cholesterol levels, triglycerides, reduction of inflammation markers and normalization of insulin sensitivity (prevention of type 2 diabetes) can be verified. In addition, intermittent fasting helps prevent the onset of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as having beneficial effects on cellular autophagy and the regulation of the immune system. Caloric restriction, and by extension, fasting, appear to promote longevity in virtually all living organisms. [Five ideal foods to thin the gut] 5) You can take a break from intermittent fasting If you start it and you are comfortable but you have a vacation and you do not want to go without eating anything because you have to fast, nothing happens. “Fasting should be seen as a basic 'lifestyle', and if you miss a day or two due to external circumstances, absolutely nothing happens. And there are no known clinical drawbacks to long-term practice,” says Dr. Duraj. 6) Does not cause food deficiencies or lack of vitamins If daily intermittent fasting is practiced (16: 8), it is not likely that there will be a deficit of any type of vitamin or micronutrient, since you simply eat a greater amount of food in a shorter period of time (in this case, the weight body would remain stable). Obviously, if you limit your food intake too much, which would accelerate weight loss, you must re-balance your intake with caloric expenditure when you reach the desired weight. Typically, you don’t need to take a multivitamin supplement if you eat a lot of quality vegetables and protein. In specific cases in which it is necessary to lose a lot of weight, and if the fast lasts for three months or more, the diet could be supplemented with a multivitamin. [Four tips to lose weight if you are over 45 years old] And this is it, reader. If you dare to do it, it is better that you consult your doctor first to see if you can and / or should adapt the diet to your personal case and medical history. Your digestive system breaks down the foods you eat into the nutrients your body needs. If you neglect your digestive health, your body could run into problems absorbing those essential nutrients. The foods you eat and the lifestyle you live have a direct impact on your digestive health. Taking steps to improve your digestive health can help your digestive system function more efficiently and improve your overall health and sense of well-being. Synogut
Arvin juliana
Sep 14, 2021
In General Discussions
When you cannot sleep with quality and regularly, spending hours of insomnia, a cascade of biological changes is set in motion that can seriously affect your health. The problem is, of course, that many people do not intentionally neglect to sleep well, but simply cannot fall asleep or stay asleep once they do, and this, unfortunately, increases the risk of developing serious chronic diseases. Difficult-to-treat hypertension related to insomnia In a study presented by the 2012 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, researchers found a strong relationship between sleep quality and a type of hypertension known as Resistant Hypertension, which does not respond to typical drug-based treatments. In fact, women with resistant hypertension were five times more likely to have poor quality sleep as well. While the median duration of sleep in this study was just 6.4 hours per night (and nearly half slept less than six hours each night), it was the quality of sleep, not the quantity, that appears to influence the risk of hypertension. Although this study only found an association with women, other studies have also linked hypertension in men to poor sleep, and less than seven hours of sleep a night has been linked to hypertension in men and women. Even partial sleep deprivation affects your health and weight If you sleep less than six hours a night, what is defined as " partial sleep deprivation," can not only increase your risk of high blood pressure, but also obesity. New research has found that partial sleep deprivation is associated with obesity and alters food consumption by disrupting key hormones involved in metabolism and appetite regulation. " Reduced sleep can alter the hormonal regulation of appetite, specifically increasing ghrelin [a hormone that triggers hunger] and decreasing leptin [the hormone that tells the brain that it is full] and therefore influencing intake. of energy. Increased wakefulness can also promote bouts of food consumption and energy imbalance,” the researchers said. The reduction in insulin sensitivity was observed among sleep-deprived subjects, and this not only increases the risk of diabetes, but also of high blood pressure. It can also cause diabetes The same factors that because diabetes can also cause high blood pressure Lack of sleep interferes with metabolism and hormone production in a way that is similar to the effects of aging and the early stages of diabetes. Indeed, it has long been known that sleep deprivation increases the risk of diabetes, so it is not surprising that it also increases the risk of high blood pressure, because both are caused by essentially the same factors. High blood pressure, like diabetes, is generally related to your body developing insulin resistance. As your insulin level increases, your blood pressure increases. Most doctors - even cardiologists - don't understand the crucial connection between blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and insulin. How to reduce high blood pressure and the risk of diabetes More than 85 percent of those with hypertension can normalize their blood pressure with some basic lifestyle modifications. These tips work to lower your risk of diabetes, too: Normalize insulin levels by avoiding sugar, fructose and grains: If your blood pressure is high and you consume a lot of sugar - especially in the form of fructose (such as high fructose corn syrup) - lower your blood pressure can be as simple as cutting out all forms of sugar and grains from your diet. Normalizing your blood glucose levels will normalize your insulin and lower your blood pressure to a healthy level. It is advisable to keep your total fructose intake below 25 grams per day or as low as 15 grams if you have high blood pressure, are overweight, or have diabetes. Unlike glucose, which is burned for energy in every cell of your body, fructose, while not immediately consumed for energy, is metabolized into fat by the liver, which can establish insulin resistance and diabetes. type 2. It is recommended to get a fasting insulin level test, which should be ordered by your doctor. The level you want to eliminate is approximately 2 to 3. If it is higher than 5, then you have a problem and you definitely need to get your insulin level down as you run the risk of cardiovascular problems. 1. Use exercise as a medicine Physical activity is by far one of the most powerful "medicines" out there, especially because of the increased sensitivity of blood glucose and the normalization of blood pressure levels. Comprehensive physical conditioning that includes high- intensity interval activity called Peak Fitness, stretching, and resistance exercises, which are important components of a wellness program. 2. Follow a proper nutrition plan that suits your body It should be rich in fresh organic vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, if you eat dairy that is raw and organic, eggs from free range chickens, grass-fed meats, healthy fats like coconut oil and Omega-3s, and lots of water pure fresh. 3. Optimize your vitamin D levels Sunlight and vitamin D cause your body to produce, they have a normalizing effect on blood pressure. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. The best source of vitamin D is direct exposure to the sun. But for many of us, this is simply not practical during the winter and fall months. If neither natural nor artificial sunlight is an option, then using oral vitamin D3 supplements is your best bet. The only way to know the optimal dose is to get a blood test. Ideally, you want to maintain a vitamin D level of 50-70 ng / ml throughout the year. 4. Manage your stress Stress puts the "strain" on hypertension. Long-term activation of your stress response system can affect almost every process in your body, and high blood pressure is one of many negative effects. Finding a way to deal with stressors in daily life is a must for good health. Lack of sleep increases injuries in adolescents If you're a sports teenager (or the parent of one), here's one more reason to make sure you get a good night's sleep. Teen athletes who slept eight hours or more each night were 68 percent less likely to be injured than those who slept less, according to a study presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Exhibition Conference. Perhaps these teens are simply more alert on the field than their less rested peers, or perhaps there are other sleep role plays to help protect your body from harm. Either way, teens are notorious for staying up very late or falling asleep while watching TV or using a computer, which can interfere with their quality of sleep. However, on average, children and adolescents need more sleep than adults. Making sure your child learns healthy sleep habits early on is important not only for injury prevention, but also for preventing chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes in the future. Top tips for healthy sleep Making a few adjustments to your sleeping area can also go a long way toward ensuring an interrupted and restful sleep. It starts with this: 1. Cover your windows with blackout curtains to ensure complete darkness Even the tiniest light in the room can disrupt the pineal gland's production of melatonin and melatonin's precursor serotonin, thereby disrupting the sleep cycle. So close your bedroom door, get rid of night lights, and refrain from turning on any lights at night, even when you get up to go to the bathroom. If you must use a light, install blue low-light bulbs in your bedroom and bathroom. These emit an amber light that does not suppress melatonin production. 2. Maintain the temperature of your bedroom The proper temperature in the bedroom should be below - or in - 70 degrees F (21 ° C). Many people keep their homes and in particular their second floor rooms too hot. Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is quite cool, between 60 and 68 degrees F (15.5 to 20 degrees C). Keeping your room cooler or warmer can cause restless sleep. 3. Look in your bedroom for electromagnetic fields (EMF) These can also disrupt your pineal gland's production of melatonin and serotonin, and can have other negative effects. To do this, you need a gauss meter . You can find different models online. Some experts even recommend turning off the entire circuit before bed to remove all the power in your home. 4. Remove electrical devices from your side If these devices must be used, keep them as far away from your bed as possible, preferably at least one meter away. 5. Reduce the use of light-emitting technology It is necessary to sleep in a room where devices such as TV, iPad, and computer are far away or turned off before going to bed. These emit the kind of light that suppress the production of melatonin, which in turn hinders your ability to fall asleep, as well as the impact of cancer risk (melatonin helps suppress free radicals in the body and decreases the production of estrogen, which can activate cancer). Ideally, you want to turn off all of those light-emitting devices at least an hour before bedtime. Eating foods rich in vitamin C and amino acids can increase the levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the body as both are important for skin. Foods such as oranges, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and strawberries are all rich in vitamin C. Collagen Peptides
Arvin juliana
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